1700172225 保罗·马丁的《病态心理》(哈珀柯林斯出版社,1997)一书,探讨了心理神经免疫学这个棘手的话题。
1700172227 [1] M artin, P. (1997). The sickening mind: brain, behaviour, immunity and disease. Harper Collins, London.
1700172229 [2] B ecker, J. B., Breedlove, M. S. and Crews, D. (1992). Behavioral endocrinology. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
1700172231 [3] M armot, M. G., Davey Smith, G., Stansfield, S., Patel, C, North, F. and Head, J. (1991). Health inequalities among British civil servants: the Whitehall II study. Lancet 337: 1387-93.
1700172233 [4] S apolsky, R. M. (1997). The trouble with testosterone and other essays on the biology of the human predicament. Touchstone Press, New York.
1700172235 [5] Folstad, I. and Karter, A. J. (1992). Parasites, bright males and the immunocompetence handicap. American Naturalist 139: 603-22.
1700172237 [6] Z uk, M. (1992). The role of parasites in sexual selection: current evidence and future directions. Advances in the Study of Behavior 21:39-68.
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1700172241 迪恩·哈默既做了一线研究,也撰写了有关性格遗传学和寻找与性格差异相关的基因标记方面的书籍。他与彼得·科普兰合著的书是《与我们的基因共处》(双日出版社,1998)。
1700172243 [1] H amer, D. and Copeland, P. (1998). Living with our genes. Doubleday,New York.
1700172245 [2] E fran, J. S., Greene, M. A. and Gordon, D. E. (1998). Lessons of the new genetics. Family Therapy Networker 22 (March/April 1998): 26-41.
1700172247 [3] Kagan, J. (1994). Galen’s prophecy: temperament in human nature. Basic Books, New York.
1700172249 [4] W urtman, R. J. and Wurtman, J. J. (1994). Carbohydrates and depression.In Masters, R. D. and McGuire, M. T. (eds), The neurotransmitter revolution, pp.96-109. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale and Edwardsville.
1700172251 [5] Kaplan, J. R., Fontenot, M. B., Manuck, S. B. and Muldoon, M. F. (1996). Influence of dietary lipids on agonistic and affiliative behavior in Macaca fascicularis. American Journal of Primatology 38: 333-47.
1700172253 [6] Raleigh, M. J. and McGuire, M. T. (1994). Serotonin, aggression and violence in vervet monkeys. In Masters, R. D. and McGuire, M. T.(eds), The neurotransmitter revolution, pp. 129-45. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale and Edwardsville.
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1700172257 最近有两本教科书,讲述了同源基因的故事,以及它们是如何开启的胚胎学研究的:刘易斯·沃尔珀特(Lewis Wolpert)、罗莎·贝丁顿(Rosa Beddington)、杰里米·布罗克斯(Jeremy Brockers)、托马斯·杰西尔(Thomas Jessell)、彼得·劳伦斯(Peter Lawrence)和埃利奥特·迈耶罗维茨(Elliot Meyerowitz)的《发育原理》(牛津大学出版社,1998),以及约翰·格哈特(John Gerhart)和马克·基施纳(Marc Kirschner)的《细胞,胚胎与演化》(布莱克威尔出版社,1997)。
1700172259 [1] B ateson, W. (1894). Materials for the study of variation. Macmillan,London.
1700172261 [2] T autz, D. and Schmid, K. J. (1998). From genes to individuals:developmental genes and the generation of the phenotype. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B 353: 231-40.
1700172263 [3] N usslein-Volhard, C. and Wieschaus, E. (1980). Mutations affecting segment number and polarity in Drosophila. Nature 287: 795-801.
1700172265 [4] M cGinnis, W., Garber, R. L., Wirz, J., Kuriowa, A. and Gehring, W. J.(1984). A homologous protein coding sequence in Drosophila homeotic genes and its conservation in other metazoans. Cell 37: 403-8; Scott,M. and Weiner, A.J. (1984). Structural relationships among genes that control development: sequence homology between the Antennapedia,Ultrabithorax and fushi tarazu loci of Drosophila. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 81: 4115-9.
1700172267 [5] A rendt, D. and Nubler-Jung, K. (1994). Inversion of the dorso-ventral axis? Nature 371: 26.
1700172269 [6] S harman, A. C. and Brand, M. (1998). Evolution and homology of the nervous system: cross-phylum rescues of otd/Otx genes. Trends in Genetics 14: 211-14.
1700172271 [7] D uboule, D. (1995). Vertebrate Hox genes and proliferation: an alternative pathway to homeosis. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development 5: 525-8; Krumlauf, R. (1995). Hox genes in vertebrate development. Cell 78: 191-201.
1700172273 [8] Z immer, C. (1998). At the water’s edge. Free Press, New York.
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