1700696929 产生的能量是无氧代谢的16倍:实际数字计算得出,无氧呼吸产生的能量为每个葡萄糖分子2个ATP,有氧呼吸产生的能量为每个葡萄糖分子38个ATP。出于这个原因,大多数教科书说有氧能量比无氧能量增加了19倍。但大多数教科书没有说明的是ATP过程中的低效和浪费,通常需要消耗大约8个ATP。因此,一个更保守的估计是,有氧呼吸产生的能量为30~32 ATP,或者说大约是无氧呼吸产生能量的16倍。Peter R. Rich,“The Molecular Machinery of Keilin’s Respiratory Chain,”Biochemical Society Transactions 31,no. 6(Dec. 2003): 1095–105。
1700696931 标准化的训练计划……弊大于利:偶尔要反对无氧运动。划船、举重和跑步都会对力量和耐力产生深远的影响。但为了有效,这些练习需要在更大的训练范围内进行,不能优先于有氧训练。高强度间歇训练之所以有效,是因为精心设计的计划是围绕着将绝大多数时间花在缓慢、温和的有氧运动上而制订的。作者兼健身教练布赖恩·麦肯齐(Brian MacKenzie)认为,高水平健身的关键是有效地结合有氧和无氧运动。The Maffetone Method,56; Brian MacKenzie with Glen Cordoza,Power Speed Endurance: A Skill-Based Approach to Endurance Training(Las Vegas: Victory Belt,2012),Kindle locations 462–70; Alexandra Patillo,“You’re Probably Doing Cardio All Wrong: 2 Experts Reveal How to Train Smarter,”Inverse,Aug. 7,2019,https://www.inverse.com/article/58370-truth-about-cardio?refresh=39。
1700696933 用180减去年龄:患有心脏病或其他疾病的人应该从马费通方程中减去10;如果你患有哮喘、过敏或以前没有锻炼过,减去5;训练两年以上的竞技运动员,加上5。相当于我这个年龄的男性最大运动能力的80%左右。无氧呼吸状态通常达到80%,或者说在这个年龄段很难一口气说完一个完整的句子。“Know Your Target Heart Rates for Exercise,Losing Weight and Health,”Heart.org,https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/fitness/fitness-basics/target-heart-rates; Wendy Bumgardner,“How to Reach the Anaerobic Zone during Exercise,”VeryWellFit,Aug. 30,2019,https://www.verywellfit.com/anaerobic-zone-3436576。
1700696935 有氧阈值内所能承受的心率上限:Two thousand years ago,a Chinese surgeon named Hua Tuo prescribed only moderate exercise to his patients,warning them: “The body needs exercise,only it must not be to the point of exhaustion,for exercise expels the bad air in the system,promotes free circulation of the blood,and prevents sickness.”The most efficient state of exercise where we reap the most benefits,Maffetone found,was around or below 60 percent of maximum capacity. The Cooper Institute,a research foundation that for 50 years has been studying the links between physical activity and chronic disease,has found that exercising at 50 percent leads to massive gains in aerobic fitness,improved blood pressure,prevention of various diseases,and more. Several other studies over the past several decades confirm this. Meanwhile,overexercising above 60 percent,toward that anaerobic zone,has been shown to induce a stress state,increased cortisol,adrenaline,and oxidative stress. Charles M. Tipton,“The History of‘Exercise Is Medicine’ in Ancient Civilizations,”Advances in Physiology Education,June 2014,109–17; Helen Thompson,“Walk,Don’t Run,”Texas Monthly,June 1995,https://www.texasmonthly.com/articles/walk-dont-run; Douillard,Body,Mind,and Sport,205; Chris E. Cooper et al.,“Exercise,Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress,”Biochemical Society Transactions 30,part 2(May 2002): 280–85。
1700696937 一群恒河猴:Peter A. Shapiro,“Effects of Nasal Obstruction on Facial Development,”Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 81,no. 5,part 2(May 1988): 968; Egil P. Harvold et al.,“Primate Experiments on Oral Sensation and Dental Malocclusions,”American Journal of Orthodontics&Dentofacial Orthopedics 63,no. 5(May 1973): 494–508; Egil P. Harvold et al.,“Primate Experiments on Oral Respiration,”American Journal of Orthodontics 79,no. 4(Apr. 1981): 359–72; Britta S. Tomer and E. P. Harvold,“Primate Experiments on Mandibular Growth Direction,”American Journal of Orthodontics 82,no. 2(Aug. 1982): 114–19; Michael L. Gelb,“Airway Centric TMJ Philosophy,”Journal of the California Dental Association 42,no. 8(Aug. 2014): 551–62; Karin Vargervik et al.,“Morphologic Response to Changes in Neuromuscular Patterns Experimentally Induced by Altered Modes of Respiration,”American Journal of Orthodontics 85,no. 2(Feb. 1984): 115–24。
