1700075861 (“If anyone should have killed a barbarian slave selected for service at court or for military service, he would pay 60 solidi, and 12,moreover, as a fine.)
1700075863 (“If anyone should have killed another slave, Roman or barbarian, farmer or swine-herd, he would pay 30 solidi.”)
1700075865 In this case, then, we have the barbarian military serving man(Kriegsknecht);the common servant(Knecht)can also be a Roman, but this is not possible for the military serving man.
1700075867 2 战术变化
1700075869 1.Aurel.Victor.,Chapter 21.
1700075871 2.Ars veterinaria 6.(4.)6. The horses of the Thuringians were also praised by Jordanes 1.3.21.
1700075873 3.De bell.Vand.1.8.
1700075875 4.Procopius, de bell. Vand.2.14.
1700075877 5.Schmidt, Geschichte der Vandalen, p.39.
1700075879 6.Procopius, bell. Goth.1.16;1.28;1.29.bell. Pers.2.18.
1700075881 7.Brunner, Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung(1887):6.
1700075883 8.For example,3.28;4.30;8.45;9.31.
1700075885 9.Procopius 2.25. Agathias 2.5. Whether Procopius’statement here is entirely reliable must be considered doubtful, since he completely denies that the Franks used both the spear and the bow, weapons which many other sources indicate they had. Waitz, Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte 2:528;2d edition,2:213. If Procopius’report is at all correct, there may have been some unusual circumstance or other, as in 552,when the invaders were principally Alamanni, whom we elsewhere find to be specifically famous as cavalry.
1700075887 10.Jähns, Geschichte der Kriegswissenschaften 1:142.
1700075889 11.Oeuvres 28:163.
1700075891 12.Napoleon used very similar expressions in his regulations for the training of dragoons, as cited by Kerchnawe, Kavallerie-Verwendung, p.3,note.
1700075893 13.In Procopius, bell. Pers.1.14. Belisarius describes the Persian infantry as follows: “All the infantry is nothing else than a crowd of pitiful rustics who come to the army for no other purpose than to undermine a wall, to strip the dead, or to perform other services for the soldiers.”*
1700075895 14.The reader’s attention is called to the citation already analyzed above, Procopius, de bell. Vand.1.18,where it is recounted how the Vandals came neither in order nor formed for battle, but “They went in symmoriai, and these were small—about thirty, or in fact, twenty men.”* Those could have been such diminished clans.
1700075897 15. The ango has some similarity to the Roman pilum, and so it can be considered as a javelin.
1700075899 16.Rüstow, in Heerwesen Cäsars, p.25,assumes that on the average the cavalry was one-fourth as strong as the legionary infantry, thus forming 20 percent of the army. Marquardt, in Römische Staatsverfassung 2:441,agrees with this point. Fröhlich, Kriegswesen Cäsars, p.40,rightly avoids considering this relationship as an average. Of the numbers reported in the sources,20 percent is not an average but the maximum.
1700075901 3 初期日耳曼-古罗马军事体系的衰落
1700075903 1.Some of the codes call for half of all the serving men instead of a tenth.
1700075905 2.Könige der Germanen 6:222,2d edition.
1700075907 4 封建制度的起源
1700075909 1.The provisions of the edict read as follows: “ut nullus judex de aliis provinciis aut regionibus in alia loca ordinetur: ut si aliquid mali de quibuslibet conditionibus perpetraverit, de suis propriis rebus exinde quod male abstulerit, juxta legis ordinem debeat restituere.”(that no judge from different provinces and regions should be appointed in other locations; that if he should have rendered some injury under any circumstances, according to the order of this law he would have to restore what he subsequently gained from his own property.”)Mon. Germ. Leg.1.14. Waitz, Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte 2:377. Judex applies to the official in general, also the count. The indefinite expression “de aliis provinciis et regionibus”(“from different provinces and regions”)is either the pure bombast of a copyist or intentional because of those owners who had property in several districts. It is not specifically stated that only estate owners were to be named, but this is to be inferred from the prohibition “de aliis provinciis aut regionibus,” together with the requirement for wealth: owners of a large mobile fortune without real property hardly came into consideration for the position of count.
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