1700075909 1.The provisions of the edict read as follows: “ut nullus judex de aliis provinciis aut regionibus in alia loca ordinetur: ut si aliquid mali de quibuslibet conditionibus perpetraverit, de suis propriis rebus exinde quod male abstulerit, juxta legis ordinem debeat restituere.”(that no judge from different provinces and regions should be appointed in other locations; that if he should have rendered some injury under any circumstances, according to the order of this law he would have to restore what he subsequently gained from his own property.”)Mon. Germ. Leg.1.14. Waitz, Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte 2:377. Judex applies to the official in general, also the count. The indefinite expression “de aliis provinciis et regionibus”(“from different provinces and regions”)is either the pure bombast of a copyist or intentional because of those owners who had property in several districts. It is not specifically stated that only estate owners were to be named, but this is to be inferred from the prohibition “de aliis provinciis aut regionibus,” together with the requirement for wealth: owners of a large mobile fortune without real property hardly came into consideration for the position of count.
1700075911 2.Geschichte des Beneflzialwesens, p.153.
1700075913 3.On this point I agree essentially with Brunner in his Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte, except that he still considers pueri too much as unfree men.
1700075915 The difference between the Frankish monarchy and that of the other Germanic countries was first clearly recognized and sharply defined by Sohm; Sohm’s idea was in turn effectively developed by W. Sickel, Westdeutsche Zeitschrift(1885):231 ff.
1700075917 4.Dippe, Vassalage and Obeisance in the Kingdom of the Merovingians(Gefolgschaft und Huldigung im Reiche der Merowinger),p.44.
1700075919 5.Examples in Dippe, p.18.
1700075921 6.According to the extract in Boretius, Contributions to the Critique of the Capitularies(Beiträge zur Kapitularienkritik),p.154.
1700075923 7.According to M. Heym. The German Production of Foodstuffs(Das deutsche Nahrungswesen),p.295. räuchern(to smoke)is a common Germanic word; this method of protecting meat from spoiling is therefore very ancient, When Pomponius Mela reports that in Germany they ate meat raw, Heym believes that this statement referred to smoked meat. The technique of making cabbage and greens preservable by a special procedure is, according to Heym, p.327,not a native one; sauerkraut is a name that was adopted much later. Nevertheless, it may not be impossible that Abbot Fulrad knew this dish and took some of it into the field with him.
1700075925 8.See the excursus,“Provisions and Train.”
1700075927 9.(added in the 2d edition.)Consequently, I have not, as Erben states in the Historische Zeitschrift 101:329,admitted the possibility of depots, for example on the Rhine, only missing testimony therefor, but I have expressly argued against the possibility of such depots.
1700075929 10.Bronsart, Dienst des Generalstabes, p.414,2d edition. Today it is even more.
1700075931 11.N.B.:under the then existing conditions; the present-day train horse, on a modern road, pulls more than twice that much.
1700075933 12.Roth, Beneflzialwesen, p.99,Note 224.
1700075935 13.Petit de Juleville, Histoire de la littérature francaise,1:67. Toward the middle of the ninth century, Abbot Lupus of Ferrière en Gâtinais sent his nephew to Prüm to learn German.Consequently, there was no longer the possibility for this at home; but it was still considered advisable to know that language.
1700075937 14.W.Bruckner, The Lanǵuaǵe of the Lombards(Die Sprache der Lanǵobarden),Strasbourg,1895.
1700075939 15.Roth, Benefizialwesen, pp.98,100,101. In a roster of the monks of St. Denis drawn up in 838,we find only eighteen non-Germanic names in a list of 130; furthermore the majority of the eighteen were biblical names. Even in the most southerly part of Gaul, we find the names in the ninth century to be predominantly German. The same situation is shown in the rosters in a sacramentary of the Paris church at the end of the ninth century, published by Leopold Delisle in the Mémoires de 1’Institut de France 32(1886):372.
1700075944 战争艺术史 [:1700069504]
1700075945 战争艺术史 [1]在原文中,“日耳曼”和“德意志”是同一个词(Germany),但在汉语语境中,前者通常专用于古典时代,而后者专用于中世纪及之后,因此译为两词。
1700075947 [2]乌尔菲拉(310-383),基督教传教士,将基督教传入哥特等日耳曼部落,并将《圣经》翻译为哥特语。
1700075949 [3]4世纪至7世纪期间在欧洲发生的一连串民族迁徙运动,从罗马人的角度看就是蛮族入侵。
1700075951 [4]阿米亚努斯(325-391),古罗马末期最著名的历史学家。
1700075953 [5]阿加西亚斯(约530-582/594),诗人和历史学家,著有《查士丁尼执政史》,是东罗马皇帝。
1700075955 [6]查士丁尼一世统治初期情况的最重要文献来源。
1700075957 [7]此处原文为phalanx,译为“方阵”是为了尊重通行用法,但从形状来看其实没有日耳曼人的阵形“方”。为表区分,下文会用“方形阵”(squared formation)来表示长宽比较小的阵形。
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