941.Smith,Denis,ed.Water Supply and Public Health Engineering.Brookfield,VT
942.Troesken,Werner.The Great Lead Water Pipe Disaster.Cambridge,MA
:MIT Press,2006.
公共卫生史 注释
[1] 这些宏大的著作,其中之一是Dorothy Porter,Health,Civilization,and the State
:A History of Public Health from Ancient to Modern Times(London
:Routledge,1999),但仅限于欧洲和美国;John Duffy,The Sanitarians
:A History of American Public Health(Urbana
:University of Illinois Press,1990),仅限于美国的公共卫生历史,尤其关注公共卫生部门的各种活动。Dona Schneider与David E.Lilienfeld分别所著的两卷,Public Health
:The Development of a Discipline,vol.1,From the Age of Hippocrates to the Progressive Era(New Brunswick,NJ
:Rutgers University Press,2008),以及Public Health
:The Development of a Discipline,Twentieth Century Challenges(New Brunswick,NJ
:Rutgers University Press,2011),是附有历史评论的经典文本选集。Mark Harrison,Disease and the Modern World
:1500 to the Present Day(Cambridge,MA
:Polity,2004),跨越了国界,在欧洲殖民主义扩张的背景下对疾病进行了广泛分析。J.N.Hays,The Burdens of Disease;Epidemics and Human Response in Western History(New Brunswick,NJ
:Rutgers University Press,2010),以及William H.McNeill,Plagues and Peoples(New York
:Doubleday/Anchor,1976),利用大量跨学科文献,探索传染病对人类历史的影响。另一本有价值的著作是Robert P.Hudson,Disease and Its Control
:The Shaping of Modern Thought(Westport,CT
:Greenwood Press,1983)。在较早但仍然流行的文本中,Henry E.Sigerist,Civilization and Disease(1943;reprint,Chicago
:University of Chicago Press,1962),关于疾病及其解释做了一系列引人入胜的论述,另见Charles-Edward A.Winslow,The Conquest of Epidemic Disease
:A Chapter in the History of Ideas(New York
:Hafner,1943);以及Erwin H.Ackerknecht,The History and Geography of the Most Important Diseases(New York
:Hafner,1965)。20世纪,Harry Dowling,Fighting Infection
:Conquests of the Twentieth Century (Cambridge,MA
:Harvard University Press,1977)以及Wesley W.Spink,Infectious Diseases
:Prevention and Treatment in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries(Minneapolis
:University of Minnesota Press,1978)这两本著作对控制传染病的历史做了一般讨论;对慢性病史的讨论则少得多。
[2] 对于卫生专业人士而言,历史学必不可少,这促使当代多位医学史家开始动笔撰写这一领域的教材。在有了这些广泛且综合的文本后,对该领域学者得以形成统一的观点,同时也为学生和未来的从业人士确立了观察视角。例如,见Erwin H.Ackerknecht,A Short History of Medicine(Baltimore
:Johns Hopkins University Press,1982);Erwin H.Ackerknecht,Therapeutics from the Primitives to the Twentieth Century(New York
:Hafher,1973);Henry E.Sigerist,A History of Medicine(New York
:Oxford University Press),vol.1,Primitive and Archaic Medicine(1951);vol.2,Early Greek,Hindu,and Persian Medicine(1961)。
[3] 关于罗森著作的文献目录,见《乔治·罗森:文献目录》,in Healing and History
:Essays for George Rosen,ed.Charles E.Rosenberg(New York
:Science History Publications,1979),252—262。
[4] Kevin M.Cahill,ed.,Immanent Peril
:Public Health in a Declining Economy(New York
:The Twentieth Century Fund Press,1991); Vicente Navarro,Medicine under Capitalism(New York
:Neale Watson,1976); Barron H.Lerner,“A Case Study of New York City’s Tuberculosis Control Efforts
:The Historical Limitations of the ‘War on Consumption,’ ”American Journal of Public Health 83(1993)
[5] 年代更近的文献,见Alison Bashford,Imperial Hygiene
:A Critical History of Colonialism,Nationalism and Public Health(Basingstoke,UK
:Palgrave Macmillan,2004);David Arnold,Medicine in an Age of Commerce and Empire
:Britain and Its Tropical Colonies,1660—1830(Oxford
:Oxford University Press,2010);Howard Waitzkin,Medicine and Public Health at the End of Empire(Boulder,CO
