1700084830 17.John of Nassau gives 135 as the normal number, of which 45 have the long spear and 74 are musketeers and marksmen. Plathner, p.40.
1700084832 18.Everardus Reidanus, Belgarum aliarumque gentium annales(Annals of the Belgians and other Nations),Leyden,1633,8:192. Emmius, Guilelmus Ludovieus(William Louis),1621,p.67. See also Mulder’s preface to Duyck’s Journal,1:16.
1700084834 19.Krebs, Battle on the White Mountain(Schlacht an dem Weissen Berge),p.25 ff.
1700084836 20.Reyd, p.281.
1700084838 21.Billon, p.191.
1700084840 22.Maurice(19 June 1593),Archives-Oranien-Nassau,2d Series,1:24.
1700084842 23.Printed in the Works of the Historical Society(Historisch Genootschap)in Utrecht. New series, No.37. Utrecht,1883,p.448 ff.
1700084844 4 古斯塔夫·阿道夫
1700084846 1.Fahlbeck, Preussische Jahrbücher,133:535.
1700084848 2.According to G. Droysen, Gustav Adolf,2:85,the king landed in Pomerania in 1630
1700084850 with 13,000 men
1700084852 He already had in Stralsund 6,000
1700084854 Follow-up forces ca. 7,000
1700084856 Withdrawn from Prussia 13,600
1700084858 Total: approximately 40,000
1700084860 Some 36,000 men remained behind in Sweden, Finland, Prussia, and so forth. Consequently, the entire military strength amounted to 76,000 men,43,000 of whom were levied nationals.
1700084862 3.Jähns,2:952.
1700084864 4.In his writings of the year 1673(Schriften,2:672),Montecuccoli actually considers the usual ratio of two-thirds musketeers and one-third pikemen to be wrong. He believes more pikemen are needed to cover the musketeers in battle, for the latter, alone, would be overpowered by the cavalry. He points out that this was what happened at Lens, for example, where Condé defeated the Lotharingians. At Breitenfeld, hesays, the Holstein regiment held fast because of its pikemen until it was overcome by the artillery. He reports the same thing in 2:223. He claims that the ratio of two-thirds to one-third was acceptable only because on so many occasions outside of battle the musketeers were more useful than the pikemen.
1700084866 5.“The Swedish Discipline,” cited in Firth, Cromwell’s Army, p. 105.
1700084868 6.According to Firth, p.104.
1700084870 7.Firth, Cromwell’s Army, p.98,from the Swedish Intelligencer,1:124.
1700084872 8.On the leather cannon, see Gohlke in the Zeitschrift für historische Waffenkunde,4:392,and Feldhaus, p.121.“Leather pieces” are also mentioned in the introductory poem to the Little War Book(Kriegsbüchlein)of Lavater of Zurich,1644. He says they did not come first from Sweden to Zurich,“but rather from us to them.”
1700084874 9.Letter to Aldringer,2 January 1633,reproduced in Förster, Wallenstein’s Letters(Wallensteins Briefe). Daniel’s statement in History of the Military(Geschichte des Kriegswesens),5:12,that Henry IV of France had already required that his squadrons fire a single salvo with their pistols and then attack with cold steel, must be based on a misunderstanding. I have found nothing on this in the sources, and the objective prerequisite for such action is missing, that is, a stricter discipline. Davila states expressly that at Ivry, the last large battle of Henry IV, his squadrons used the caracole.
1700084876 10.This explanation has been preserved for us in the work of an English military author, Turner, and it goes back to English officers who had served under Gustavus Adolphus. I draw the quotation from Firth, Cromwell’s Army, p.289. The passages cited in Mareks, Coligny, p.56,and Hobohm, Machiavelli,2:373,385,which seem to prove an earlier occurrence of the running of the spear gauntlet—especially Bouchet, Preuves de l’histoire de l’illustre maison de Coligny(Evidence on the History of the Illustrious House of Coligny),1642,p.457—are based on erroneous translations.“Passer par les piques”(“to pass before the pikes”)is the “law of the long spears,” mentioned on p.61 above. Of course, La Curne de St. Palaye, Dictionnaire de l’ancien langage français, Vol.8,understands this expression as meaning striking with the spear shafts. I consider that impossible; the spears are too long to be used that way.
1700084878 11.Cited in Firth, Cromwell’s Army, p.321.
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