1700248500 92 《华盛顿公约》(Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora,简称CITES),又称作《濒临绝种野生动植物国际贸易公约》,系于1973年在华盛顿签署,1975年7月1日正式生效,至今已有150多个缔约国。目的在于管制公约附录所列物种的国际贸易行为,以免因为过度利用而使濒危物种灭绝。——译者注
1700248502 93 广受环保机构注目的藏羚羊数量衰减问题,请参考:Marion Lloyd, Boston Globe , p. 1(March 15, 2000)。关于白鲍鱼的数据,请参考:Mia J, Tegner, Lawrence V. Basch, and Paul K. Dayton,Trends in Ecology & Evolution ,11(7): 278-280(1996)。
1700248504 94 关于极度濒危树种,世界环保监测中心曾经作过统计,请参考:Nigel Williams,Science , 281: 1426(1998)。有关胡安费尔南德斯群岛(Juan Fernandez Islands)树种的数据,请参考:Tod F. Stuessy et al.,Rare ,Threatened, and Endangered Flora of Asia and the Pacific Rim (Monograph Series No. 16), Ching-I. Peng and Porter P. Lowry II, eds. (Taipei: Academia Sinica, 1998), pp. 243-257。
1700248506 95 关于夏威夷特有鸟种毛里求斯岛蜜雀的遭遇,请参考:Stuart L. Pimm, Michael P. Moulton, and Lenora J. Justice,Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (Ser. B: Biological Sciences), 344(1307): 27-33(1994)。
1700248508 96 关于澳大利亚本土哺乳类动物数量衰减的回顾数据,请参考:Christopher John Humphries and Clemency Thorne Fisher, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (Ser. B: Biological Sciences), 344(1307): 3-9(1994); Timothy F. Flannery,Science 283: 182-183(1999)。关于濒危物种的调查资料,请参考:1996 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals , compiled and edited by Jonathan Baillie and Brian Groombridge(Gland, Switzerland: IUCN Species Survival Commission, 1996)。
1700248510 97 在众多有关马达加斯加动物群的文章与专著中,写得最好、资料最新也最完整的一本是:Peter Tyson,The Eighth Continent: Life, Death, and Discovery in the Lost World of Madagascar (New York: William Morrow, 2000)。
1700248512 98 关于新西兰鸟类绝种,尤其是恐鸟的灭绝,最重要的著作如下:Atholl Anderson,Prodigious Birds:Moas and Moa-hunting in Prehistoric New Zealand (New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1989); Alan Cooper et al.,Trends in Ecology & Evolution , 8(12): 433-437(1993); Jared Diamond, Science , 287: 2170-2171(2000); R. N. Holdaway and C. Jacomb,Science ,287: 2250-2254(2000)。
1700248514 99 关于波利尼西亚鸟类的数量衰减,请参考:Storrs L. Olson and Helen F. James,Descriptions of Thirty-two New Species of Birds from the Hawaiian Islands (Ornithological Monographs No. 45 and 46)(Washington. D. C.: American Ornithologists’Union, 1991), pp. 88;一般论述请参考:Tom Dye and David W. Steadman,American Scientist ,78: 207-215(1990); Stuart L. Pimm, Michael P. Moulton, and Lenora J. Justice,Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (Ser. B: Biological Sciences), 344(1307): 27-33(1994)。
1700248516 100 关于大量物种灭绝的过滤效应观点,请参考:Stuart L. Pimm et al.,ibid .; Andrew Balmford,Trends in Ecology & Evolution ,11(5): 193-196(1996)。
1700248518 101 在旧石器时代早期和中期,地中海地区的动物狩猎情况,请参考:Mary C. Stiner et al., Science , 283: 190-194(1999)。至于新石器时代人类的迁移和农业情况,请参考:Luigi L. Cavalli-Sforza,Genes, Peoples, and Languages , trans. Mark Seielstad(New York: North Point Press, 2000)。
1700248520 102 关于物种在地质年代上的寿命与灭绝率,系由下列著作的多位作者检阅评论过:Edward O. Wilson and Frances M. Peter, eds.,BioDiversity (Washington, D. C.: National Academy Press, 1988); E. O. Wilson,The Diversity of Life (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, 1992)。
