1700172287 14号染色体
1700172289 关于衰老,有两本好书值得推荐。分别是史蒂芬·奥斯塔德的《我们为什么会衰老》(约翰威利父子出版社,1997),以及汤姆·柯克伍德(Tom Kirkwood)的《我们生命中的时光》(魏登菲尔德·尼科尔森出版社,1999)。
1700172291 [1] S lagboom, P. E., Droog, S. and Boomsma, D. I. (1994). Genetic determination of telomere size in humans: a twin study of three age groups. American Journal of Human Genetics 55: 876-82.
1700172293 [2] L ingner, J., Hughes, T. R., Shevchenko, A., Mann, M., Lundblad, V. and Cech, T. R. (1997). Reverse transcriptase motifs in the catalytic subunit of telomerase. Science 276: 561-7.
1700172295 [3] C lark, M. S. and Wall, W. J. (1996). Chromosomes: the complex code.Chapman and Hall, London.
1700172297 [4] H arrington, L., McPhail, T., Mar, V., Zhou, W., Oulton, R., Bass, M.B., Aruda, I. and Robinson, M. O. (1997). A mammalian telomeraseassociated protein. Science 275: 973-7; Saito, T., Matsuda, Y., Suzuki, T.,Hayashi, A., Yuan, X., Saito, M., Nakayama, J., Hon, T. and Ishikawa, F.(1997). C omparative gene-mapping of the human and mouse TEP1 genes, which encode one protein component of telomerases. Genomics 46: 46-50.
1700172299 [5] B odnar, A. G. et al. (1998). Extension of life-span by introduction of telomerase into normal human cells. Science 279: 349-52.
1700172301 [6] N iida, H., Matsumoto, T., Satoh, H, Shiwa, M., Tokutake, Y., Furuichi, Y.and Shinkai, Y. (1998). Severe growth defect in mouse cells lacking the telomerase RNA component. Nature Genetics 19: 203-6.
1700172303 [7] C hang, E. and Harley, C. B. (1995). Telomere length and replicative aging in human vascular tissues. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 92: 11190-94.
1700172305 [8] A ustad, S. (1997). Why we age. John Wiley, New York.
1700172307 [9] S lagboom, P. E., Droog, S. and Boomsma, D. I. (1994). Genetic determination of telomere size in humans: a twin study of three age groups. American Journal of Human Genetics 55: 876-82.
1700172309 [10] Ivanova, R. et al. (1998). HLA-DR alleles display sex-dependent effects on survival and discriminate between individual and familial longevity.Human Molecular Genetics 7: 187-94.
1700172311 [11] T he figure of 7,000 genes is given by George Martin, quoted in Austad,S. (1997). Why we age. John Wiley, New York.
1700172313 [12] Feng, J. et al. (1995). The RNA component of human telomerase.Science 269: 1236-41.
1700172315 15号染色体
1700172317 沃尔夫·赖克(Wolf Reik)和阿齐姆·苏拉尼(Azim Surani)的《基因组印记》(牛津大学出版社,1997)是个不错的基因组印记论文集。很多书都探讨了性别差异,包括我自己的《红色皇后》(维京出版社,1993)。
1700172319 [1] H olm, V. et al. (1993). Prader-Willi syndrome: consensus diagnostic criteria. Pediatrics 91: 398-401.
1700172321 [2] A ngelman, H. (1965). ‘Puppet’ children. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 7: 681-8.
1700172323 [3] M cGrath, J. and Solter, D. (1984). Completion of mouse embryogenesis requires both the maternal and paternal genomes. Cell 37: 179-83;Barton, S. C, Surami, M. A. H. and Norris, M. L. (1984). Role of paternal and maternal genomes in mouse development. Nature 311: 374-6.
1700172325 [4] H aig, D. and Westoby, M. (1989). Parent-specific gene expression and the triploid endosperm. American Naturalist 134: 147-55.
1700172327 [5] H aig, D. and Graham, C. (1991). Genomic imprinting and the strange case of the insulin-like growth factor II receptor. Cell 64: 1045-6.
1700172329 [6] D awson, W. (1965). Fertility and size inheritance in a Peromyscus species cross. Evolution 19: 44-55; Mestel, R. (1998). The genetic battle of the sexes. Natural History 107: 44-9.
1700172331 [7] H urst, L. D. and McVean, G. T. (1997). Growth effects of uniparental disomies and the conflict theory of genomic imprinting. Trends in Genetics 13: 436-43; Hurst, L. D. (1997). Evolutionary theories of genomic imprinting. In Reik, W. and Surani, A. (eds), Genomic imprinting, pp. 211-37. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
1700172333 [8] H orsthemke, B. (1997). Imprinting in the Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome region on human chromosome 15. In Reik, W. and Surani, A.(eds), Genomic imprinting, pp. 177-90. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
1700172335 [9] Reik, W. and Constancia, M. (1997). Making sense or antisense? Nature 389: 669-71.
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