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1700172257 最近有两本教科书,讲述了同源基因的故事,以及它们是如何开启的胚胎学研究的:刘易斯·沃尔珀特(Lewis Wolpert)、罗莎·贝丁顿(Rosa Beddington)、杰里米·布罗克斯(Jeremy Brockers)、托马斯·杰西尔(Thomas Jessell)、彼得·劳伦斯(Peter Lawrence)和埃利奥特·迈耶罗维茨(Elliot Meyerowitz)的《发育原理》(牛津大学出版社,1998),以及约翰·格哈特(John Gerhart)和马克·基施纳(Marc Kirschner)的《细胞,胚胎与演化》(布莱克威尔出版社,1997)。
1700172259 [1] B ateson, W. (1894). Materials for the study of variation. Macmillan,London.
1700172261 [2] T autz, D. and Schmid, K. J. (1998). From genes to individuals:developmental genes and the generation of the phenotype. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B 353: 231-40.
1700172263 [3] N usslein-Volhard, C. and Wieschaus, E. (1980). Mutations affecting segment number and polarity in Drosophila. Nature 287: 795-801.
1700172265 [4] M cGinnis, W., Garber, R. L., Wirz, J., Kuriowa, A. and Gehring, W. J.(1984). A homologous protein coding sequence in Drosophila homeotic genes and its conservation in other metazoans. Cell 37: 403-8; Scott,M. and Weiner, A.J. (1984). Structural relationships among genes that control development: sequence homology between the Antennapedia,Ultrabithorax and fushi tarazu loci of Drosophila. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 81: 4115-9.
1700172267 [5] A rendt, D. and Nubler-Jung, K. (1994). Inversion of the dorso-ventral axis? Nature 371: 26.
1700172269 [6] S harman, A. C. and Brand, M. (1998). Evolution and homology of the nervous system: cross-phylum rescues of otd/Otx genes. Trends in Genetics 14: 211-14.
1700172271 [7] D uboule, D. (1995). Vertebrate Hox genes and proliferation: an alternative pathway to homeosis. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development 5: 525-8; Krumlauf, R. (1995). Hox genes in vertebrate development. Cell 78: 191-201.
1700172273 [8] Z immer, C. (1998). At the water’s edge. Free Press, New York.
1700172275 13号染色体
1700172277 路易吉·路卡·卡瓦利-斯福扎和弗朗西斯科·卡瓦利-斯福扎(Francesco Cavalli-Sforza)的《伟大的人类散居者》(艾迪生·韦斯利出版社,1995)一书探讨了基因的地理学。贾雷德·戴蒙德(Jared Diamond)的《枪炮、病菌和钢铁》(伦敦乔纳森海角出版社,1997)一书中也有一些类似的描述。
1700172279 [1] C avalli-Sforza, L. (1998). The DNA revolution in population genetics.Trends in Genetics 14: 60-65.
1700172281 [2] Jensen, M. (1998). All about Adam. New Scientist, 11 July 1998: 35-9.
1700172283 [3] Reported in HMS Beagle: The Biomednet Magazine (www.biomednet.com/hmsbeagle), issue 20, November 1997.
1700172285 [4] H olden, C. and Mace, R. (1997). Phylogenetic analysis of the evolution of lactose digestion in adults. Human Biology 69: 605-28.
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1700172289 关于衰老,有两本好书值得推荐。分别是史蒂芬·奥斯塔德的《我们为什么会衰老》(约翰威利父子出版社,1997),以及汤姆·柯克伍德(Tom Kirkwood)的《我们生命中的时光》(魏登菲尔德·尼科尔森出版社,1999)。
1700172291 [1] S lagboom, P. E., Droog, S. and Boomsma, D. I. (1994). Genetic determination of telomere size in humans: a twin study of three age groups. American Journal of Human Genetics 55: 876-82.
1700172293 [2] L ingner, J., Hughes, T. R., Shevchenko, A., Mann, M., Lundblad, V. and Cech, T. R. (1997). Reverse transcriptase motifs in the catalytic subunit of telomerase. Science 276: 561-7.
1700172295 [3] C lark, M. S. and Wall, W. J. (1996). Chromosomes: the complex code.Chapman and Hall, London.
1700172297 [4] H arrington, L., McPhail, T., Mar, V., Zhou, W., Oulton, R., Bass, M.B., Aruda, I. and Robinson, M. O. (1997). A mammalian telomeraseassociated protein. Science 275: 973-7; Saito, T., Matsuda, Y., Suzuki, T.,Hayashi, A., Yuan, X., Saito, M., Nakayama, J., Hon, T. and Ishikawa, F.(1997). C omparative gene-mapping of the human and mouse TEP1 genes, which encode one protein component of telomerases. Genomics 46: 46-50.
1700172299 [5] B odnar, A. G. et al. (1998). Extension of life-span by introduction of telomerase into normal human cells. Science 279: 349-52.
1700172301 [6] N iida, H., Matsumoto, T., Satoh, H, Shiwa, M., Tokutake, Y., Furuichi, Y.and Shinkai, Y. (1998). Severe growth defect in mouse cells lacking the telomerase RNA component. Nature Genetics 19: 203-6.
1700172303 [7] C hang, E. and Harley, C. B. (1995). Telomere length and replicative aging in human vascular tissues. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 92: 11190-94.
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