1700072414 6 温泉关会战
1700072416 1.Because of the most recent enlargement of armies, this thesis must be modified. With the gigantic masses of the standing armies that are now available, even long mountain ranges can be so closely occupied that they cannot easily be penetrated. In this way we succeeded for a long time in the winter of 1914-1915 in holding the Carpathians against the Russians.
1700072418 2.Livy 36.30.
1700072420 3.Diodorus,2.6,from Ctesias.
1700072422 4.Plutarch, Themistocles, Chapter 7.
1700072424 7 阿提米西安海战
1700072426 1.Plato, Menexenus 11. Aristophanes, Lysistrata, verse 1250. Later they also placed on the foothill a victory monument whose inscription has come down to us through Plutarch.
1700072428 2.Concerning the construction of the triremes, see Hauck Zeitschrift des Vereins deutscher Ingenieure,1895;A. Tenne(engineer),Warships in the Days of the Ancient Greeks and Romans(Kriegschiffe zu den Zeiten der alten Griechen und Römer),1916. Review by Voigt, Die Literarische Zeitung,29(1917):932.
1700072430 3.It is perhaps well to recall that not only large land armies but also large fleets are hard to maneuver. The complete fleet with which the Athenians moved to Sicily in 415 B.C.was 134 triremes and 2 penteremes strong, and had in addition 131 cargo ships and a number of volunteer trading vessels. This fleet did not sail as a single squadron, but was divided into three divisions,“so that they might not, by sailing together, be wanting water and ports and provisions when they landed, and so that they might, in other matters, be more orderly and easy to control, being assigned to a commander according to set divisions”*(Thucydides 6.42).
1700072432 8 萨拉米斯海战
1700072434 1.Berlin dissertation,1914.R. Trenkel, publisher.
1700072436 2.By the nature of Herodotus’account, it is naturally not impossible that a large portion of the overall account has been lost without leaving any trace. Nevertheless, it is very unusual that we hear nothing at all about why the large Persian army, during the fourteen days it camped in Attica before the battle, did not also occupy Megara, which, after all, lay in front of the isthmus and its wall. A logical explanation would be that the Spartiates, with the army of the Peloponnesians, to the extent that they were not digging in on the isthmus, were occupying the passes leading from Attica to Megara and that Xerxes, unlike his action at Thermopylae—precisely because of his experience at Thermopylae—did not attack because he wanted to do away with the fleet first. Under those circumstances, it is all the more likely that a part of the Greek fleet could have been on the beach at Megara. It is, of course, obvious that this construction is in direct contradiction to the historical narrative.
1700072438 3.All kinds of conclusions have been proposed as a result of the fact that Xerxes returned by land, while sending his children home with the fleet. For such details, however, so many varied reasons are imaginable that there is little purpose in going deeply into the matter.
1700072440 9 普拉提亚会战
1700072442 1.Herodotus 9.32.
1700072444 2.Berlin dissertation,1907.
1700072446 第二篇 鼎盛时期的希腊军队
1700072448 1 伯罗奔尼撒战争之前的希腊战术
1700072450 1.Not until the Peloponnesian War did the Spartans create cavalry and archer units, in order to defend their land against the Athenians, who would quickly attack from the sea, now here and now there.(Thucydides 4.55.)
1700072452 2.See Bauer, Section 52.
1700072454 3.Wernicke, in Hermes 26(1891):51,states the opinion that the Athenian citizens who served as “bowmen”* had come from the poorer classes.
1700072456 4.Xenophon, Hellenica 1.2.1. Thrasylus is sent out with a fleet and equips five thousand of his sailors as peltasts.
1700072458 2 伯利克里战略
1700072460 1.Athens lost 4,450 hoplites and citizen-cavalrymen; in addition, on each trireme at least a few Athenian citizens as officers. The entire expedition, with all its logistical support, can be estimated at 60,000 men.
1700072462 3 雇佣兵
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