1700248522 103 各种估算物种灭绝率的方法,曾由下列著作评估过:Georgina M. Mace and Russell Lande,Conservation Biology , 5(2): 148-157(1991); E. O. Wilson,The Diversity of Life (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, 1992);Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Societv (Ser. B: Biological Sciences), 344:1307(1994),此文在订正和添加新资料后,成为专题论文:John H. Lawton and Robert M. May, eds.,Extinction Rates (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1995)。
1700248524 104 关于象牙喙啄木鸟,请参见:Alexander Wilson,American Ornithology; or the Natural History of the Birds of the United States (Philadelphia: Bradford and Inskeep, 1808-1814), p. 20。该物种于1930年代的分布以及其后代的灭绝,请参考以下书籍和它的增修版:Roger Tory Peterson,A Field Guide to the Birds (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1934)。日后偶尔也曾传出有人见到美国象牙喙啄木鸟,但是从未被证实过。其中,2000年于新奥尔良北边的珍珠河森林,曾传出它们现身的消息,描述得绘声绘色,令爱鸟者好不兴奋。但是,还是一样,之后的搜寻仍是无功而返(Boston Globe , p. 2, November 11, 2000)。
1700248526 105 奥特朋(John James Audubon,1785—1851),美国博物学家,曾写过关于北美鸟类的书,附有很多他自绘的彩色插图。在1905年,爱鸟者组织了奥特朋学会(Audubon Society),宗旨是保护大自然中的野生动物,特别是鸟类。——译者注
1700248528 106 地球生态系统的经济价值,是由罗伯特·科斯坦萨(Robert Costanza)及其他12名科学家和经济学家所组成的小组所评估的,请参考:Nature , 387: 253-260(1997)。
1700248530 107 关于生态系统服务,最具确定性的回顾报告是由32个不同领域的专家联合撰写的:Nature’s Services: Societal Dependence on Natural Ecosystems , Gretchen C. Daily, ed. (Washington, D. C.: Island Press, 1997)。
1700248532 108 有关卡茨基尔山的森林经济价值、亚特兰大市区被砍树木的重植,以及它们对于水土保持的功效,引自:Peter H. Raven et al.,Teaming with Life: Investing in Science to Understand and Use America’s Living Capital (Washington, D. C.: The President’s Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology [PCAST], Biodiversity and Ecosystems Panel, 1999)。这项评估作业是由非政府组织美国森林协会,采用自然资源保护署所研发的公式来完成的。
1700248534 109 生物多样性、生态系统稳定性以及生态系统生产量,请参考:David Tilman最近的回顾文章Ecology ,80(5): 1455-1474(1999) and Nature ,405: 208-211(2000); Kevin S. McCann,Nature , 405: 228-233(2000); Jocelyn Kaiser,Science ,289: 1282-1283(2000); and F. Stuart ChapinⅢet al.,Nature , 405: 234-242(2000)。关于数学理论议题,请参考:Michael Loreau, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ,USA , 95(10): 5632-5636(1998); Felix Schläpfer, Bernhard Schmid, and Irmi Seidl,Oikos ,84(2): 346-352(1999)。关于微生物多样性在淡水环境中的分析,请参考:Robert G. Wetzel,Archiv für Hydrobiologie: Special Issues: Ergebnisse der Limnologie (Advances in Limnology), 54: 19-32(1999)。关于生物扮演生态系统工程师的概念有众多案例,请参考:Clive G. Jones, John H. Lawton, and Moshe Shachak,Oikos , 69(3): 373-386(1994)。
1700248536 110 有关蓝鲸的经济效益分析,请参考:Colin W. Clark, Journal of Political Economy , 81(4): 950-961(1973)。关于这类案例的纯经济价值观的弱点,请参考:David Ehrenfeld,Beginning Again: People and Nature in the New Millennium (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1993)。
1700248538 111 全球100多种粮食作物的种类,请参考:Robert and Christine Prescott-Allen,Conservation Biology , 4(4): 365-374(1990)。评估基准来自联合国粮农组织所收集的146个国家的数据。
1700248540 112 关于潜在的新型作物,请参考:E. O. Wilson,The Diversity of Life (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, 1992)。
