1700231200 18.B. W. Domingue, J. Fletcher, D. Conley, and J. D. Boardman, “Genetic and educational assortative mating among US adults,”Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences111, no. 22 (2014): 7996–8000.
1700231202 19.J. Price and K. Simon,“Patient education and the impact of new medical research,”Journal of Health Economics28, no. 6 (2009): 1166–1174.
1700231204 20.这被称为健康不平等的根本性原因假设。B. B. Link and J. Phelan,“Social conditions as fundamental causes of disease,”Journal of Health andSocial Behavior(1995): 80–94。
1700231206 21.见L. Schmitz and D. Conley, “The long-term consequences of Vietnam-era conscription and genotype on smoking behavior and health,”Behavior Genetics46, no. 1 (2016): 43–58。
1700231208 22.J. R. Behrman, R. A. Pollak, and P. Taubman,From Parent to Child:Intrahousehold Allocations and Intergenerational Relations in the United States(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995). Also see S. Marcus, “College education and the midcentury GI Bills,”Quarterly Journal of Economics118, no. 2 (2003): 671–708; and M. Page,“Father’s education and children’s human capital: Evidence from the World War II GI Bill”(working paper 06, 33, Department of Economics, University of California, Davis, 2006).
1700231210 23.L. L. Schmitz and D. Conley, “The impact of late-career job loss and genotype on body mass index” (working paper w22348, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA, 2016).
1700231212 24.然而,研究人群往往都是欧洲裔,这引发了一系列问题。我们应该如何把从白种人身上得出的多基因评分用在非白人种群中呢?用这些得分对非白人种群做出的预测效果较差。这些分数不是用来自非白人环境(如非洲)的人群算出的,所以还不清楚它和这些环境如何相互作用。类似的问题在药物开发研究中已经出现了,数十年来只有男性被用于临床试验。这些药物对女性是否同样起作用则是未知的(包括用量)。最近,FDA、NIH等机构已经要求医药技术要在男性和女性中都进行测试。对于跨种族和民族团体的遗传学分析还没有这样的要求。
1700231214 25.J. Yang, R.J.F. Loos, J. E. Powell, S. E. Medland, E. K. Speliotes, D.I. Chasman, L. M. Rose, et al., “FTO genotype is associated with phenotypic variability of body mass index,”Nature490, no. 7419 (2012): 267–272.
1700231216 每个多态性位点的结果在网上都可以自由获取,所以任何(通过23andme或其他途径)给自己的DNA密码测过序的人都能计算出可塑性评分。我们自己已经用系谱数据(允许预测家庭内的可塑性)做过同样的事。D. Conley, B. Domingue, and M. Siegal, “Modeling the genetic architecture of phenotypic plasticity using sibling data”(working paper, Center for Genomics and Systems Biology, New York University, 2015).
1700231218 26.L. Sweeney, A. Abu, and J. Winn,“Identifying participants in the Personal Genome Project by name”(white paper 1021–1, Harvard University,Data Privacy Lab, Cambridge, MA, April 24, 2013), http://www.forbes.com/sites/adamtanner/2013/04/25/harvard-professor-re-identifies-anonymousvolunteers-in-dna-study/#c39212d3e39f.
1700231220 27.D. Lazer,DNA and the Criminal Justice System: The Technology of Justice (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004).
1700231222 28.M. Jinek, K. Chylinski, I. Fonfara, M. Hauer, J. A. Doudna, and E.Charpentier,“A programmable dual-RNA-guided DNA endonuclease in adaptive bacterial immunity,”Science337, no. 6096 (2012): 816–821; D.Baltimore, P. Berg, M. Botchan, D. Carroll, R. A. Charo,G. Church, J. E. Corn,et al., “Biotechnology. A prudent path forward for genomic engineering and germline gene modification,” Science 348, no. 6230 (2015): 36–38.
1700231224 29.E. Lanphier, F. Urnov, S. E. Haecker, M. Werner, and J.Smolenski,“Don’t edit the human germ line,” Nature 519, no. 7544(2015):410–411.
1700231226 30.P. Liang, Y. Xu, X. Zhang, C. Ding, R. Huang, Z. Zhang, J. Lv, et al.,“CRISPR/Cas9- mediated gene editing in human tripronuclear zygotes,”Protein Cell6, no. 5 (2015): 363–372.
1700231228 31.尽管每一代的初始突变也存在同样的问题,但突变很罕见,而且一般是有害的。我们的讨论假定,未来人们能够大规模地编辑基因组,以增加其适应度。
1700231230 32.R. A. Sturm, D. L. Duffy, Z. Z. Zhao, F. P. N. Leite, M. S. Stark, N.K. Hayward, N. G. Martin, and G. W. Montgomery,“A single SNP in an evolutionary conserved region within intron 86 of the HERC2 gene determines human blue-brown eye color,”American Journal of Human Genetics82, no. 2(2008): 424–431.
1700231232 33.一个相关的问题是,我们对可用于编辑的各个基因的效果了解有限。如果变异X对我们有害,为何人类还要拥有它呢?我们经常对这个问题缺少答案。一个回答是,这个基因变异和其他基因同时起作用(这个机制称为上位性)以产生表型。如果我们编辑该变异来减少患一种特定疾病的可能性,对另一个表型的下游效应也许是毁灭性的。如果这些下游效应多年都没有显现,那么基因编辑可能成为真正灾难性的,而且很难(或不可能)纠正。
1700231234 34.J.-J. Rousseau,On the Origin of Inequality, reprint ed. (New York:Cosimo, 2005), 22.
1700231236 35.卢梭认为,私人财产的出现是人类所有罪恶的罪魁祸首,而不少其他启蒙思想家则对不平等持更积极的态度。苏格兰哲学家安德鲁·弗格森(Andrew Ferguson)和约翰·米勒(John Millar)认为,私人财产和不平等对社会进步有益,因为它们让人有了想争取的东西。然而,令人好奇的是,对于已经被(重)写进生活之书的不平等,他们可能作何感想?例如,A. Ferguson,An Essay on the History of Civil Society, ed. F. Oz-Saltberger(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995);J. Millar,ObservationsConcerning the Distinction of Ranks in Society, rev. 2nd ed. (London: 1773)。
1700231238 后记 遗传统治的崛起——21 17
1700231240 1.本后记改编自康利(Conley)的文章,文章来源如下:“What if Tinder showed your IQ? A report from a future where genetic engineering has sabotaged society,” Nautilus Magazine, September 24, 2015,http://nautil.us/issue/28/2050/what-if-tinder-showed-your-IQ。
1700231242 2.代孕这种职业当时已经消失。这是因为来自子宫的外源性影响(DNA甲基化以及组氨酸乙酰化)显得越来越重要,如果选择代孕的话风险会增加。
1700231244 3.S. Cohn, C. Cohn, and A. Jensen, “Myopia and intelligence: A pleiotropic relationship?” Human Genetics 80, No. 1 (1988): 53–58, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00451456.
1700231246 4.E. M. Miller, “On the correlation of myopia and intelligence,”Genetic,Social, and General Psychology Monographs118, No. 4 (1992): 361–383,http://psycnet.apa.org/psycinfo/1993–22443–001.
1700231248 5.J. A. Driver, A. Beiser, R. Au, B. E. Kreger, G. L. Splansky, T. Kurth,D. P. Kiel, et al., “Inverse association between cancer and Alzheimer’s disease:results from the Framingham Heart Study,” BMJ 344 (2012): e1442, http://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/344/bmj.e1442.full.pdf.
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