1700032013 此外,笔者一直认为协同设计过程有其内在的伦理特质。参与者实际上能以何种方式以及在多大程度上表达和分享他们的体验,讨论和协商他们的角色和利益,并共同带来积极变化,这凸显了伦理。例如,伦理在构思的过程中比较突出。[57]在此过程中,参与者创造性地反复地在问题设定和寻求解决方案之间转换。理想情况下,协同设计的参与者能够共同精心思考伦理问题,如“我如何看待这个问题?”“别人怎么看待这个问题?”“我将如何去解决呢?”或“我们如何共同制订解决方案呢?”
1700032015 这种观点是对其他协同设计观点的补充,这种观点通常强调知识的生成和组合,因为它体现了综合思维和感受、事实和价值的重要性,它结合了所为和反思、发散和收敛。
1700032017 本着实用主义的精神,笔者主张遵循这些伦理(其隐式的精神特质)组织协同设计。要做到这一点,需要使这些伦理更加明晰化,促进反思:通过帮助协同设计的参与者更加了解自身的想法和感受,了解自己的角色和利益。通过有意识地参与,参与者能够更有效地组织协同设计,使他们可以共同学习,共同创造,应对现实世界中的问题,并制订有效的解决方案。
1700032022 设计问题(第二辑) 致谢
1700032024 本文是TA2项目的部分成果,该项目获得了欧盟第七框架计划(FP7/2007-2013)的资助(资助批号ICT-2007-214793)。感谢斯坦伯斯的热情建议,把阅读杜威的哲学作为理解协同设计的手段。感谢拉里•黑科曼(Larry Hickman)的热情支持及其对本文初稿的积极反馈意见。
1700032026 [1]麦克·斯迪恩:荷兰独立研究组织荷兰应用科学院(TNO)资深科学家,曾获代尔夫特理工大学工业设计工程理学硕士和博士学位,供职于荷兰皇家KPN电信集团和飞利浦电子等电信运营商。目前,在荷兰应用科学院从事多个研究创新项目。研究专长为以人为本的设计、协同设计、开放设计和创新管理。此外,他还对所从事的项目进行批判性反思。
1700032028 [2]Henry W. Chesbrough, Open Innovation:The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from New Technology(Boston:Harvard Business School Press, 2003);and Henry W. Chesbrough, Wim Vanhaverbeke, and Joel West, eds., Open Innovation:Researching a New Paradigm(Oxford:Oxford University Press, 2006). Sari Kujala,“User Involvement:A. Review of the Benefits and Challenges,”Behaviour and Information Technology 22, no.1(2003):1-17;Harald Rohracher(ed.), User Involvement in Innovation Processes:Strategies and Limitations from a Socio-Technical Perspective(Munich:Profil Verlag, 2005);and Bo Edvardsson, Anders Gustafsson, Per Kristensson, Peter Magnusson, and Jonas Matthing, eds., Involving Customers in New Service Development(London:Imperial College Press, 2006).
1700032030 [3]Louis Bucciarelli, Designing Engineers(Cambridge, MA:MIT Press, 1994).
1700032032 [4]Elisabeth B. N. Sanders and Pieter Jan Stappers,“Co-Creation and the New Landscapes of Design,”CoDesign 4, no.1(2008):5-18;and Marc Steen, Tensions in Human-Centred Design,”CoDesign 7, no.1(2011):45-60.
1700032034 [5]Douglas Schuler and Aki Namioka, eds., Participatory Design:Principles and Practices(Hillsdale, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum, 1993).
1700032036 [6]Sanders and Stappers,“Co-Creation and the New Landscapes of Design.”
1700032038 [7]Maaike Kleinsmann and Rianne Valkenburg, Barriers and Enablers for Creating Shared Understanding in Co-Design Projects, Design Studies, vol.29, no.4(2008):369-86.
1700032040 [8]Marc Steen, Menno Manschot and Nicole De Koning, Benefits of Co-Design in Service Design Projects, International Journal of Design, vol.5, no.2(2011):53-60.
