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1700119570 Chang Kia-ngau, The Inflationary Spiral: The Experience in China, 1939-1950 Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1958.
1700119572 Chen Yung-fa, Making Revolution: The Communist Movement in Eastern and Central China, 1937-1945. Berkeley:University of California Press, 1986.
1700119574 Claire Lee Chennault, Way of a Fighter , New York:G.P. Putnam Sons, 1949.
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1700119578 Hsi-sheng Ch’i, Nationalist China at War: Military Defeats and Political Collapse, 1937-1945. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press, 1982.
1700119580 Hsi-sheng Ch’i, Warlord Politics in China, 1916-1928 . Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1976.
1700119582 J. Rives Childs, Foreign Service Farewell: My Years in the Near East. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1969.
1700119584 Ronald William Clark, The Man Who Broke Purple: The Life of Colonel William F. Friedman, Who Deciphered the Japanese Code in World WarII. New York: Little Brown & Co., 1977.
1700119586 Alvin D. Coox, “The Effectiveness of the Japanese Military Establishment in the Second World War, ”in Allan R.Millett and Williamson Murray, eds., Military Effectiveness. vol. 3, The Second World War. Boston: Unwim Hyman, 1988, pp.1-44.
1700119588 André. Corvisier, Armies and Societies in Europe, 1494-1789. Bloomington and London: Indiana University Press, 1979.
1700119590 Boyd L. Dastrup, The US Army Command and General Staff College: A Centennial History. Manhattan, Kansas: Sunflower University Press, 1982.
1700119592 Lloyd E. Eastman, Seeds of Destruction: Nationalist China in War and Revolution, 1937-1949. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1984.
1700119594 Lloyd E.Eastman, Jerome Ch’en, Suzanne Pepper, and Lyman P. Van Slyke, The Nationalist Era in China, 1927-1949. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
1700119596 John Ferris, “Signal Intelligence in War and Power Politics, 1914-2010, ” in Loch K. Johnson, ed., The Oxford Handbook of National Security Intelligence. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.
1700119598 Fiftieth Reunion Book of the Class of 1927, Virginia Military Institute. n.p., 1977.
1700119600 Paul French, Carl Crow, A Tough Old China Hand: The Life, Times and Adventures of an American in Shanghai. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2007.
1700119602 Paul French, Through the Looking Glass: China’ s Foreign Journalists from Opium Wars to Mao. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2009.
1700119604 J.F.C. Fuller, The Foundations of the Science of War. London: Hutchinson, 1926.
1700119606 John W Garver, Chinese-Soviet Relations, 1937-1945: The Diplomacy of Chinese Nationalism. N.Y: Oxford University Press, 1988.
1700119608 Michael R. Gibs o n, “Chiang Kai-shek’s Central Army, 1924-1938.”Unpublished doctoral dissertation, George Washington University, 1985.
1700119610 Donald G. Gillin, Warlord: Yen His-shan in Shansi Province 1911-1949. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1967.
1700119612 Donald G. Gillin, “Problems of Centralization in Republican China:The Case of Ch’en Ch’eng and the Kuomintang.” Journal of Asian Studies 29: 4 (August 1970), pp.844-847.
1700119614 Walter Gorlitz, History of the German General Staff, 1657-1945. New York: Praeger, 1953.
1700119616 Richard Holmes, Acts of War: The Behavior of Men in the Battle. N.Y.: The Free Press, 1986.
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