1700248540 112 关于潜在的新型作物,请参考:E. O. Wilson,The Diversity of Life (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, 1992)。
1700248542 113 保存作物的新品种和基因,请参考:Erich Hoy,Conserving the Wild Relatives of Crops (Gland, Switzerland: World Conservation Organization, International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, and World Wide Fund for Nature, 1988)。
1700248544 114 基因工程在农作物上的应用,由于兼具重要性与争议性,短短时间内便衍生出大量的文献。以下是我在简短评论时所参考的数据。关于基因工程潜在的利益,请参考:Charles C. Mann and Dennis Normile,Science , 283: 310-316(1999); Mary Lou Guerinot,Science ,287: 241. 243(2000); Elizabeth Pennisi,Science , 288:2304-2307(2000); Anne Simon Moffat,Science , 290: 253-254(2000); Michelle Marvier,American Scientist ,89: 160-167(2001); J. Madeleine Nash and Simon Robinson,Time ,156 (5): 38-46 (July 31, 2000)。关于风险和争议部分,请参考:Dean D. Metcalfe et al.,Critical Reviews and Food Science and Nutrition , 36(S): S165-86(1996); Issue Paper,Council for Agricultural Science and Technology ,No. 12, pp. 8 (1999); Joy Bergelson, Colin B. Purrington, and Gale Wichmann, Nature , 395: 25(1998); Tanja H. Schuler et al.,Trends in Biotechnology , 17: 210-216(1999); News and Editorial Staffs,Science , 286: 2243(1999); Dennis Avery,World Link , pp.8-9(July/August 1999); Adrian Murdoch interview Chad Holliday,World Link , pp. 36-39 (November/December 1999); Norman C. Ellstrand, Honor C. Prentice, and James F. Hancock,Annual Review of Ecology and Systematic s, 30: 539-563(1999); Jill Rubin, Masspirg (Massachusetts Public Interest Research Group), 18(3): 4-5(2000); Klaus M. Leisinger,Foreign Policy , No. 119, pp. 113-22 (Summer 2000); Miguel A. Altieri,Foreign Policy , No. 119, pp. 123-131(Summer 2000); Rosie S. Hails,Trends in Ecology & Evolution , 15(1): 14-18(2000); A. R. Watkinson et al.,Science ,289: 1554-1557(2000)。关于妥协、条约以及管理,请参考:Royal Society of London, U. S. National Academy of Sciences, Brazilian Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Indian National Science Academy, Mexican Academy of Sciences, and Third World Academy of Sciences,Transgenic Plants and World Agriculture (Washington, D. C.: National Academy Press, 2000); Cyril Kormos and Layla Hughes,Regulating Genetically Modified Organisms: Striking a Balance Between Progress and Safety (Washington, D, C.: Center for Applied Biodiversity Science, Conservation International- 2000); Colin Macilwain, Nature ,404: 693(2000); Richard J. Mahoney,Science , 288: 615(2000); Tim Beardsley,Scientific America , 282(4): 42-43(April 2000)。我要感谢Monsanto公司的Thomas E. Nickson和Jerry J. Hjelle,谢谢他们与我坦然讨论该公司参与研发转基因作物时所承受的风险与利益。
1700248546 115 有关“永续革命”这种说法,最早是在1990年代中期,由印度农学专家M. S. Swaminathan所提出。可参考他的著作:Sustainable Agriculture: Towards an Evergreen Revolution (Delhi, India: Konark Pvt. Ltd., 1996)。
1700248548 116 野生物种对于现代医药的贡献,以及后续商业价值,请参考:Douglas J. Futuyma,Science , 267: 41-42(1995); E. O. Wilson,The Diversity of Life (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, 1992); Peter H. Raven et al.,Teaming with Life (Washington. D. C.: The President’s Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology, 1999); Colin Macilwain, Nature ,392: 535-540 (1998)。
