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1700368492 12. Discussed in T. I. Lubart, “Models of the Creative Pro cess: Past, Present, and Future,” Creativity Research Journal 13 (2000–2001): 295–308.
1700368494 13. Ibid.
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1700368500 16. Ibid.
1700368502 17. Flaherty, “Frontotemporal and Dopaminergic Control.”
1700368504 18. R. E. Jung et al., “Neuroanatomy of Creativity,” Human Brain Mapping 31 (2010): 398–409. The Creative Achievement Questionnaire is designed to assess creativity in ten different domains (visual arts, music, etc.); Jung and colleagues also mea sured “divergent thinking” (another experimental proxy for creativity) using a variety of design tasks, with the results consensually assessed by raters into a “composite creativity index.” Magnetic resonance images of the subjects’ brains (there were sixty- one subjects in total) were compared to one another, and a computer program was used to mea sure the correlation between the various creative mea sures and the cortical thickness— the surface gray matter— of the subjects’brains.
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1700368510 21. Flaherty, “Frontotemporal and Dopaminergic Control.”
1700368512 22. A. Harrington, Medicine, Mind, and the Double Brain (Prince ton: Prince ton University Press, 1987); S. Finger, Minds Behind the Brain (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000).
1700368514 23. R. Sperry, “Roger W. Sperry— Nobel Lecture,” 1981. Available at Nobelprize.org, http:// nobelprize.org/ nobel_prizes/ medicine/ laureates/ 1981/sperry-lecture.html.
1700368516 24. M. Jung- Beeman et al., “Neural Activity When People Solve Verbal Problems with Insight,” PLoS Biology 2 (2004): 0500–0510.
1700368518 25. A. Dietrich and R. Kanso, “A Review of EEG, ERP, and Neuroimaging Studies of Creativity and Insight,” Psychological Bulletin 136 (2010): 822–848; R. D. Whitman, E. Holcomb, and J. Zanes, “Hemispheric Collaboration in Creative Subjects: Cross- Hemisphere Priming in a Lexical Decision Task,” Creativity Research Journal 22 (2010): 109–118.
1700368520 26. K. M. Mihov, M. Denzler, and J. Förster, “Hemispheric Specialization and Creative Thinking: A Meta- Analytic Review of Lateralization of Creativity,” Brain and Cognition 72 (2010): 442–448.
1700368522 27. R. E. Jung et al., “White Matter Integrity, Creativity, and Psychopathology: Disentangling Constructs with Diffusion Tensor Imaging,” PLoS One 5 (2010): e9818.
1700368524 28. S. T. Hunter, K. E. Bedell, and M. D. Mumford, “Climate for Creativity: A Quantitative Review,” Creativity Research Journal 19 (2007): 69–90.
1700368526 29. Ibid.
1700368528 30. Ibid.
1700368530 31. V. Chossat and O. Gergaud, “Expert Opinion and Gastronomy: The Recipe for Success,” Journal of Cultural Economics 27 (2003): 127–141.
1700368532 32. Adrià, Soler, and Adrià, A Day at El Bulli; Achatz, Alinea; Keller, Heller, and Ruhlman, The French Laundry Cookbook.
1700368534 33. J. - S. Horng and M. - L. Hu, “The Mystery in the Kitchen: Culinary Creativity,” Creativity Research Journal 20 (2008): 221–230; J. - S. Horng and M. - L. Hu, “The Creative Culinary Pro cess: Constructing and Extending a Four- Component Model,” Creativity Research Journal 21 (2009): 376–383.
1700368536 34. See www.foodandwine.com/ best_new_chefs/ by_name[0].
1700368538 35. L. Heldke, “Let’s Cook Thai: Recipes for Colonialism,” in Food and Culture: A Reader, ed. C. Counihan and P. van Esterik, 2nd ed., 327–341(New York: Routledge, 2008).
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