1700264522 XIII 古菌的甲基转移酶参见:Deobald, D.; Adrian, L.; Schöne, C.; et al.(2018). Identification of a unique Radical SAM methyltransferase required for the sp3-C-methylation of an arginine residue of methyl-coenzyme M reductase.Scientific reports, 8(1): 7404。
1700264524 XIV 几种铁硫蛋白的结构相似性参见:Poehlein, A.; Schmidt, S.; Kaster, A. K.; et al.(2012). An Ancient Pathway Com bining Carbon Dioxide Fixation with the Generation and Utilization of a Sodium Ion Gradient for ATP Synthesis.PLOSONE, 7(3): e33439; Schuchmann, K.; Chowdhury, N. P.; Müller, V.(2018). Complex Multimeric [FeFe] Hydrogenases: Bio chemistry, Physiology and New Opportunities for the Hydrogen Economy.Frontiers in microbiology, 9: 2911; Schuchmann,K.; Vonck, J.; Müller, V.(2016), A bacterial hydrogen‐dependent CO2 reductase forms filamentous structures.FEBS Journal, 283(7): 1311-1322; Schwarz, F. M.; Schuchmann, K.; Müller, V.(2018). Hydrogenation of CO2 at ambient pressure cata lyzed by a highly active thermostable biocatalyst.Biotechnology for biofuels, 11, 237。
1700264526 XV 十二种核黄素依赖型电子分歧酶的进化关系参见:Poudel, S.; Dunham, E. C.; Lindsay, M. R.; et al.(2018). Origin and Evolution of Flavin-Based Electron Bifurcating Enzymes.Frontiers in microbiology, 9:1762。
1700264528 终章
1700264530 I 用原子力显微镜看到了有机化学反应中的化学键变化,参见:de Oteyza, D. G.; Gorman, P.; Chen, Y.-C.;et al.(2013).Direct imaging of covalent bond structure in single-molecule chemical reactions.Science, 340(6139):1434-7。
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1700264534 III 木星卫星的轨道共振产生了强烈的潮汐作用参见:Tyler, R. H.(2008). Strong ocean tidal flow and heating on moons of the outer planets.Nature, 456(7223): 770–772。
1700264536 IV 钻探木卫二的计划参见:Powell, J.; Powell, J.; Maise, G.; Paniagua, J.(2005). NEMO: A mission to search for and return to Earth possible life forms on Europa.Acta astronautica, 57: 579–593; Weiss, P.; Yung, K. L.; Ng,T. C.; et al.(2008). Study of a thermal drill head for the exploration of subsurface planetary ice layers.Planetary and space science, 56: 1280–1292; Weiss, P.; Yung, K. L.; Kömle, N.; et al.(2011). Thermal drill sampling system onboard high-velocity impactors for exploring the subsurface of Europa.Advances in space research, 48(4): 743。
1700264538 V 土卫二海洋参见:Platt, J.; Bell, B.(2014-04-03). NASA space assets detect ocean inside saturn moon.NASA。
1700264540 VI 土卫二的白烟囱参见:Waite, J. H; Glein, C. R; Perryman, R. S; et al.(2017). Cassini finds molecular hydrogen in the En celadus plume: Evidence for hydrothermal processes.Science, 356 (6334): 155–159。
1700264542 VII 土卫二喷出物蕴含的有机物参见:Cassini Tastes Organic Material at Saturn’s Geyser Moon.NASA, March 26, 2008. Retrieved March 26, 2008; Postberg, F.; Khawaja, N.; Abel, B.; et al.(2018). Macromolecular organic compounds from the depths of Enceladus.Nature, 558(7711): 564–568。
1700264544 VIII 银河系中的类地行星参见:Overbye, D.(4 November 2013). Far-Of Planets Like the Earth Dot the Galaxy.New York Times; Petigura, Erik A.; Howard, A. W.; Marcy G. W.(2013). Prevalence of Earth-size planets orbiting Sun-like stars.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(48):19273-8; Khan, A. Milky Way may host billions of Earth-size planets.Los Angeles Times. 4 November 2013。
1700264546 IV 格利泽832c参见:Wall, M.(June 25, 2014). Nearby Alien Planet May Be Capable of Supporting Life. space.com,re trieved June 26, 2014。
1700264548 幕后
1700264550 增章一
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1700264554 II 超过1万岁的南极海绵:Susanne Gatti (2002) “The Role of Sponges in High-Antarctic Carbon and Silicon Cycling - a Modelling Approach” . Ber. Polarforsch. Meeresforsch. 434. ISSN 1618-3193。
1700264556 III 发现了四千岁的珊瑚:https://www.nature.com/news/2009/090323/full/news.2009.185.html
1700264558 IV 关于外肛动物门的群落,参见:Ruppert, E. E.; Fox, R. S.; Barnes, R. D.(2004). Lophoporata.Invertebrate Zoology(7 ed.), 829–845。关于帚虫,参见:Emig, C. C. (2003). Phylum: Phoronida (PDF). In: Grzimek, B.; Kleiman, D. G.; Hutchins,M.(eds.) Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia 2. Protostomes (2 ed.), Thompson Gale, 491–495, Retrieved 2011-03-01。
1700264560 V 关于苔藓虫,参见:Ruppert, E. E.; Fox, R. S.; Barnes, R. D.(2004). Lophoporata.Invertebrate Zoology(7 ed.), 829–845。
