1700088631 第一篇 希波战争
1700088633 1 史籍记载中希腊军队的兵力
1700088635 1.Beitzke, History of the German Wars of Liberation(Geschichte der deutschen Freiheitskriege),Vol.1,Appendix. Bernhardi, Memorable Events in the Life of Toll(Denkwürdigkeiten aus dem Leben Tolls),Vol.3,Appendix.
1700088637 2.Pertz-Delbrück, Life of Gneisenau(Leben Gneisenaus),large ed.,Vol.4,Appendix; small ed.,2d printing,2:19.
1700088639 3.Delbrück, Persian and Burgundian Wars(Perser-und Burgun-derkriege),p.157.
1700088641 4.P.Bailleu in the Deutsche Rundschau, December 1899.
1700088643 5.von Lettow. The War of 1806 and 1807(Der Krieg von 1806 und 1807).
1700088645 6.Compare “Mind and Mass in History”(“Geist und Masse in der Geschichte”),Preussische Jahrbücher 147(1912):193.
1700088647 7.R.Adam, in his dissertation “De Herodoti ratione historica quaestiones selectae sive de pugna Salaminia atque Plataeensi”(Berlin,1890),shows that the army strengths and number of ships given by Herodotus are based on an estimate table that removes from them any residual element of credibility.
1700088649 2 希腊人的装备与战术
1700088651 1.Adolf Bauer, Section 40,says three meters. On this point, see also below, the study on the sarissae.
1700088653 2.H.Droysen, Army Organization(Heerwesen),p.24,cites several passages in which the harness is not named as a piece of equipment for the Spartans and considers it possible that they, in contrast to the other Greeks, did not wear any. That would be a far-reaching difference. Nevertheless, this opinion is certainly incorrect. Droysen himself cites a passage from Tyrtaeus in which armor is expressly named, and if one were inclined to conclude from the passage in Xenophon’s Anabasis 1.2.16 that Cyrus’ mercenaries wore no armor, that would also have to apply to all the Greeks represented among them.
1700088655 3.H.Droysen, Heerwesen, p.171,footnote, recommends using the word phalanx only with respect to foot soldiers armed with the sarissa, whose particular combat position consisted in the “closeness of their formation in comparison with those in the rear.”* I believe in holding fast, however, to the expression that has become quite common, which I think I can best establish with the definition given above. The basis therefore will gradually emerge as our study progresses. Droysen himself shows that the Greek usage is very indefinite and has varied.
1700088657 4. The account of Isocrates(Archidamus, p.99),which says the Spartans had conquered the Arcadians at Dipaea in one rank, which Duncker,8:134,accepted, has been justifiably rejected by Droysen, p.45,and Adolf Bauer, p.243(2d ed.,p.305),as rhetorical exaggeration. Droysen, with equal justification, also rejects the two ranks of Polyaenus 2.1.24.
1700088659 5.Lysias, Mantitheus 16.15. The speaker, Mantitheus, boasts:“There was an expedition to Corinth, and everyone knew ahead of time that it would be a dangerous undertaking. Although some were shirking back, I arranged it so that I might fight our enemies in the front line. And our phyle had the worst luck and suffered the worst losses among its own men. I quit the field later than that excellent man from Steiria who has been accusing everyone of cowardice.”* For this fine quotation I am indebted to the book Warfare of Antiquity(Das Kriegswesen des Altertums),by Hugo Liers, p.46.
1700088661 6.Concerning the combination of Spartiates and Perioeci in the same military formation, see Bauer, paras.18,19,and 23,and, now at the center of a lively controversy, Kromayer, Klio 3(1903):177 ff, and Beloch, Klio 6:63. On this occasion the following splendid evidence of the importance of the first rank has come to light. Isocrates, Panathenaicus 180.271,writes: “For in the campaign that the king led, they arranged them man by man in rank with themselves, and they also stationed some men in the first rank.”*
1700088663 7.Xenophon, Cyropaedia 6.3.25. For further information on this point, see below, Book II, Chapter V.
1700088665 8.Xenophon, Hellenica 6.2.21.
1700088667 9.Thucydides, too, reports that the Lacedaemonians, specifically, did not normally carry the pursuit far(5.73). Helbig,“On the Original Period of the Closed Phalanx”(Uber die Einführungszeit der geschlossenen Phalanx”)Sitzungs-Bericht der Bayerischen Akademie 1911,believes, based on insufficient sources, that the Chalcidians formed the first phalanx.
1700088669 3 希腊军队的实际兵力 无
1700088671 4 波斯军队
1700088673 1.Verse 25:“Those who subdue with the bow, and the horsemen”*
1700088675 Verse 82:“He leads spear-subduing Ares against men famed for the spear.”*
1700088677 Verse 133:“Whether it is the drawing of the bow or the strength of the spear-headed lance that has prevailed.”*
1700088679 Verse 226:“Is it the bow-stretching arrow that is strong in their hands? Not at all: they have lances for close fights and shields to use as armor.”*
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