1700248550 117 真菌中发现的免疫抑制剂环孢菌素,其构造和生化功能,请参考:Christopher T. Walsh, Lynne D. Zydowsky, and Frank D. McKeon,The Journal of Biological Chemistry , 267(19): 13115-13118(July 5, 1992); Stuart L. Schreiber and Gerald R. Crabtree,Immunology Today , 13(4): 136-142(1992);The Harvey Lectures , Series, 91, pp. 99-114(1997)。
1700248552 118 此处学名疑为Phyllobates terribilis之误,种名同样是恐怖、可怕之意。此种金色箭毒蛙,是所有箭毒蛙中毒性最强的,一只蛙体内所含毒素约2毫克,而人类的血液中如果含有0.3毫克金色箭毒蛙毒素,就足以致命。——译者注
1700248554 119 关于从箭毒蛙身上发现镇痛剂地棘蛙素,请参考:David Bradley,Science ,261: 1117(1993); Charles W. Myers and John W. Daly,Science ,262: 1193(1993);尤其是:Mark J. Plotkin,Medicine Quest: In Search of Nature’s Healing Secrets (New York: Viking Penguin, 2000)。
1700248556 120 关于婆罗洲的胡桐属植物以及艾滋病病毒抑制剂(+)-calanolide的发现,请参考:Robert Cook,Harvard University Gazette , pp. 1, 4 (November 1996)的附刊“Arnold Arboretum of Harbard University”。该药目前正由Sarawak MediChem制药公司进行抗艾滋病病毒测试。
1700248558 121 传统医药采用的植物,请参考:James L. Castner, Stephen L. Timme, and James A. Duck, A Field Guide to Medicinal and Useful Plants of the Upper Amazon (Gainesville, FL.: Feline Press, 1998)。
1700248560 122 从热带雨林中提取药物成分,请参考:Michael J. Balick and Robert Mendelsohn,Conservation Biology ,6(1): 128-130(1992)。
1700248562 123 碳排放权交易(carbon credit trade),为了减缓温室效应,须管制各国的温室气体排放量,但因各地需求不同,此排放量可通过碳排放权交易方式,让国际间依需求出售或购买排放额度,同时达到全球温室气体减量的目标。——译者注
1700248564 124 关于Petén地区的热带雨林产业,请参考:Laura Tangley,U. S. News & World Report ,124(15): 40-41, 44(April 20, 1998)。
1700248566 125 Cetus公司和黄石国家公园与聚合酶连锁反应技术研发的关系,请参考:William B. Hull,Biodiversity (Consultative Group on Biological Diversity), 8(1): 1-2(1998)。另外,我也引用其他生物探勘的事例:Leslie Roberts,Science ,256: 1142-1143(1992); Andrew Pollack,New York Times , p. C10(March 5, 1992); Ricardo Bonalume Neto and David Dickson,Nature ,400: 302(1999)。并感谢NPS制药公司的Hunter Jackson私下交换意见(May 27, 1993),以及Daniel H. Janzen(私下交换意见)补充最新的INBio与默克公司间的协议。
1700248568 126 对于生态系统是否真能从最底层的微生物往上一一重建,我深表怀疑,这方面的数据,请参考我的著作:Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge (New York: Knopf, 1998)。
1700248570 127 莎士比亚(William Shakespeare,1564—1616),英国剧作家。贝多芬(Ludwig van Beethoven,1770—1827),德国作曲家。歌德(Johann W. von Goethe,1749—1832),德国诗人、作家,著有《浮士德》、《少年维特的烦恼》。甲壳虫乐队(Beatles),著名的英国摇滚乐队。——译者注
1700248572 128 环境伦理是一个很大的议题,由一小群学术界人士推动,但很不幸,未受到其他领域学者以及社会大众的重视。推荐阅读书单如下:Aldo Leopold,A Sand County Almanac, and Sketches Here and There (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1949) [中译本为《沙郡年记》,吴美真译(天下文化)],andFor the Health of the Land (Washington, DC: Island Press/Shearwater Books, 1999); Holmes RolstonⅢ, Philosophy Gone Wild: Essays in Environmental Ethics (Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1986); Bill McKibben,The End of Nature (New York: Random House, 1989); Steven C. Rockefeller and John C. Elder, eds.,Spirit and Nature: Why the Environment is a Religious Issue (Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1992); David R. Brower and Steve Chapple,Let the Mountains Talk, Let the Rivers Run: A Call to Those Who Would Save the