1700696939 给自身带来的变化:Yu-Shu Huang and Christian Guilleminault,“Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea and the Critical Role of Oral-Facial Growth: Evidences,”Frontiers in Neurology 3,no. 184(2012),https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneur.2012.00184/full; Anderson Capistrano et al.,“Facial Morphology and Obstructive Sleep Apnea,”Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 20,no. 6(Nov.–Dec. 2015): 60–67。
1700696941 我们的体貌特征:几项较优秀的研究,Cristina Grippaudo et al.,“Association between Oral Habits,Mouth Breathing and Malocclusion,”Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica 36,no. 5(Oct. 2016): 386–94; Yosh Jefferson,“Mouth Breathing: Adverse Effects on Facial Growth,Health,Academics,and Behavior,”General Dentistry 58,no. 1(Jan.–Feb. 2010): 18–25; Doron Harari et al.,“The Effect of Mouth Breathing versus Nasal Breathing on Dentofacial and Craniofacial Development in Orthodontic Patients,”Laryngoscope 120,no. 10(Oct. 2010): 2089–93; Valdenice Aparecida de Menezes,“Prevalence and Factors Related to Mouth Breathing in School Children at the Santo Amaro Project—Recife,2005,”Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology 72,no. 3(May–June 2006): 394–98。
1700696943 帕特里克·麦吉沃恩:Patrick McKeown and Martha Macaluso,“Mouth Breathing: Physical,Mental and Emotional Consequences,”Central Jersey Dental Sleep Medicine,Mar. 9,2017,https://sleep-apnea-dentist-nj.info/mouth-breathing-physical-mental-and-emotional-consequences/。
1700696945 季节性过敏来袭时:W. T. McNicholas,“The Nose and OSA: Variable Nasal Obstruction May Be More Important in Pathophysiology Than Fixed Obstruction,”European Respiratory Journal 32(2008): 5,https://erj.ersjournals.com/content/32/1/3; C. R. Canova et al.,“Increased Prevalence of Perennial Allergic Rhinitis in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea,”Respiration 71(Mar.–Apr. 2004): 138–43; Carlos Torre and Christian Guilleminault,“Establishment of Nasal Breathing Should Be the Ultimate Goal to Secure Adequate Craniofacial and Airway Development in Children,”Jornal de Pediatria 94,no. 2(Mar.–Apr. 2018): 101–3。
1700696947 睡眠呼吸暂停:睡眠呼吸暂停和打鼾是常见的“难兄难弟”。呼噜声音越大,呼吸道受损就严重,人就越容易出现睡眠呼吸暂停。Farhan Shah et al.,“Desmin and Dystrophin Abnormalities in Upper Airway Muscles of Snorers and Patients with Sleep Apnea,”Respiratory Research 20,no. 1(Dec. 2019): 31。
1700696949 闭口则得安眠:Levinus Lemnius,The Secret Miracles of Nature: In Four Books(London,1658),132–33,https://archive.org/details/b30326084/page/n7; Melissa Grafe,“Secret Miracles of Nature,”Yale University,Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library,Dec. 12,2013,https://library.medicine.yale.edu/content/secret-miracles-nature。
1700696951 流失40%的水分:Sophie Svensson et al.,“Increased Net Water Loss by Oral Compared to Nasal Expiration in Healthy Subjects,”Rhinology 44,no. 1(Mar. 2006): 74–77。
1700696953 在睡眠进入最深层的阶段:Mark Burhenne,The 8-Hour Sleep Paradox: How We Are Sleeping Our Way to Fatigue,Disease and Unhappiness(Sunnyvale,CA: Ask the Dentist,2015),45。
1700696955 血管加压素:Andrew Bennett Hellman,“Why the Body Isn’t Thirsty at Night,”Nature News,Feb. 28,2010,https://www.nature.com/news/2010/100228/full/news.2010.95.html。
