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1700172037 对于那些关心诸如亨廷顿舞蹈症等遗传性疾病的人来说,下面所详细列出的南希和艾丽斯·韦克斯勒(Alice Wexler)的著作是必读的。而斯蒂芬·托马斯(Stephen Thomas)的《遗传风险》(鹈鹕鸟丛书,1986)一书,是一本浅显易懂的指南。
1700172039 [1] T homas, S. (1986). Genetic risk. Pelican, London.
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1700172045 [4] W exler, N. (1992). Clairvoyance and caution: repercussions from the Human Genome Project. In The code of codes (ed. D. Kevles and L.Hood), pp. 211-43. Harvard University Press.
1700172047 [5] H untington’s Disease Collaborative Research Group (1993). A novel gene containing a trinucleotide repeat that is expanded and unstable on Huntington’s disease chromosomes. Cell 72: 971-83.
1700172049 [6] Goldberg, Y. P. et al. (1996). Cleavage of huntingtin by apopain, a proapoptotic cysteine protease, is modulated by the polyglutamine tract.Nature Genetics 13: 442-9; DiFiglia, M., Sapp, E., Chase, K. O., Davies,S. W., Bates, G. P., Vonsattel, J. P. and Aronin, N. (1997). Aggregation of huntingtin in neuronal intranuclear inclusions and dystrophic neurites in brain. Science 277: 1990-93.
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1700172055 [9] S chweitzer, J. K. and Livingston, D. M. (1997). Destabilisation of CAG trinucleotide repeat tracts by mismatch repair mutations in yeast.Human Molecular Genetics 6: 349-55.
1700172057 [10] M angiarini, L. (1997). Instability of highly expanded CAG repeats in mice transgenic for the Huntington’s disease mutation. Nature Genetics 15: 197-200; Bates, G. P., Mangiarini, L., Mahal, A. and Davies, S. W. (1997). Transgenic models of Huntington’s disease.Human Molecular Genetics 6: 1633-7.
1700172059 [11] C hong, S. S. et al. (1997). Contribution of DNA sequence and CAG size to mutation frequencies of intermediate alleles for Huntington’s disease: evidence from single sperm analyses. Human Molecular Genetics 6: 301-10.
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1700172063 [13] Wexler, A. (1995). Mapping fate. University of California Press, Los Angeles.
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1700172067 在搜寻基因方面,最好的一本书是威廉·库克森的《基因猎人:基因组丛林中的冒险》(奥鲁姆出版社,1994)。库克森的这本书是我搜寻哮喘基因的主要信息来源之一。
1700172069 [1] H amilton, G. (1998). Let them eat dirt. New Scientist, 18 July 1998: 26-31; Rook, G. A. W. and Stanford, J. L. (1998). Give us this day our daily germs. Immunology Today 19: 113-16.
1700172071 [2] C ookson, W. (1994). The gene hunters: adventures in the genome jungle.Aurum Press, London.
1700172073 [3] M arsh, D. G. et al. (1994). Linkage analysis of IL4 and other chromosome 5q31.1 markers and total serum immunoglobulin-E concentrations.Science 264: 1152-6.
1700172075 [4] M artinez, F. D. et al. (1997). Association between genetic polymorphism of the beta-2-adrenoceptor and response to albuterol in children with or without a history of wheezing. Journal of Clinical Investigation 100:3184-8.
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