Earth (San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1995); Theodore Roszak, Mary E. Gomes and Allen D. Kanner, Ecopsychology: Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind (San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1995); Philip Shabecoff,A New Name for Peace: International Environmentalism, Sustainable Development and Democracy (Hanover, NH: Univ. Press of New England, 1996); Stephen R. Kellert,Kinship to Mastery: Biophilia in Human Evolution and Development (Washington, DC: Island press, 1997); Daniel C. Maguire and Larry L. Rasmussen, eds.,Ethics for a Small Planet: New Horizons on Population, Consumption, and Ecology (Albany, NY: State Univ. of New York Press, 1998); Thomas Berry,The Great Work: Our Way into the Future (New York: Bell Tower, 1999); James Eggert,Song of the Meadowlark: Exploring Values for a Sustainable Future (Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press, 1999); Martin Gorke,Artensterben: Von der ökologischen Theorie zum Eigenwert der Natur (Stuttgart, Germany: Klett-Cotta, 1999)。此外,还有一份专业期刊:Environmental Ethics , published by the Center for Environmental Philosophy and the University of North Texas, Denton, texas。
1700248574 129 关于生物的基本构造与遗传机制,可参考:《观念生物学》,霍格兰、窦德生著。——译者注
1700248576 130 “人类不朽的投资”一词,借用自:Kenneth Small,Politics and the Life Sciences , 16(2): 183-192(1997)。
1700248578 131 深层生态学(deep ecology),是由挪威哲学家奈斯(Arne Naess)首创的生态哲学,强调所有生物皆平等,并认为万物自有其本身内在的价值。——译者注
1700248580 132 落基山脉营地登山道旁标语牌的变动请参考:Holmes RolstonⅢ,Garden , 11(4): 2-4, 31-32(July/August 1987)。
1700248582 133 我曾在以下著作中介绍“亲生命性”的含义:Biophilia (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1984)。这个观念后来被多方引用,包括:Stephen R. Kellert and Edward O. Wilson, eds.,The Biophilia Hypothesis (Washington, DC: Island Press/Shearwater Books, 1993); Stephen R. Kellert,Kinship to Mastery: Biophilia in Human Evolution and Development (Washington, DC: Island press, 1997)。
1700248584 134 Gordon H. Orians所引介的人类遗传上的环境偏好观念,系参考Jay Appleton,The Experience of Landscape (New York: Wiley, 1975)和其他人士的数据与观念而来,请参考:J. S. Lockard, ed.,The Evolution of Human Social Behavior (New York: Elsevier, 1980)。将此观念更进一步发展的著作包括:Orians and Judith H. Heerwagen in J. Barkow, Leda Cosmides, and John Tooby, eds.,The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1992); Heerwagen and Orians in S. R. Kellert and E. O. Wilson, eds.,The Biophilia Hypothesis (Washington, DC: Island Press/Shearwater Books, 1993); Orians,Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 79(1): 15-28(1998)。
1700248586 135 将人类历史浓缩成70年的想法,系借用自:Howard Frumkin,American Journal of Preventive Medicine , 20(3): 234-240(2001)。
1700248588 136 关于亲生命性及栖息地偏好在儿童时期的发展,回顾资料请见:Roger S. Ulrich, S. R. Kellert and E. O. Wilson, eds.,The Biophilia Hypothesis (Washington, DC: Island Press/Shearwater Books, 1993); Peter H. Kahn, Jr.,Developmental Review , 17(1): 1-61(1997) and The Human Relationship with Nature: Development and Culture (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999)。
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