1700696957 梅奥……报告:2001年,匹兹堡大学的研究人员调查数百人后,发现一半人在患有失眠的同时,还患有睡眠呼吸暂停。接着,他们又对患有睡眠呼吸暂停的人进行调查,发现其中有一半患有失眠。多年后,一项发表在《梅奥医学中心学报》上的研究指出,通过对1200名慢性失眠症患者的调查发现,有900名患者都被医生开了某种助睡药物,包括抗抑郁药,但都遭遇了“药物治疗失败”。服用处方药的700多名患者报告说,他们的失眠非常严重,那些药物不但对他们无效,反而还让睡眠质量变得更差,而原因就是很多人的失眠并不是心理问题,而是呼吸问题。Barry Krakow et al.,“Pharmacotherapeutic Failure in a Large Cohort of Patients with Insomnia Presenting to a Sleep Medicine Center and Laboratory: Subjective Pretest Predictions and Objective Diagnoses,”Mayo Clinic Proceedings 89,no. 12(Dec. 2014): 1608–20; “Pharmacotherapy Failure in Chronic Insomnia Patients,”Mayo Clinic Proceedings,YouTube,https://youtube.com/watch?v=vdm1kTFJCK4。
1700696959 成千上万……的同胞们:Thomas M. Heffron,“Insomnia Awareness Day Facts and Stats,”Sleep Education,Mar. 10,2014,http://sleepeducation.org/news/2014/03/10/insomnia-awareness-day-facts-and-stats。
1700696961 呼吸沉重、轻微打鼾:纪耶米诺指出,过分关注某些问题会混淆打鼾和睡眠呼吸暂停这个更大的麻烦。睡眠中产生的任何呼吸障碍,无论是呼吸暂停、打鼾、呼吸急促,甚至是最轻微的喉咙收缩,都可能对身体造成严重伤害。Christian Guilleminault and Ji Hyun Lee,“Does Benign‘Primary Snoring’Ever Exist in Children?”Chest Journal 126,no. 5(Nov. 2004): 1396–98; Guilleminault et al.,“Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome,”Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 159,no. 8(Aug. 2005): 775–85。
1700696963 使我变得迟钝:Noriko Tsubamoto-Sano et al.,“Influences of Mouth Breathing on Memory and Learning Ability in Growing Rats,”Journal of Oral Science 61,no. 1(2019): 119–24; Masahiro Sano et al.,“Increased Oxygen Load in the Prefrontal Cortex from Mouth Breathing: A Vector-Based Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study,”Neuroreport 24,no. 17(Dec. 2013): 935–40; Malia Wollan,“How to Be a Nose Breather,”The New York Times Magazine,Apr. 23,2019。
1700696965 嘴巴呼吸为“逆气”:The Primordial Breath: An Ancient Chinese Way of Prolonging Life through Breath Control,vol. 2,trans. Jane Huang and Michael Wurmbrand(Original Books,1990),31。
1700696967 这就是现状:有关咬合错位的统计数据各有差异。儿科牙医凯文·博伊德、医生兼睡眠专家达利斯·洛格马尼指出,“75%的6~11岁儿童、89%的12~17岁青少年,都有一定程度的咬合错位”。此外,约65%的成年人,包括那些已经做过牙齿矫正术的人,有一定程度的咬合错位。鉴于此,那没有接受治疗的成年人的实际人数应当要接近90%了。我找到的一些其他估算中,儿童的这个比例更高。一些介绍咬合错位的讲座(附参考资料)和深度访谈:Kevin L. Boyd and Darius Loghmanee,“Inattention,Hyperactivity,Snoring and Restless Sleep: My Child’s Dentist Can Help?!”presentation at 3rd Annual Autism,Behavior,and Complex Medical Needs Conference; Kevin Boyd interview by Shirley Gutkowski,Cross Link Radio,2017,https://crosslinkradio.com/dr-kevin-boyd-2/; “Malocclusion,”Boston Children’s Hospital,http://www.childrenshospital.org/conditions-and-treatments/conditions/m/malocclusion。
1700696969 45%的成年人:“Snoring,”Columbia University Department of Neurology,http://www.columbianeurology.org/neurology/staywell/document.php?id=42066。
1700696971 25%的人:“Rising Prevalence of Sleep Apnea in U.S. Threatens Public Health,”press release,American Academy of Sleep Medicine,Sept. 29,2014。
1700696973 有80%:Steven Y. Park,MD,Sleep,Interrupted: A Physician Reveals the #1 Reason Why So Many of Us Are Sick and Tired(New York: Jodev Press,2008),26。
1700696975 一万年前:各年代对世界人口的估计:https://tinyurl.com/rrhvcjh。
1700696977 松弛拉长的面庞:多项研究都表明这类恢复在人身上是有可能的。20世纪90年代,加拿大研究人员对38名患有慢性咽扁桃体肥大的儿童进行了面部和口腔尺寸的测量。咽扁桃体位于口腔顶部,功能主要是抵抗感染。咽扁桃体肥大时,孩子们几乎无法鼻呼吸,所以只能口呼吸,结果他们都有松弛拉长的脸庞。外科医生对一半儿童的咽扁桃体进行了切除,然后监测其面部尺寸。慢慢地,他们的脸恢复到了原来的位置:下颚前移,上颌骨外扩。Donald C. Woodside et al.,“Mandibular and Maxillary Growth after Changed Mode of Breathing,”American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 100,no. 1(July 1991): 1–18; Shapiro,“Effects of Nasal Obstruction on Facial Development,”967–68。
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