:Paradigm Publishers,2011);Anne-Emanuelle Birn,Yogan Pillay,and Timothy H.Holtz,Textbook of International Health
:Global Health in a Dynamic World(New York
:Oxford University Press,2009);Vicente Navarro,ed.,Neoliberalism,Globalization,and Inequalities
:Consequences for Health and Quality of Life(Amityville,NY
:Baywood,2007);Vicente Navarro and Carlos Muntaner,eds.,Political and Economic Determinants of Population Health and WellBeing
:Controversies and Developments(Amityville,NY
:Baywood,2004);Ronald Labonte,Ted Schrecker,David Sanders,and Wilma Meeus,Fatal Indifference
:The G8,Africa,and Global Health(Johannesburg
:Juta Academic,2004);Greg Grandin,Empire’s Workshop
:Latin America,the United States,and the Rise of the New Imperialism(New York
:Metropolitan Books,2006);David Sanders and Richard Carver,The Struggle for Health
:Medicine and the Politics of Underdevelopment(New York
:Macmillan,1991);Ronald Labonte,Ted Schrecker,Corinne Packer,and Vivien Runnels,eds.Globalization and Health
:Path ways,Evidence and Policy(London
:Routledge,2009);David Arnold,ed.Warm Climates and Western Medicine(Amsterdam
:Rodopi,1996);Warwick Anderson,The Collectors of Lost Souls
:Turning Kuru Scientists into Whitemen(Baltimore
:Johns Hopkins University Press,2008);Warwick Anderson,Colonial Pathologies(Durham,NC
:Duke University Press,2006);Meredith Turshen,The Politics of Public Health(New Brunswick,NJ
:Rutgers University Press,1989);Paul Farmer,Arthur Kleinman,Jim Yong Kim,and Matthew Basilico,Reimagining Global Health
:An Introduction(Berkeley
:University of California Press,2013);Joao Biehl and Adriana Petryna,eds.,When People Come First
:Critical Studies in Global Health(Princeton,NJ
:Princeton University Press,2013);David Harvey,A Brief History of Neoliberalism(Oxford
:Oxford University Press,2007);Randall Packard,The Making of a Tropical Disease
:A Short History of Malaria(Baltimore
:Johns Hopkins University Press,2007);Amartya Sen,Development as Freedom(Oxford
:Oxford University Press,2001);Amartya Sen and Paul Farmer,Pathologies of Power
:Health,Human Rights,and the New War on the Poor(Berkeley
:University of California Press,2004);David Arnold,Warm Climates and Western Medicine
:The Emergence of Tropical Medicine,1500—1900(Atlanta,GA
:Rodopi,1996);Poonam Bala,Biomedicine as a Contested Site
:Some Revelations in Imperial Contexts(Lanham,MD
:Lexington Books,2009);Alison Bashford,Medicine at the Border
:Disease,Globalization and Security,1850 to the Present(New York
:Palgrave Macmillan,2006);Anne-Emanuelle Birn and Theodore Brown,eds.Comrades in Health
:U.S.Health Internationalists,Abroad and at Home(New Brunswick,NJ
:Rutgers University Press,2013);Douglas Haynes,Imperial Medicine
:Patrick Manson and the Conquest of Tropical Disease(Philadelphia
:University of Pennsylvania Press,2001;Ryan Johnson and Amna Khalid,Public Health in the British Empire
:Intermediaries,Subordinates,and the Practice of Public Health,1850—1960(New York
:Routledge,2012);Michelle Moran,Colonizing Leprosy
:Imperialism and the Politics of Public Health in the United States(Chapel Hill
:University of North Carolina Press,2007);Deborah Neill,Networks in Tropical Medicine
:Internationalism,Colonialism,and the Rise of a Medical Specialty,1890—1930(Stanford,CA
:Stanford University Press,2012;David Arnold,Warm Climates and Western Medicine
