1700084760 3.Relazione di Vincenzo Quirini, December 1507(Relazione degli ambassadore Veneti[Eugen Albèri, Series I,6:21]).
1700084762 4.Clonard-Brix, p.57.
1700084764 5.Book XV, Basel,1578,1:315.
1700084766 6.Truthful Description of the Other Campaign in Austria against the Turks … in the Past Year 1532. Described in Detail. And now Prepared in Print for the First Time in this Year of 1539. Reprinted in J.U.D. Goebel, Contributions to the National History of Europe under Emperor Charles V(Beiträge zur Staatsgeschichte von Europa unter Kaiser Karl V.),Lemgo,1767,p.326. Further information on the caracole is to be found in Hobohm,2:394,405-407,468,483,508.
1700084768 7.Rabutin, Commentaires, Ed. Buchon, p.530.
1700084770 8.Quoted in Rüstow,1:264.
1700084772 9.Discourse XVIII, Paradoxe 2,p.384.
1700084774 10.Jovius, Life of Pescara(Le vite …),Venice,1581,p.213.
1700084776 11.1 September 1546. Avila, German edition, p.39.
1700084778 12.There are also reports of mixed combat of marksmen and horsemen(Rüstow,1:314,from Monluc),but these can only have been exceptional cases that had no further development.
1700084780 13.Jovius in 1535 before Goleta:“duas sclopetariorum manus, quas manicas vocabant, quod cornuum instar …”(“two bands of sclopetarii, which they call sleeves because they are like wings”). Book 34,Edition of 1578,p.392. In 1542 before Ofen, the Italian infantry of Alessandro Vitelli “promoto hastatorum agmine et utrinque sclopettariis in cornua expansis Barbaras invadunt”(“After the column of the pikemen had been moved forward and on both sides the sclopetarii had been extended on the wings, they attacked the barbarians”). Jovius, Histories, Book 42,p.518.
1700084782 14.As we have already seen on p.94 above, Rüstow called this formation the “Hungarian order,” which he based on the Vienna parade of 1532. But that was only a schematic representation without practical significance. The expression is not derived from the sources any more than is the “Spanish brigade.” Wallhausen speaks not of a “Hungarian order,” but only of a “Hungarian installation,” that is, an administrative arrangement rather than a tactical one. In his Art of Dismounted Warfare(Kriegskunst zu Fuss),Book I, Chap.6,p.110,he says that in Hungary no formation other than the square was used. Jähns,1:711,calls it fatal that there had been acceptance of the procedure advocated by the Italian Tartaglia calling for placing the marksmen in the outer ranks of the square rather than as wings resting on the squares of spearmen, as had already been recommended by Seldeneck in 1480. This criticism seems to me to fail to recognize the principal point. While it is true that the formation of marksmen in wings offered the advantage of better sequence of fire and also a reasonably sure protection, nevertheless, when the attacking horsemen approached, the marksmen always had to find protection either among or inside of the spearmen.
1700084784 15.As an example of how little we can depend on isolated reports, even when they appear to be well founded, let us note that Jorga, History of the Ottoman Empire(Geschichte des osmanischen Reiches),3:295,tells of a defeat of the Turks in 1593 in which “the janissaries were destroyed by the new cavalry of the West, the heavy horsemen clad in iron on armored horses, and by the harquebusiers.”A Turkish source and a Polish one are cited as a basis. Consequently, the writers had heard of the “new cavalry of the West,” but they had not understood in what respect it was new, and so they describe it as the ancient knights. If we were not informed from other sources, it would be absolutely impossible to recognize what is correct in this exaggerated description. This is a counterpart to the transposition of Winkelried into a knightly battle. A similar situation is to be found in the same work on p.314.
1700084786 16.1608. Archives of Oranien-Nassau,2d Series,2:389.
1700084788 17.Institution de la discipline militaire au Royaume de France, Lyons,1559,p.96 ff. The author himself is opposed to the reduced units and believes that, since there are marksmen and horsemen in the intervals, the cannon would find their target in any case. In his opinion, one should seek to prevent the second shot by skirmishing marksmen and horsemen.
1700084790 18.Rüstow treated these formations very thoroughly in his Geschichte der Infanterie. I do not consider it necessary to go into that in detail, since we find nothing of this kind in the real battles.
1700084792 19.The extent to which the “terzio” was an administrative or a tactical unit and designation requires further research.
1700084794 20.Lipsius, de militia Romana(On Roman Military Service),5:20,Opera,1613,2:460. De la Noue, Discourse XVIII,2d Paradoxe. Ed.1587,p.377 ff.
1700084796 3 奥兰治领主莫里斯
1700084798 1.On the military library of Maurice of Orange, see Carl Neumann, Rembrandt,1:95.
1700084800 2.Journal of Anthony Duyck(Journaal van Anthonis Duyck),fiscal advocate of the Council of State(1591-1602). Published under commission of the War Department, with introduction and notes by Ludwig Mulder, captain of infantry,3 volumes,1862-1866,s’Gravenhage and Arnhem. Duyck’s office was that of a chief of the war chancellery of the Council of State and of the highest juridical official for the army(Mulder, preface, p.LXXXVI). He was normally present with the army and kept a daily account of events. To judge from an examination of his journal, he was so excellently informed on the thoughts of Maurice as to be possible only through direct verbal contact. In many passages we may consider the journal to be Maurice’s legacy to posterity. Gustav Roloff,“Maurice of Orange and the Founding of the Modern Army”(“Moritz von Oranien und die Begründung des modernen Heeres”),Preussische Jahrbücher, Vol.111,1903.
1700084802 3.Jähns,1:869 f.
1700084804 4.Jähns,1:472,705,says that in 1521 Delia Valle recommended the parade march in step; Lodrono did likewise(Jähns,1:724). See also Hobohm,2:407. In a report on the battle of Ceresole by Bernardo Spina, published by Stallwitz as a supplement to his document on that battle(Berlin dissertation,1911,p.54),it is stated that the Spanish general del Guasto had the recruits drilled immediately before the battle. It is also reported that the French guards had conducted drills.
1700084806 5.Jähns,1:735.
1700084808 6.Dilich, Kriegsbuch,1607,p.254,discusses the steps taken to maintain the formation on the march. Among them he says “that in marching, an even and steady step is to be maintained” and “that the drummers maintain a correct beat as if the soldier had to dance by it.”
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