1700649377 关于AML患者在二次移植后的低存活率数据,详见:“Prognosis of patients with a second relapse of acute myeloid leukemia,” Leukemia 14(2000). 关于AML复发的成年人患者的5年存活率仅有11%,详见:“Prognostic index for adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia in first relapse,” American Society of Clinical Oncology 23(2005).
1700649379 关于调理疗程如何抑制AML移植患者的免疫系统,详见:“Myeloablative conditioning regimens for AML allografts:30 years later,” Bone Marrow Transplantation 32(2003).
1700649381 19 “我们可能已经消灭HIV”
1700649383 关于临床医师如何应用的比例,详见:“CD4 percentage,CD4 number,and CD4:CD8 ratio in HIV infection:which to choose and how to use,” Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2(1989).
1700649385 西里西亚诺极具影响力的论文:“Identification of a reservoir for HIV-1 in patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy,” Science 278(1997).
1700649387 关于血液中静止T细胞所占的比例及其与HIV的关联,详见:“Cellular APOBEC3G restricts HIV-1 infection in resting CD4+ T cells,” Nature 435(2005).
1700649389 关于淋巴结为HIV最适切的目标,详见:“Lymph node pathology of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS),” Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science 20(1990).
1700649391 福克斯的论文使他参与了两位柏林病人的治疗:“HIV in infected lymph nodes,” Nature 370(1994).
1700649393 关于淋巴结结构的破坏,详见:“Human immunodeficiency virus pathogenesis:insights from studies of lymphoid cells and tissues,” Clinical Infectious Disease 33(2001).
1700649395 自1996年起,沃克发表了数篇具影响力的论文,包括:“Recognition of the highly conserved YMDD region in the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase by HLA-A2-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes from an asymptomatic long-term nonprogressor,” Journal of Infectious Diseases 173(1996);“T cell receptor usage and fine specificity of human immunodeficiency virus 1-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte clones:analysis of quasispecies recognition reveals a dominant response directed against a minor in vivo variant,” Journal of Experimental Medicine 183(1996);“Strong cytotoxic T cell and weak neutralizing antibody responses in a subset of persons with stable nonprogressing HIV type 1 infection,” AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses 12(1996);“Cytotoxic T lymphocytes in asymptomatic long-term nonprogressing HIV-1 infection. Breadth and specificity of the response and relation to in vivo viral quasispecies in a person with prolonged infection and low viral load,” Journal of Immunology 156(1996);“Efficient lysis of human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected cells by cytotoxic T lymphocytes,” Journal of Virology 70(1996).
1700649397 关于HIV和干扰素-γ在ELISPOT中的交互作用,详见:“The role of IFN-[gamma] Elispot assay in HIV vaccine research,” Nature 4(2009).
1700649399 关于在HIV中使用ELISPOT的问题的争论,详见:“The role of IFN- Elispot assay in HIV research,” Nature Protocols 4(2009).
1700649401 20 无法振奋人心的康复
1700649403 德国国内生产总值(GDP)回馈至社会福利的比例与美国相比较的数据,援引自:“What the European and American welfare states have in common and where they differ:facts and fiction in comparisons of the European Social Model and the United States,” Journal of European Social Policy 20(2010).
1700649405 2008年,逆转录病毒和机会性感染大会(CROI)上公布的抗病毒药物:新特兹(Selzentry),药名马拉维若(maraviroc),其多国多中心随机双盲临床试验(MOTIVATE)的试验结果,详见:“Efficacy and safety of maraviroc plus optimized background therapy in treatment-experienced patients infected with CCR5-tropic HIV-1:48-week combined analysis of the MOTIVATE studies,” Abstract #792,15th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunisitic Infections,Boston,MA(2008).
1700649407 21 临床试验
1700649409 沃克针对HIV急性感染期免疫反应的早期论文:“Vigorous HIV-1-specific CD4+ T cell responses associated with control of viremia,” Science 278(1997).
1700649411 ACTG 5025试验也被称为“A study of the safety and effectiveness of hydroxyurea in patients on potent antiretroviral therapy and who have less than 200 copies/ml of HIV RNA in their blood”。研究人员的详细资料、给药情况以及招募的患者数量等细节情况,与美国所有的临床试验一样,都可以从clinicaltrials.gov中找到。
1700649413 关于ACTG 5025试验的逸闻,详见:“Pancreatitis Deaths Shut Down ACTG 5025,” HIV Plus Magazine (February/March 2000).
1700649415 利西耶维兹与洛里在羟基脲的应用及其临床试验上的特殊观点,详见于他们合著的一篇回顾:“Hydroxyurea in the treatment of HIV infection:clinical efficacy and safety concerns,” Drug Safety 26(2003).
1700649417 针对羟基脲的上市调查与ACTG 5025试验的谎报,美国食品药品管理局于1999年10月27日寄送了一封警告信给百时美施贵宝。此信收录于美国食品药品管理局官方网站,网址:http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/EnforcementActivitiesbyFDA/WarningLettersandNoticeofViolationLetterstoPharmaceuticalCompanies/UCM166219.pdf.
1700649419 霍维茨发现d4T的论文:“Nucleosides. X. The action of sodium ethoxide on 3’-0-tosyl-2’-deoxyadenosine,” Tetrahedron Letters 7(13)(1966).
1700649421 关于d4T的历史与耶鲁大学的关联,详见:“Yale Pressed to Help Cut Drug Costs in Africa,” New York Times (March 12,2001).
1700649423 关于给予d4T后患者神经病变的发病率的讨论,详见:“Human immunodeficiency virus-neuropathy with special reference to distal sensory polyneuropathy and toxic neuropathies,” Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 1(2008).
1700649425 “我不确定今天提出的建议有多好。”此句引述自卡顿的话,收录于:“F.D.A. Panel Recommends AIDS Drug Despite Incomplete Data,” New York Times (May 21,1994).
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