1700032042 [9]不过,桑德斯、斯坦伯斯、克莱因曼、法尔肯鲍和范·德·卢格特对此已有研究。斯堪的纳维亚的参与式设计对此也有研究,如E. 贝克(E. Beck)、G. 皮耶克尼斯(G. Bjerknes)、T. 布拉特泰格(T. Bratteteig)、S. 博德克(S. Bødker)、P. 恩(P. Ehn)、J. 戈林鲍姆(J. Greenbaum)、M. 基恩格(M. Kyng)、R. 马库森(R. Markussen),最近还有K. 巴塔比(K. Battarbee)、J. 布尔(J. Buur)、J. 富尔顿·苏瑞(J. Fulton Suri)、J. 格利克森(J. Gulliksen)、I. 考斯基宁(I. Koskinen)、S. 库加拉(S. Kujala)、T. 马特尔马基(T. Mattelmäki)和E. 斯托尔特曼(E. Stolterman),等等。
1700032044 [10]Bruno Latour and Steve Woolgar, Laboratory Life:The Construction of Scientific Facts(2nd ed.)(Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press, 1986);Bruno Latour, Science in Action:How to Follow Scientists and Engineers Through Society(Milton Keynes, UK:Open University Press, 1987);Steve Woolgar, ed., Knowledge and Reflexivity:New Frontiers in the Sociology of Knowledge(London, UK:Sage, 1988);Malcolm Ashmore, The Reflexive Thesis:Wrighting Sociology of Scientific Knowledge(Chicago:The University of Chicago Press, 1989);Karin Knorr Cetina, Laboratory Studies:The Cultural Approach to the Study of Science, in Sheila Jasanoff et al., eds., Handbook of Science and Technology Studies(London, UK:Sage, 1995), 140-66;and Bruno Latour, Aramis, or the Love of Technology(Translated by Catherine Porter)(Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press, 1996).
1700032046 [11]C. S. Peirce, quoted in:Nigel Cross,“Discovering Design Ability”Discovering Design:Explorations in Design Studies, Richard Buchanan and Victor Margolin, eds.,(Chicago:The University of Chicago Press, 1995), 110.
1700032048 [12]参见Norbert F. M. Roozenburg and Johannes Eekels, Product Design:Fundamentals and Methods(Chichester:John Wiley & Sons, 1995)。
1700032050 [13]Kees Dorst, The Core of“Design Thinking”and its Application, Design Studies, vol.32, no.6(2011):521-32.
1700032052 [14]Bryan Lawson, How Designers Think:The Design Process Demystified(4th ed.)(Amsterdam:Elsevier, 2006), 125;and Nigel Cross, Designerly Ways of Knowing,(London:Springer-Verlag, 2006), 80. See also:Kees Dorst and Nigel Cross, Creativity in the Design Process:Co-Evolution of Problem-Solution, Design Studies, vol.22, no.5(2001):425-37;Nigel Cross, Design Thinking(Oxford:Berg Publishing, 2011);and Jon Kolko, Abductive Thinking and Sensemaking:The Drivers of Design Synthesis, Design Issues, vol.26, no.1(2010):15-28.
1700032054 [15]H. W. J. Rittel and M. M. Webber, Planning Problems are Wicked Problems, in Developments in Design Methodology, Nigel Cross, ed.(Chichester:Wiley, 1984);Richard Buchanan, Wicked Problems in Design thinking, Design Issues, vol.8, no.2(1992):5-22;Richard Coyne, Wicked Problems Revisited, Design Studies, vol.26, no.1(2004):5-17;and K. Dorst, Design Problems and Design Paradoxes, Design Issues:, vol.22, no.3(2006):4-17.
1700032056 [16]Larry A. Hickman, John Dewey’s Pragmatic Technology(Bloomington, IN:Indiana University Press, 1990);Larry A. Hickman, Philosophical Tools for Technological Culture:Putting Pragmatism to Work(Bloomington, IN:Indiana University Press, 2001);Jozef Keulartz, Maartje Schermer, Michiel Korthals, and Tsjalling Swierstra, Ethics in Technological Culture:A. Programmatic Proposal for a Pragmatist Approach, Science, Technology, & Human Values, vol.29, no.1(2004):3-29;Gerald A. Emison, The Complex Challenges of Ethical Choices by Engineers in Public Service, Science and Engineering Ethics, vol.12, no.2(2006):233-44;Peter Dalsgaard, Designing Engaging Interactive Environments:A Pragmatist Perspective(PhD dissertation)(Aarhus University, 2009);Steven A. Moore, ed., Pragmatic Sustainability:Theoretical and Practical Tools(London:Routledge, 2010);and Richard Sennett, The Craftsman(London:Penguin Books, 2008). See also:Gavin Melles, New Pragmatism and the Vocabulary and Metaphors of Scholarly Design Research, Design Issues, vol.24, no.4(2008):88-101;and Carl DiSalvo, Design and the Construction of Publics, Design Issues, vol.25, no.1(2009):48-63.
1700032058 [17]John Dewey, Art as Experience(1934;New York:The Berkley Publishing Group, 2005).
1700032060 [18]Donald A. Schön, The Reflective Practitioner:How Professionals Think in Action(New York:Basic Books, 1983);and D. A. Schön,“Design:A Process of Enquiry, Experimentation and Research, Design Studies 5, no.3(1984):130-31. Schön wrote his dissertation on Dewey’s theory of inquiry.
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