:The Emergence of Tropical Medicine,1500—1900(Atlanta,GA
:Rodopi,1996);Alison Bashford,Medicine at the Border
:Disease,Globalization and Security,1850 to the Present(New York
:Palgrave Macmillan,2006);Douglas Haynes,Imperial Medicine
:Patrick Manson and the Conquest of Tropical Disease(Philadelphia
:University of Pennsylvania Press,2001;Ryan Johnson and Amna Khalid,Public Health in the British Empire
:Intermediaries,Subordinates,and the Practice of Public Health,1850—1960(New York
:Routledge,2012);Michelle Moran,Colonizing Leprosy
:Imperialism and the Politics of Public Health in the United States(Chapel Hill
:University of North Carolina Press,2007);Deborah Neill,Networks in Tropical Medicine
:Internationalism,Colonialism,and the Rise of a Medical Specialty,1890—1930(Stanford,CA
:Stanford University Press,2012;Mark Harrison,Climates & Constitutions
:Health,Race,Environment and British Imperialism in India,1600—1850(New Delhi
:Oxford University Press,1999);Pratik Chakrabarti,Materials and Medicine
:Trade,Conquest,and Therapeutics in the Eighteenth Century(Manchester
:Manchester University Press,2010);Jack Edward McCallum,Leonard Wood
:Rough Rider,Surgeon,Architect of American Imperialism(New York
:New York University Press,2006);Sheldon J.Watts,Epidemics and History
:Disease,Power,and Imperialism(New Haven,CT
:Yale University Pre
[6] 见Fikret Yegül,Baths and Bathing in Classical Antiquity(Cambridge,MA
:Architectural History Foundation/MIT Press,1992)。
[7] 对希腊—罗马世界的公共卫生感兴趣的人可能会发现以下资料是有帮助的:Owsei Temkin,Hippocrates in a World of Pagans and Christians(Baltimore
:Johns Hopkins University Press,1991);Geoffrey E.R.Lloyd,ed.,Hippocratic Writings(New York
:Penguin,1978);Wesley D.Smith,The Hippocratic Tradition(Ithaca,NY
:Cornell University Press,1979);Owsei Temkin,Galenism
:Rise and Decline of a Medical Philosophy(Ithaca,NY
:Cornell University Press,1973);Heinrich von Staden,Herophilus
:The Art of Medicine in Early Alexandria(New York
:Cambridge University Press,1989);“The Dietetics of Antiquity,”and other essays by Ludwig Edelstein inAncient Medicine
:Selected Papers of Ludwig Edelstein,ed.Owsei Temkin and C.Lilian Temkin(Baltimore
:Johns Hopkins Press,1967);Robert Parker,Miasma
:Pollution and Purification in Early Greek Religion(Oxford
:Clarendon Press,1983);Guido Majno,The Healing Hand
:Man and Wound in the Ancient World(Cambridge,MA
:Harvard University Press,1975);John Scarborough,“Roman Medicine and Public Health,”inPublic Health,ed.Teizo Ogawa(Tokyo
:Taniguchi Foundation,1981),33—74;the chapter on hygiene in Ralph Jackson,Doctors and Diseases in the Roman Empire(Norman
:University of Oklahoma Press,1988);Vivian Nutton,“The Seeds of Disease
:An Explanation of Contagion and Infection from the Greeks to the Renaissance,”Medical History27(1983,supp.1)
:1—34;Owsei Temkin,“The Scientific Approach to Disease
:Specific Entity and Individual Sickness”(and other essays)inThe Double Face of Janus(Baltimore
:Johns Hopkins University Press,1977),442—448;Mirko D.Grmek,Diseases in the Ancient Greek World(Baltimore
:Johns Hopkins University Press,1989);Vivian Nutton,“Continuity or Rediscovery?The City Physician in Classical Antiquity and Medieval Italy,”inThe Town and State Physician in Europe from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment,ed.Andrew Russell(Wolffenbutel
:Herzog August Bibliothek,1981),9—46。
