1700075549 25.Bell.Gall.2.8;7.41,81. Bell.civ.3.45,51,56. Afr.31. Schambach, Some Observations on the Roman Use of Missile Weapons, Especially in Caesar’s Time(Einige Bemerkungen über die Ge-schutrverwendung bei den Romern, besonders zur Zeit Cäsars),1883. Mühlhausen in Thüringen Program. Fröhlich, Caesar’s Methods of Waging War(Kriegswesen Cäsars)1:77. Attempts have recently been made to reconstruct these weapons. During the excavations on the Lippe, an unusual wooden instrument was discovered, which some believe to be the pilum murale.G. Kropatschek has added an interesting study on that subject in the Jahrbücher des Archäoligischen Instituts 23(1908):79.
1700075551 26.Vegetius 2.25.
1700075553 27.Cited in Marquardt 2:567.
1700075555 28.In addition to the eighth volume of the Corpus inscriptionum latinarum, the inscription is treated by Sebastian Dehner in a Bonn dissertation,“Hadriani reliquiae,”1883,and by Albert Müller, Maneuver Critique by Emperor Hadrian(Manöverkritik Kaiser Hadrians),Leipzig,1900. I have adopted quite a few of the insertions suggested by these two authors, but not all of them. The translation from the Militär-Wochenblatt,1882,No 34,has been significantly changed in some places and filled in in others.
1700075557 (Added in the second edition.)Recently, many more small fractions ofthe inscription have been found, but in general they have concerned only the heading and the date. The address is directed “at pilos”(“to the primi pili”). Héron de Villefosse, Festschrift zu Otto Hirschfelds 60. Geburtstag, Berlin,1903.
1700075559 29.Legion is to be interpreted as “division” to the extent that it contains all the combat arms.
1700075561 30.compares, actually “comrades.”The legion in Lambaesis had the name III Augusta. There were also two more legions that had the number “three”: the III Gallica and the III Cyrenaica. Consequently, men had been transferred to one of these two units.
1700075563 31.I choose this expression because these three classes formed one stratum.
1700075565 32.I choose this expression by way of analogy with our divisional cavalry. Each cohort of auxiliary troops was permanently assigned a small cavalry detachment.
1700075567 33.“frequens dextrator” has been explained in the most varied ways, and I will not claim that my translation is beyond doubt the right one. It fits the sense and the context with respect to the previously stated number of skirmishing sharpshooters and the later closed attack.“dextratio” means the movement of going around from right to left. Thus, the word dextrator, which does not appear anywhere else in the sources, may well have been used for a specific turning movement on parade.
1700075569 9 军事理论
1700075571 1.In connection with this chapter, I again refer the reader to the basic facts in the introduction to Köchly and Rüstow’s Greek Military Authors(Griechische Kriegsschriftsteller),Part II, and particularly to Jähns’History of the Military Sciences(Geschichte der Kriegswissenschaften),Vol. I, from which I have taken several citations.
1700075573 2.Köchly and Rüstow, Greek Military Authors, Part II, second section, p.213.
1700075575 3.It is also unnecessary for us to go into purely theoretical suggestions, even if they should have led to important experiments, such as Rüstow treats in his History of the Infantry(Geschichte der Infanterie)1:54,since no positive result came from them.
1700075577 4.Johann Gustav Foerster, De fide Fl. Vegetii Renati, Bonn dissertation.1879,shows Vegetius’inextricable confusion in many places.
1700075579 5.As a supplement to the translation in Greek Military Authors by Köchly and Rüstow,1:201.
1700075581 10 古罗马军事体系的衰落与解体
1700075583 1.For example—and certainly correctly—L. Schmidt in Hermes 34:135,on the war with the Marcomanni.
1700075585 2.Dessau,“The Source of Officers and Officials of the Roman Empire During the First Two Centuries of Its Existence”(“Die Herkunft der Offiziere und Beamten des Römischen Kaiserreichs, während der ersten zwei Jahrhunderte seines Bestehens”),Hermes 45(1910).
1700075587 3.Tacitus, Annals 3.40.
1700075589 4.Tacitus, Annals 3.53.
1700075591 5.Nissen,“The Trade Between China and the Roman Empire”(“Der Verkehr zwischen China und dem römischen Reich”). Bonner Jahrbücher, Vol.95.
1700075593 6.Mitteis, in his “Studies on the Ancient Banking System Based on Papyrus Finds”(“Untersuchung über das antike Bankwesen auf Grund der Papyrusfunde”),Zeitschrift für Rechtsgeschichte, Römische Abteilung, Vol.19,establishes the fact that indications of a specific exchange of checks, which would, of course, be a very important point, are very weak.
1700075595 7.According to B. Pick in the Handwörterbuch der Staatsw-issenschaften 5:918,2d edition.
1700075597 8.Mommsen, Roman Monetary System(Römisches Münzwesen),pp.755,777.
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