1700248542 113 保存作物的新品种和基因,请参考:Erich Hoy,Conserving the Wild Relatives of Crops (Gland, Switzerland: World Conservation Organization, International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, and World Wide Fund for Nature, 1988)。
1700248544 114 基因工程在农作物上的应用,由于兼具重要性与争议性,短短时间内便衍生出大量的文献。以下是我在简短评论时所参考的数据。关于基因工程潜在的利益,请参考:Charles C. Mann and Dennis Normile,Science , 283: 310-316(1999); Mary Lou Guerinot,Science ,287: 241. 243(2000); Elizabeth Pennisi,Science , 288:2304-2307(2000); Anne Simon Moffat,Science , 290: 253-254(2000); Michelle Marvier,American Scientist ,89: 160-167(2001); J. Madeleine Nash and Simon Robinson,Time ,156 (5): 38-46 (July 31, 2000)。关于风险和争议部分,请参考:Dean D. Metcalfe et al.,Critical Reviews and Food Science and Nutrition , 36(S): S165-86(1996); Issue Paper,Council for Agricultural Science and Technology ,No. 12, pp. 8 (1999); Joy Bergelson, Colin B. Purrington, and Gale Wichmann, Nature , 395: 25(1998); Tanja H. Schuler et al.,Trends in Biotechnology , 17: 210-216(1999); News and Editorial Staffs,Science , 286: 2243(1999); Dennis Avery,World Link , pp.8-9(July/August 1999); Adrian Murdoch interview Chad Holliday,World Link , pp. 36-39 (November/December 1999); Norman C. Ellstrand, Honor C. Prentice, and James F. Hancock,Annual Review of Ecology and Systematic s, 30: 539-563(1999); Jill Rubin, Masspirg (Massachusetts Public Interest Research Group), 18(3): 4-5(2000); Klaus M. Leisinger,Foreign Policy , No. 119, pp. 113-22 (Summer 2000); Miguel A. Altieri,Foreign Policy , No. 119, pp. 123-131(Summer 2000); Rosie S. Hails,Trends in Ecology & Evolution , 15(1): 14-18(2000); A. R. Watkinson et al.,Science ,289: 1554-1557(2000)。关于妥协、条约以及管理,请参考:Royal Society of London, U. S. National Academy of Sciences, Brazilian Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Indian National Science Academy, Mexican Academy of Sciences, and Third World Academy of Sciences,Transgenic Plants and World Agriculture (Washington, D. C.: National Academy Press, 2000); Cyril Kormos and Layla Hughes,Regulating Genetically Modified Organisms: Striking a Balance Between Progress and Safety (Washington, D, C.: Center for Applied Biodiversity Science, Conservation International- 2000); Colin Macilwain, Nature ,404: 693(2000); Richard J. Mahoney,Science , 288: 615(2000); Tim Beardsley,Scientific America , 282(4): 42-43(April 2000)。我要感谢Monsanto公司的Thomas E. Nickson和Jerry J. Hjelle,谢谢他们与我坦然讨论该公司参与研发转基因作物时所承受的风险与利益。
1700248546 115 有关“永续革命”这种说法,最早是在1990年代中期,由印度农学专家M. S. Swaminathan所提出。可参考他的著作:Sustainable Agriculture: Towards an Evergreen Revolution (Delhi, India: Konark Pvt. Ltd., 1996)。
1700248548 116 野生物种对于现代医药的贡献,以及后续商业价值,请参考:Douglas J. Futuyma,Science , 267: 41-42(1995); E. O. Wilson,The Diversity of Life (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, 1992); Peter H. Raven et al.,Teaming with Life (Washington. D. C.: The President’s Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology, 1999); Colin Macilwain, Nature ,392: 535-540 (1998)。
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