[8] 在国内公共卫生、环境卫生政策和国际卫生的诸多领域,我们还会继续就针对特定疾病预防的分类方案与面向更广泛的社会、经济和环境的改革方案,这两者间的相对重要性和有效性进行辩论。例如,见N.Krieger,Epidemiology and the People’s Health
:Theory and Context(New York
:Oxford University Press,2011)。
[9] 关于中世纪卫生和流行病的一般讨论,见相关章节,C.H.Talbot,Medicine in Medieval England(London
:Oldbourne,1967),144—169.Useful discussions may also be found in more general histories of the medieval period
:see,for example,David Herlihy,Cities and Societies in Medieval Italy(London
:Variorum Reprints,1980);David Herlihy,ed.,The Medieval City(New Haven,CT
:Yale University Press,1977);and Josiah C.Russell,Medieval Regions and Their Cities(Bloomington
:Indiana University Press,1972)。流行病,虽然不是中世纪公共卫生的唯一问题,却是这个时代戏剧化的标志。尤其是黑死病,即14世纪灾难性的鼠疫流行病,使人们对那段历史展开了丰富的想象。现存的两部作品为Philip Ziegler的The Black Death(New York
:Harper & Row,1969)和Barbara Tuchman的A Distant Mirror
:The Calamitous Fourteenth Century(New York
:Knopf,1978),两书都很生动。与其他广受欢迎的著作一样,它们并不被该领域的专家们认为完全可靠。菲耶·玛丽·盖兹(Faye Marie Getz)就曾对以黑死病为主题的大量且不断增加的学术文献写过一篇诙谐幽默的评论,“Black Death and the Silver Lining
:Meaning,Continuity,and Revolutionary Change in Histories of the Medieval Plague,”Journal of the History of Biology24(1991)
:265—289;参见Nancy Siraisi’s introduction toThe Black Death
:The Impact of the Fourteenth Century Plague,ed.Daniel Williman(Binghamton,NY
:Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies,1982),9—22。若想要对这个主题进行严肃探究,Anna M.Campbell,The Black Death and Men of Learning(New York
:AMS Press,1966)是一部虽较早但备受赞誉的作品。麻风病,作为中世纪早期的特征,似乎并未得到太多的关注;无论如何,见Saul N.Brody,The Disease of the Soul
:Leprosy in Medieval Literature(Ithaca,CT
:Cornell University Press,1974),以及Peter Richards,The Medieval Leper and His Northern Heirs(Totowa,NJ
:Rowman & Littlefield,1977)。对麻风病的更多现代观点感兴趣的人可以参考Zachary Gussow,Leprosy,Racism,and Public Health
:Social Policy in Chronic Disease Control(Boulder,CO
[10] 关于文艺复兴时期的公共卫生,近年来有大量的研究内容出版。见Katherine Park,Doctors and Medicine in Early Renaissance Florence(Princeton,NJ
:Princeton University Press,1985);Ann G.Carmichael,Plague and the Poor in Renaissance Florence(Cambridge
:Cambridge University Press,1986);and Carlo M.Cipolla,Public Health and the Medical Profession in the Renaissance(Cambridge
:Cambridge University Press,1976)。Nancy Siraisi,Medieval and Early Renaissance Medicine
:An Introduction to Knowledge and Practice(Chicago
:University of Chicago Press,1990),她对医学思想和实践这两大背景提供了非常具有参考价值的介绍,尽管她的研究重点不是公共卫生。关于近现代欧洲,还可参见Charles Webster,ed.,Health,Medicine,and Mortality in the Sixteenth Century(Cambridge
:Cambridge University Press,1979)收录的文章。卡洛·希波拉的几本关于鼠疫的书像小说一样生动,例如,见Christofano and the Plague
:A Study in the History of Public Health in the Age of Galileo(Berkeley
:University of California Press,1973);Faith,Reason,and the Plague in Seventeenth-Century Tuscany(Ithaca,NY
:Cornell University Press,1979);以及Fighting the Plague in Seventeenth-Century Italy(Madison
:University of Wisconsin Press,1981)。除意大利外,其他国家也发生了鼠疫,见J.F.Shrewsbury,A History of Bubonic Plague in the British Isles(Cambridge
:Cambridge University Press,1970);Paul Slack,The Impact of Plague in Tudor and Stuart England(London
:Routledge & Kegan Paul,1985);J.T.Alexander,Bubonic Plague in Early Modern Russia
:A Public Health and Urban Disaster(Baltimore
:Johns Hopkins University Press,1980);以及M.W.Dols,The Black Death in the Middle East(Princeton,NJ
:Princeton University Press,1977)。
