1700032054 [15]H. W. J. Rittel and M. M. Webber, Planning Problems are Wicked Problems, in Developments in Design Methodology, Nigel Cross, ed.(Chichester:Wiley, 1984);Richard Buchanan, Wicked Problems in Design thinking, Design Issues, vol.8, no.2(1992):5-22;Richard Coyne, Wicked Problems Revisited, Design Studies, vol.26, no.1(2004):5-17;and K. Dorst, Design Problems and Design Paradoxes, Design Issues:, vol.22, no.3(2006):4-17.
1700032056 [16]Larry A. Hickman, John Dewey’s Pragmatic Technology(Bloomington, IN:Indiana University Press, 1990);Larry A. Hickman, Philosophical Tools for Technological Culture:Putting Pragmatism to Work(Bloomington, IN:Indiana University Press, 2001);Jozef Keulartz, Maartje Schermer, Michiel Korthals, and Tsjalling Swierstra, Ethics in Technological Culture:A. Programmatic Proposal for a Pragmatist Approach, Science, Technology, & Human Values, vol.29, no.1(2004):3-29;Gerald A. Emison, The Complex Challenges of Ethical Choices by Engineers in Public Service, Science and Engineering Ethics, vol.12, no.2(2006):233-44;Peter Dalsgaard, Designing Engaging Interactive Environments:A Pragmatist Perspective(PhD dissertation)(Aarhus University, 2009);Steven A. Moore, ed., Pragmatic Sustainability:Theoretical and Practical Tools(London:Routledge, 2010);and Richard Sennett, The Craftsman(London:Penguin Books, 2008). See also:Gavin Melles, New Pragmatism and the Vocabulary and Metaphors of Scholarly Design Research, Design Issues, vol.24, no.4(2008):88-101;and Carl DiSalvo, Design and the Construction of Publics, Design Issues, vol.25, no.1(2009):48-63.
1700032058 [17]John Dewey, Art as Experience(1934;New York:The Berkley Publishing Group, 2005).
1700032060 [18]Donald A. Schön, The Reflective Practitioner:How Professionals Think in Action(New York:Basic Books, 1983);and D. A. Schön,“Design:A Process of Enquiry, Experimentation and Research, Design Studies 5, no.3(1984):130-31. Schön wrote his dissertation on Dewey’s theory of inquiry.
1700032062 [19]David Hildebrand, Dewey:A Beginner’s Guide(Oxford:Oneworld, 2008), 3.
1700032064 [20]John Dewey, The Need for a Recovery of Philosophy, in Creative intelligence:Essays in the Pragmatic Attitude, J. Dewey, ed.(New York:Henry Holt and Co., 1917), 65.
1700032066 [21]D. Hildebrand, Dewey(2008), 4-6.
1700032068 [22]John Dewey, Experience and Nature(La Salle:Open Court Publishing, 1965), 3-4.
1700032070 [23]Dewey, Experience and Nature, 5-9.
1700032072 [24]John Dewey, Reconstruction in Philosophy(New York:Henry Holt and Co., 1920), 78.
1700032074 [25]Louis Menand, The Metaphysical Club:A Story of Ideas in America(New York:Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001), 360, 322.
1700032076 [26]Remko Van der Lugt and Pieter Jan Stappers, Design and the Growth of Knowledge(Delft University of Technology, 2006);and Pieter Jan Stappers, Doing Design as a Part of Doing Research, in Design Research Now:Essays and Selected Projects, R. Michel, ed.,(Basel:Birkhäuser Verlag, 2007), 81-91.
1700032078 [27]Dewey, Reconstruction in Philosophy, 178.
1700032080 [28]Dewey, Experience and Nature, 179.
1700032082 [29]Dewey, Reconstruction in Philosophy, 156.
1700032084 [30]Hildebrand, Dewey(2008), 5.
1700032086 [31]Victor Papanek, Design for the Real World:Human Ecology and Social Change(2nd ed.),(London:Thames & Hudson, 1991)and Victor Margolin, The Politics of the Artificial:Essays on Design and Design Studies(Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 2002);Gui Bonsiepe, Design and Democracy, Design Issues, vol.22, no.2(2006):27-34;Andy Dong, The Policy of Design:A Capabilities Approach, Design Issues, vol.24, no.4(2008):76-87;Dean Nieusma, Alternative Design Scholarship:Working Towards Appropriate Design, Design Issues, vol.20, no.3(2004):13-24;and Ilse Oosterlaken, Design for Development:A Capability Approach, Design Issues, vol.25, no.4(2009):91-102.
1700032088 [32]Larry A. Hickman, Dewey’s Theory of Inquiry, in Reading Dewey, Larry A. Hickman, ed.,(1998), 166-86;and Hildebrand, Dewey(2008), 40-62.
1700032090 [33]John Dewey, Logic:The Theory of Inquiry(New York:Henry Holt and Co., 1938), 104-05.
1700032092 [34]John J. Stuhr, Dewey’s Social and Political Philosophy, in Reading Dewey, 85.
1700032094 [35]Hildebrand, Dewey(2008), 63-93;and Gregory F. Pappas, Dewey’s Ethics:Morality as Experience, in Reading Dewey, Hickman, ed.,(1998), 100-23.
1700032096 [36]Hildebrand, Dewey(2008), 63.
1700032098 [37]Steven Fesmire, John Dewey and Moral Imagination:Pragmatism in Ethics(Bloomington, IN:Indiana University Press, 2003), 82.
1700032100 [38]Hildebrand, Dewey(2008), 77.
1700032102 [39]Richard Devon and Ibo Van de Poel, Design Ethics:The Social Ethics Paradigm, International Journal of Engineering Education, vol.20, no.3(2004):461-69. See also:Richard Devon, Towards a Social Ethics of Technology:A Research Prospect, Techne:Research in Philosophy and Technology, vol.8, no.1(2004):99-115.
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