1700085500 22.The account in my Gneisenau is supplemented by an article “General Wolseley on Napoleon, Wellington and Gneisenau” in my Recollections, Articles, and Speeches(Erinnerungen, Aufsätze, und Reden).
1700085502 23.See “On the Difference, etc.”(“Ueber die Verschiedenheit, usw”)in my Historical and Political Esays(Historische und Politische Aufsätze),P.273;2d Ed, p.269 f.,and “Frederick, Napoleon, Moltke,”P.45,where it is explained that even when a battle was in prospect, as was actually the case in 1778,that did not change anything in the strategic basic character of the war plan. After all, there are also battles in the strategy of attrition.
1700085504 24.Koser, Friedrich der Grosse,2:400(4th Ed.)understands it in this way:“In keeping with Frederick’s theory, the final decision in a war between Prussia and Austria would necessarily take place in Moravia.”A similar comment is on p.457. In another passage(p.585)it was quoted, on the other hand, that “the main blow was to be struck at the enemy by the capture of Prague,” from which he would not be able to recover. The error lies in the fact that a decisive significance is attributed to the question “Bohemia or Moravia?” as such. The significance, however varies according to the circumstances. As practice has indeed shown, on one occasion it is the one country, and on the other occasion the other country where it appears more advantageous to seek the decision. In theory, a campaign into Moravia offered many advantages, but they were not so great as to prevent Frederick very frequently from preferring to move into Bohemia.
1700085506 4 沙恩霍斯特、格奈泽瑙、克劳塞维茨
1700085508 1.Lehmann, Scharnhorst,1:254.
1700085510 2.According to the supplement in Lehmann’s Scharnhorst,1:543,Prince Ferdinand of Braunschweig was perhaps the very first to express this idea of using the third rank for the skirmisher fight, when in January 1761 he commanded a general in the Hanoverian light troops to equip the third rank with grooved-bore muskets.
1700085512 3.Documentary Contributions to the History of the Prussian Army(Urkundliche Beiträge zur Geschichte des preussischen Heeres),Vol.5,“The Combat Training of the Prussian Infantry of 1806”(“Die Gefechtsausbildung der preussichen Infanterie von 1806”),by Jany,1903. Möllendorff’s order reads as follows:“The position of the musket must be shown to the men better, so that they no longer lean their head against the stock and aim, as formerly, but press the butt against the shoulder, holding the head upright, and thus hold the musket horizontally as His Majesty the King primarily reminded them and commanded at this year’s review.”In 1807 the Reorganization Commission recommended the “introduction of stocks more definitely curved, which make aiming possible.”Scherbening, The Reorganization of the Prussian Army(Die Reorganisation der preussischen Armee).
1700085514 4.Life of Gneisenau(Leben Gneisenaus),3d Ed.,1907. Supplemented by the article “New Information on 1813”(“Neues über 1813”),Preussische Jahrbücher, Vol.157,July,1914.“General von Clausewitz”;“The Prussian Officer Class”(“Der preussische Offizierstand”)—both articles in the Historical and Political Essays(Historische und politische Aufsätze),2d Ed.,1907.“On Max Lehmann’s Stein”(“Ueber Max Lehmanns Stein”),Preussische Jahrbücher, Vol.134,1908.“From Arminius to Scharnhorst”(“Von Armin bis Scharnhorst”),in the collection In Defense and Weapons(In Wehr und Waffen),edited by von Caemmerer and von Ardenne.
1700085516 5.Very well explained by Ommen, The Conduct of War of Archduke Charles(Die Kriegführung des Erzherzogs Karl).
1700085518 6.The same thing is reported by Valory of the Prussian cavalry in 1742,Brandenburgisch-Preussische Forschungen,7:310. Valory wrote that an outstanding Prussian officer had told him that in the battle of Chotusitz, when the closely formed Prussian squadrons had reached the enemy, it was first necessary to shout to the men that they were to strike with their sabers. Frederick himself told the same thing to Count Gisors. Rousset, Le comte de Gisors, p.105.
1700085520 7.According to A. Müffling, My Life(Mein Leben),p.31.
1700085522 8.Fr.Meinecke, Life of Boyen(Leben Boyens).
1700085524 9.These instructions are from the year 1809,and they were then assembled as training regulations in 1812. As a continuation of the distinction between line infantry and light infantry, there still also remained the difference between the musketeer(or grenadier)battalions and the fusilier battalions, but this difference can be passed over, since it had no practical significance.
1700085526 10.The history of the wars of liberation has in no work been at the same time more extensively developed and more confused than by the Memorable Recollections from the Life of the Imperial Russian General of Infantry Carl Frederick Count von Toll(Denkwürdigkeiten aus dem Leben des kaiserlichen russischen Generals der Infanterie Carl Friedrich Grafen von Toll)by Theodor von Bernhardi. The book is excellently written, the author is a competent military analyst, and the papers left by Toll provided him the most valuable material—it is no wonder that for a long time his judgment enjoyed an almost saintly respect. I, too, long deferred to his authority and only by laborious research learned to overcome his prejudice, point by point.
1700085528 11.Critical extremists have also puttered around with this great deed. In addition to my Gneisenau, these have also been very well rejected by Caemmerer in The Wars of Liberation. A Strategic Survey(Die Befreiungskriege. Ein strategischer Ueberblick),1907.
1700085533 战争艺术史 [:1700069585]
1700085534 战争艺术史 [1]尼德兰(Netherlands)的意思就是低地,历史上大致包括今天的荷兰(正式国名为尼德兰)、比利时、卢森堡三国和德国的一部分。下文中的“荷兰”有时与尼德兰同义。
1700085536 [2]本名皮埃尔·泰拉伊(Pierre Terrail),巴亚尔城堡领主(1473—1524),有“无可挑剔的骑士”之称,投靠法王查理八世后扬名于意大利战争。
1700085538 [3]作者是第一代维耶维埃尔领主弗朗索瓦(1509—1571),法国官员和外交官,弗朗索瓦一世时期为御前顾问和元帅。
1700085540 [4]埃尔(ell)是中世纪的布匹长度单位。
1700085542 [5]如无特殊说明,本章及之后提到的“火器”(firearms)指的都是枪炮一类的管式火器,不包括手榴弹、地雷等同样利用火药爆炸能量的武器。
1700085544 [6]即魔术弹。
1700085546 [7]巴伐利亚军人(约1520—1575),曾效力于3位皇帝帐下,代表作是3卷本《兵书》(Kriegsbuch)。
1700085548 [8]文艺复兴时期德意志数学家(1488—1552),任教于巴塞尔大学,以制作地图和教授宇宙学闻名。
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