1700096321 Each group moves along at a slow pace,
1700096323 Advancing together as in a square,
1700096325 says Guiart, verse 11494,in his description of Mons-en-Pévèle(1304),cited by Köhler in his 2:269. The first example of the point is perhaps the formation of the troops of the Dauphiné“en pointe” in the battle of Mons-en-Vimeux in 1421,cited in Köhler,2:226,note. Recommendations for the formation with a point in documents of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries are to be found in Jähns,1:328,738,and 740. At the end of the fifteenth century, under Maximilian, the formation was surely squared off again. Leonhard Fronsperger speaks of the “pointed” battle formation as an obsolete one(Köhler,3:2:251). We already find a formation of horsemen in a wedge or rhomboid in antiquity mentioned in Aelian, Chap.18,and Asclepiodotus, Chap.7. Among the reasons for this, which are probably theoretical fantasies, at least in part, it is also stated that control and wheeling actions are easier than in the squared formation. As far as control is concerned, this is obviously correct. With respect to wheeling actions, I understand that as meaning they did not need to make any true wheeling motion but could easily turn half-right or half-left by changing the rhomboid into a square.
1700096327 28.“Istos in una et prima acie posuit et dixit illis: campus amplus est; extendite vos per campum directe, ne vos hostes intercludant. Non deceti ut unus miles scutum sibi de alio milite faciat; sed sic stetis, ut omnes quas, una fronte possitis pugnare.”(“He set them in one battle line and said to them: The field is big; extend yourselves across the field in a straight line so that the enemy may not cut you off. It is not proper that a knight make a shield for himself from another knight. But you should thus stand that all are able to fight on one front.”)
1700096329 29.Köhler,2:226 and 3:2:253,believes that the formation in line first occurred in the fifteenth century. I see no basis for this assumption. Wherever mixed combat took place, the linear formation must have gained ground. Boutaric, p.297,makes the general statement: “The knights fought‘en haye,’that is to say, in a single line; the squires were drawn up behind them.”
1700096331 30.Baltzer, p.106,cites two pieces of evidence for this.
1700096333 31.Prutz, Quellenbeiträge, p.29:“acies … beati Petri a dextris antecedens, cujus juris est antecedere et primum hostes percutere”(“the unit of the blessed Peter going ahead on the right, of whose privilege it is to go first and to strike the enemy first”).
1700096335 32.This valuable observation had already been made by Heermann, p.85,and Köhler has also agreed with him. Nevertheless, the battle finally ended in a serious defeat.
1700096337 33.Liudprandus, Antapodosis,2.31.
1700096339 34.Gesta Fridertci,1.32.
1700096341 35.Köhler,3:1:95,has assembled a few passages, wherever they occur. Edward III of England, especially, formed in 1356 a guard of mounted archers. In the index volume, among the supplements, the author also added another passage from Wigalois. I would also add the treaty of alliance of the Lombards, Murat. Ant.,4.490. But even in England they never became a real arm. In the fifteenth century we do find many archers on horseback, but this was only a means of transportation for them; in battle, they dismounted.
1700096343 The Saracens of Frederick II are considered by Köhler to have been exclusively dismounted archers. But it is expressly stated in Annales Parmenses majores(Greater Annals of Parma),SS.,18.673,that in 1248 before Parma the emperor had “balistarii tam equites quam pedites”(“crossbowmen on horseback as well as on foot”).
1700096345 36.Köhler,1:5 and 3:3:355.Up to the tenth century, he says, they had fought in a single echelon, but from the eleventh century on, in three echelons.
1700096347 37.Köhler,2:35,assembled a few examples, but they show basically that such combat techniques were used less in actual practice than in the heroic accounts, and they succeeded still less often.
1700096349 38.Köhler,1:468,and 2:13.
1700096351 39.Köhler,2:42.
1700096353 40.Daniel, Histoire de la milice française, p.82.
1700096355 41.Only seldom do we find that a king remained behind the front, as, for example, at Ascalon in 1125,cited by Heermann, p.120. Or old King Iagiello of Poland at Tannenberg in 1410.
1700096357 42.Viollet-le-Duc, Rational Dictionary of French Furniture from the Carolingian Period to the Renaissance(Dictionnaire raisonné du mobilier françµis de l’époque carlovingienne à la renaissance),6:372.
1700096359 43.This is how I prefer to translate the Greek expression “sphodrõs kai akataschetõs hõs monotonoi”:“violent and unstoppable like obstinate men”).(Tactics, para.87). See Mauritius, p.269.
1700096361 44.Before Ascalon,12 August 1099. Albert of Aachen,6.42,as cited in Röhricht, History of the First Crusade(Geschichte des ersten Kreuzzuges),p.200,Note 8.
1700096363 45.Richer of Sens, M.G. SS.,25.294.
1700096365 46.Orderich,12.18:“ferro enim undique vestiti erant et pro timore Dei notitiaque contubernii vicissim sibi parcebant nec tamen occidere fugientes quam comprehendere satagebant.”(“for they had been dressed completely in iron and mutually spared each other according to fear of God and acknowledgment of their brotherhood in arms; they did not endeavor so much to kill those in flight as to capture them.”)
1700096367 Giraldus, Opera,5. 396:“ibi capiuntur milites, hie decapitantur; ibi redimuntur, hie perimuntur.”(“There knights are captured, here decapitated; there they are ransomed, here they are killed.”)
1700096369 47.See p.221,Note 3,above.
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