1700084630 6.Hobohm,2:457,464. False army strengths for Novara and Marignano: Discorsi,2:18. Also Escher,“The Swiss Foot Troops in the Fifteenth Century and at the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century”(“Das schweizerische Fussvolk im 15.und im Anfang des 16. Jahrhunderts”),Neujahrsblätter der Züricher Feuerwerker,1904-1907,explains thoroughly that Machiavelli does not portray correctly either the armament or the formation of the Swiss.
1700084632 第二篇 宗教战争时期
1700084634 1 骑士向现代骑兵的过渡
1700084636 1.George T. Denison’s History of the Cavalry from the Earliest Times, with Observations Concerning Its Future(Geschichte der Kavallerie seit den frühesten Zeiten mit Betrachtungen über ihre Zukunft),(German version by Brix, Berlin,1879)has no scientific-historical value.
1700084638 2.Concerning the dispute over the explanation of the name, see Mangold in the Jahresbericht der Geschichtswissenschaften,3(1892):247. The hussars are mentioned quite often in the Küstrin Battle Report on Mühlberg in Ranke, Werke,6:244-246,and in the report of the Nuremberg participant in the war, Joachim Imhof, in Knaake, Contributions to the History of Charles V(Beiträge zur Geschichte Karls V.),Stendal,1864,p.46. Of particular interest is Avila, History of the Schmalkaldic War(Geschichte des Schmalkaldischen Krieges),German edition, p.123. According to Susane,1:150,there had been Hungarian cavalry in France since 1635;in 1693 a regiment of hussars was formed.
1700084640 3.See Jähns,1:498,concerning this book. Hauser, in Les Sources de l’histoire de France,2:25,rejects du Bellay as the author and says, probably correctly, that the edition of 1548 was the oldest(Jähns assumes 1535). A very large part of the contents, but not the passage above copied from Vol.I, Chap.8,is taken from Machiavelli. See Gebelin, Quid rei militaris doctrina renascentibus litteris antiquitatis debuerit(What Military Doctrine Owed to the Renaissance),Bordeaux,1881,p.44.
1700084642 4.Jovius, Book 44,Ed.1578,p.555.
1700084644 5.Book 45,p.610.
1700084646 6.Report of the Venetian Ambassador Navagero of July 1546(Bericht des venezianischen Gesandten Navagero vom Juli 1546),in Albèri, Series I, Vol.I, pp.314,328. He also describes the arms of these horsemen(p.314). The pistol, which another report shows them as having(Ranke, Werke,4:223),is not yet mentioned in this report.
1700084648 7.Alois Mocenigo, Relazione di Germania,1548. Ed. Fiedler, Fontes rer.austriacarum(Sources of Austrian History),30:120,Vienna,1870.
1700084650 8.Vol.Ill, Book 3,Chap.2,p.289.
1700084652 9.Jähns,1:740.
1700084654 10.See the detailed extract in Jähns’Geschichte der Kriegswissenschaften,1:474.
1700084656 11.Jähns,1:521.
1700084658 12.Napoleon III writes in his article entitled “On the Past and Future of Artillery”(“Du passé et de l’avenir de l’artillerie”),Oeuvres,4:200:
1700084660 Saint-Luc says in his Observations militaires that the duke of Alba, having found the squadrons of the reîtres too deep, wanted to form his own men with their front twice as wide as their depth. In this way, supposing that each horse would occupy a space of 6 paces by 2,he estimated that a squadron of 1,700 horses in seventeen ranks would occupy a rectangle of 102 paces by 204.
1700084662 The passage by Saint-Luc does not yet seem to have been printed.
1700084664 13.Edited by Buchon, p.122.
1700084666 14.That may be concluded from Discourse XV(Ed.1587,p.345),where it is assumed that a victorious squadron would still only directly throw back fifteen or sixteen of the enemy drawn up in line, that is, with a normal strength of 100,one-sixth or one-seventh of the total. See Discourse XVIII.
1700084668 15.Napoleon III, in the work cited in Note 12 above, says that Henry IV had squadrons of 300 to 500 horses, which were drawn up in five ranks. He states that Montgomery required that the men-at-arms were to form in ten ranks and the light horse in seven. Billon, in Les principes de l’art militaire, German edition, p.254(1613),would have the squadron formed with a depth of five ranks,“for the horses do not press one another strongly.”
1700084670 16.Georg Paetel, The Organization of the Hessian Army under Philip the Magnanimous(Die Organisation des hessischen Heeres unter Philipp dem Grossmütigen),1897. See especially pp.38,40. See also Jovius, Book 34,p.278,concerning Spanish armor.
1700084672 17.According to the reports of the Venetian ambassador Alois Mocenigo, who accompanied the emperor. Fiedler, Fontes rer. Austriacarum,30:120. Venetian Dispatches from the Imperial Court(Venetianische Depeschen vom Kaiserhof),published by the Historische Kommission der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna,1889,1:668,670-671.
1700084674 18.They are first mentioned in Avila, Schmalkaldic War, German edition,1853,p.58. First edition, Venice,1548,p.34. In a letter dated 6 November 1552,Lazarus Schwendi refers to the horsemen of Albrecht Alcibiades as “black horsemen.”Voigt, Albrecht Alcibiades,2:8. In 1554,1,500“black horsemen” appear in the imperial camp before Namur, all with pennons on their lances. Anonymous Journal(1554-1557),edited by Louis Torfs, Campagnes de Charles-Quint et de Philippe II, Antwerp,1868,pp.23-24. There are numerous references in this journal to their mutinies. In 1554 there appears on the emperor’s side “un ost de reistres”(“a host of reîtres”)of 1,800 to 2,000 horses under Count Wolfram von Schwarzenburg. Rabutin, Commentaires L. VI, Ed. Buchon,1836,p.620:“In order to intimidate us, they had all made themselves black like handsome devils.”For the campaign of 1558,Henry II, looking back to the experiences of the previous year at St. Quentin, ordered the recruiting of as many reîtres as possible.
1700084676 … because, the previous year, the largest strength that his enemy(Philip II)had and which was estimated as giving him the advantage, was by means of these reîtres, who have since been called “black armor,” all of whom being armed with pistols, furious and frightening firearms, seemed to have been invented for the amazement and the breaking up of the French men-at-arms. And yet, in order to take as many of them as possible away from his enemy and to accustom and teach the French how to use such arms with confidence, he wished to draw them into his service.
1700084678 Rabutin, L. XI, Ed. Buchon,1836,p.738. The first German pistol men in French service appeared, as best I have found, in 1554(Rabutin, p.605). Susane believes they appeared still earlier. Rabutin, p.701,makes a distinction in 1557 in the French army between men-at-arms, cavalry, and reîtres. The expression “horsemen”(“Reiter”)for cavalry, apparently with the intention of indicating something specific, appears in Marino Cavallis, Relazione da Ferdinando Re de Romani,1543. Ed. Albèri, Series I, Vol.III, p.122.
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