1700264562 VI 关于海鞘群落,参见:Munday, R.; Rodriguez, D.; Di Maio, A.; et al.(2015). Aging in the colonial chordate, Botryllus schlosseri.Invertebrate reproduction and development, 59(sup1):45–50。
1700264564 VII 仅就海鞘的衰老而言,参见:Sköld, H. N.; Asplund, M. E.; Wood, C. A.; Bishop, J. D. D.(2011). Telomerase deficiency in a colonial ascidian after prolonged asexual propagation.Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 316(4): 276-83; Brown, F. D.; Keeling, E. L.; Le, A. D.; Swalla, B. J.(2009). Whole body regeneration in a colonial ascidian, Botrylloides violaceus.Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 312(8): 885-900; Sköld, H. N., Asplund, M. E.; Wood, C. A.; Bishop, J. D.(2011). Telomerase deficiency in a colonial ascidian after prolonged asexual propagation.Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 316(4): 276-283; Rinkevich, B. (2017). Senescence in Modular Animals. In: Sheferson, R.; Jones, O.; Salguero-Gómez,R.(Eds.).The Evolution of Senescence in the Tree of Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 220-237; Laird, D. J.; Weiss man, I.(2004). Telomerase maintained in self-renewing tissues during serial regeneration of the urochordate Botryllus schlosseri.Developmental biology, 273(2):185-94。
1700264566 VIII 涡虫寿命重置参见:Tan, T. C. J.; Rahman, R.; Jaber-Hijazi, F.; et al.(2012). Telomere maintenance and telomerase activi ty are diferentially regulated in asexual and sexual worms.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(11): 4209-14;Mouton, S.; Grudniewska, M.; Glazenburg, L.; et al.(2018). Resilience to aging in the regeneration‐capable flatworm Mac rostomum lignano.Aging Cell. 17:e12739。海星寿命重置参见:Garcia-Cisneros, A.; Pérez-Portela, R.; Almroth, B.; et al.(2015). Long telomeres are associated with clonality in wild populations of the fissiparous starfish Coscinasterias tenuispina.Heredity, 115: 437–443; Varney, R. M.;Po mory, C. M.; Janosik, A. M.(2017). Telomere elongation and telomerase expression in regenerating arms of the starfish Luidia clathrata (Asteroidea: Echinodermata).Marine biology, 164, 195. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00227-017-3230-x。
1700264568 IX 细菌利用外来DNA修复自己的DNA:Kowalczykowski SC, Dixon DA, Eggleston AK, Lauder SD, Rehrauer WM (Sep tember 1994). “Biochemistry of homologous recombination in Escherichia coli”. Microbiological Reviews. 58 (3): 401–65.doi:10.1128/MMBR.58.3.401-465.1994. PMC 372975. PMID 7968921;Cromie GA (August 2009). “Phylogenetic ubiquity and shufling of the bacterial RecBCD and AddAB recombination complexes”. Journal of Bacteriology. 191 (16): 5076–84.doi:10.1128/JB.00254-09. PMC 2725590. PMID 19542287;Morimatsu K, Kowalczykowski SC (May 2003). “RecFOR pro teins load RecA protein onto gapped DNA to accelerate DNA strand exchange: a universal step of recombinational repair”. Molecular Cell. 11 (5): 1337–47. doi:10.1016/S1097-2765(03)00188-6. PMID 12769856。
1700264570 X 关于细菌的衰老:Moseley, J. B. (2013). “Cellular Aging: Symmetry Evades Senescence”. Current Biology. 23 (19):R871–R873. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2013.08.013;Stewart, E. J.; Madden, R.; Paul, G.; Taddei, F. (2005). “Aging and Death in an Organism That Reproduces by Morphologically Symmetric Division”. PLoS Biology. 3 (2): e45. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0030045;Ackermann, M.; Stearns, S. C.; Jenal, U. (2003). “Senescence in a bacterium with asymmetric division”.Science. 300 (5627): 1920. doi:10.1126/science.1083532;Watve, M., Parab, S., Jogdand, P., & Keni, S. (2006). Aging may be a conditional strategic choice and not an inevitable outcome for bacteria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sci ences, 103(40), 14831–14835. doi:10.1073/pnas.0606499103。关于酵母的衰老:Jazwinski SM. The genetics of aging in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetica. 1993;91(1-3):35-51. doi:10.1007/BF01435986;Aguilaniu, H. (2003). Asym metric Inheritance of Oxidatively Damaged Proteins During Cytokinesis. Science, 299(5613), 1751–1753. doi:10.1126/sci ence.1080418。
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