1700172075 [4] M artinez, F. D. et al. (1997). Association between genetic polymorphism of the beta-2-adrenoceptor and response to albuterol in children with or without a history of wheezing. Journal of Clinical Investigation 100:3184-8.
1700172077 6号染色体
1700172079 罗莎琳德·阿登(Rosalind Arden)在即将出版的书中将讲述罗伯特·普洛明寻找影响智商的基因的故事。普洛明关于行为遗传学的教科书《行为遗传学》(第三版,1997),可读性强,堪称该领域的入门必备书。斯蒂芬·杰伊·古尔德的《人类的误测》(诺顿出版社,1981)很好地讲述了优生学和智商的早期历史。而劳伦斯·赖特(Lawrence Wright)的《双胞胎:基因、环境和身份的奥秘》(魏登菲尔德·尼科尔森出版社,1997)一书,读后令人颇有畅快之感。
1700172081 [1] C horney, M. J., Chorney, K., Seese, N., Owen, M. J., Daniels, J.,McGuffin, P., Thompson, L. A., Detterman, D. K., Benbow, C, Lubinski,D., Eley, T. and Plomin, R. (1998). A quantitative trait locus associated with cognitive ability in children. Psychological Science 9: 1-8.
1700172083 [2] Galton, F. (1883). Inquiries into human faculty. Macmillan, London.
1700172085 [3] Goddard, H. H. (1920), quoted in Gould, S. J. (1981). The mismeasure of man. Norton, New York.
1700172087 [4] N eisser, U. et al. (1996). Intelligence: knowns and unknowns. American Psychologist 51: 77-101.
1700172089 [5] P hilpott, M. (1996). Genetic determinism. In Tarn, H. (ed.), Punishment,excuses and moral development. Avebury, Aldershot.
1700172091 [6] W right, L. (1997). Twins: genes, environment and the mystery of identity.Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London.
1700172093 [7] S carr, S. (1992). Developmental theories for the 1990s: development and individual differences. Child Development 63: 1-19.
1700172095 [8] D aniels, M., Devlin, B. and Roeder, K. (1997). Of genes and IQ. In Devlin,B., Fienberg, S. E., Resnick, D. P. and Roeder, K. (eds), Intelligence,genes and success. Copernicus, New York.
1700172097 [9] H errnstein, R. J. and Murray, C. (1994). The bell curve. The Free Press,New York.
1700172099 [10] H aier, R. et al. (1992). Intelligence and changes in regional cerebral glucose metabolic rate following learning. Intelligence 16: 415-26.
1700172101 [11] Gould, S. J. (1981). The mismeasure of man. Norton, New York.
1700172103 [12] Furlow, F. B., Armijo-Prewitt, T., Gangestad, S. W. and Thornhill,R. (1997). Fluctuating asymmetry and psychometric intelligence.Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 264: 823-9.
1700172105 [13] Neisser, U. (1997). Rising scores on intelligence tests. American Scientist 85: 440-47.
1700172107 7号染色体
1700172109 本章的主题是演化心理学,在多本书中都有过探讨,包括杰罗姆·巴尔科(Jerome Barkow)、莱达·科斯米德斯和约翰·图比的《适应的思想》(牛津大学出版社,1992),罗伯特·赖特(Robert Wright)的《道德动物》(万神殿出版社,1994),史蒂芬·平克的《心智探奇》(企鹅出版社,1998),以及我自己的《红色皇后》(维京出版社,1993)。人类语言的起源在下列著作中有过探讨:史蒂芬·平克的《语言本能》(企鹅出版社,1994)和特伦斯·迪肯(Terence Deacon)的《符号物种》(企鹅出版社,1997)。
1700172111 [1] For the death of Freudianism: Wolf, T. (1997). Sorry but your soul just died. The Independent on Sunday, 2 February 1997. For the death of Meadism: Freeman, D. (1983). Margaret Mead and Samoa: the making and unmaking of an anthropological myth. Harvard University Press,Cambridge, MA; Freeman, D. (1997). Frans Boas and ‘The flower of heaven’. Penguin, London. For the death of behaviourism: Harlow,H. F., Harlow, M. K. and Suomi, S. J. (1971). From thought to therapy:lessons from a primate laboratory. American Scientist 59: 538-49.
1700172113 [2] P inker, S. (1994). The language instinct: the new science of language and mind. Penguin, London.
1700172115 [3] D ale, P. S, Simonoff, E, Bishop, D. V. M, Eley, T. C, Oliver, B., Price, T.S., Purcell, S., Stevenson, J. and Plomin, R. (1998). Genetic influence on language delay in two-year-old children. Nature Neuroscience 1: 324-8;Paulesu, E. and Mehler, J. (1998). Right on in sign language. Nature 392:233-4.
1700172117 [4] C arter, R. (1998). Mapping the mind. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London.
1700172119 [5] B ishop, D. V. M., North, T. and Donlan, C. (1995). Genetic basis of specific language impairment: evidence from a twin study.Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 37: 56-71.
1700172121 [6] Fisher, S. E., Vargha-Khadem, F., Watkins, K. E., Monaco, A. P. and Pembrey, M. E. (1998). Localisation of a gene implicated in a severe speech and language disorder. Nature Genetics 18: 168-70.
1700172123 [7] Gopnik, M. (1990). Feature-blind grammar and dysphasia. Nature 344: 715.
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