[11] 16世纪,法兰卡斯特罗认为,流行病是由微小的感染性病原体所引起,这些病原体具有传播性、自我繁殖性和疾病特异性。这些疾病“种子”可以通过人与人之间的直接接触、中间媒介,或远距离通过空气进行传播。17世纪,安东尼·范·列文虎克在雨水、土壤和人类排泄物中发现了微生物或所谓的“小动物”后,一些观察者认为它们可能就是传染病的起因。然而,各种混乱和矛盾的报告致使人们对早期的疾病“细菌”论感到抵触,直到19世纪,这一理论才以不同的方式得以复兴。尤见Nancy Tomes,The Gospel of Germs
:Men,Women,and the Microbe in American Life(Cambridge,MA
:Harvard University Press,1999)。
[12] Hans Zinsser’s Rats,Lice and History(1935; reprint,New York
:Bantam Books,1965)。这本书是对斑疹伤寒历史的介绍,阅读时可能需要几分谨慎,但也会收获许多乐趣。
[13] 关于坏血病,尤可见Kenneth J.Carpenter,The History of Scurvy and Vitamin C(New York
:Cambridge University Press,1986)。
[14] 这一时期对职业健康的介绍做得最好的仍然是乔治·罗森,The History of Miners’ Diseases
:A Medical and Social Interpretation(New York
[15] 关于疾病的传播,是有争议的,尤其是梅毒的起源和传播。有几本追溯到较早时代的有关梅毒、天花和疟疾的历史著作,写得有趣且高质量:Claude Quetel,History of Syphilis(Baltimore
:Johns Hopkins University Press,1990); Donald R.Hopkins,Princes and Peasants
:Smallpox in History(Chicago
:University of Chicago Press,1983);Gordon Harrison,Mosquitoes,Malaria,and Man
:A History of Hostilities since 1880(New York
:Dutton,1978)。对疾病传播地理模式重要性的讨论,见William H.McNeill,Plagues and Peoples(New York
:Anchor,1976);Alfred W.Crosby,Ecological Imperialism
:The Biological Expansion of Europe,900—1900(Cambridge
:Cambridge University Press,1986);Alfred W.Crosby,The Columbian Exchange
:Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492(Westport,CT
:Greenwood Press,1972);以及当代病毒学家的观点,Stephen S.Morse,“AIDS and Beyond
:Defining the Rules for Viral Traffic,” in AIDS
:The Making of a Chronic Disease,ed.Elizabeth Fee and Daniel M.Fox(Berkeley
:University of California Press,1992),23—48。约翰 ·伯林格尔(Giovanni Berlinguer)在《新旧世界疾病与健康的交流》一文中为哥伦布航海对公共健康影响的讨论提供了一个成熟周密的框架,American Journal of Public Health 82(1992)
[16] Lorraine Daston,Classical Probability in the Enlightenment(Princeton,NJ
:Princeton University Press,1988); Theodore M.Porter,The Rise of Statistical Thinking,1820—1900(Princeton,NJ
:Princeton University Press,1986); Andrea Rusnock,“The Quantification of Things Human
:Medicine and Political Arithmetic in Enlightenment England and France,” PhD dissertation,Princeton University,1990.
[17] 关于卫生警察的概念,见Erna Lesky’s introduction to Johann Peter Frank,A System of Complete Medical Police,ed.Erna Lesky(Baltimore
:Johns Hopkins University Press,1976);George Rosen,“Cameralism and the Concept of Medical Police”(and other essays),in his From Medical Police to Social Medicine
:Essays on the History of Health Care(New York
:Science History Publications,1974),120—141;以及Ludmilla Jordanova,“Policing Public Health in France,1780—1815,” in Public Health,ed.Teizo Ogawa(Tokyo
:Taniguchi Foundation,1981)。关于启蒙运动有价值的一般介绍,见Guenter B.Risse,“Medicine in the Age of Enlightenment,” in Medicine in Society
:Historical Essays,ed.Andrew Wear(Cambridge
:Cambridge University Press,1992)
[18] 然而,法国公共卫生的历史不仅仅是百科全书派、空想派们的思想和理论。关于医疗方面,见Matthew Ramsey,Professional and Popular Medicine in France,1170—1830(Cambridge
:Cambridge University Press,1988)。关于18世纪的法国对流行病的处理,见Caroline C.Hannaway,“The Société Royale de Médecine and Epidemics in the Ancien Ré-gime,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 46(1972)
:254—273。另见George D.Sussman,Selling Mothers’ Milk
:The Wet-Nursing Business in France,1715—1914(Urbana
:University of Illinois Press,1982)。
[19] 罗森对功利主义者的意识形态提出了一定程度的批评,同时也赞扬了他们的许多实践成果。此后,米歇尔·福柯对功利主义改革提出了更严厉的批评,特别是在监狱和精神病院方面。例可见他的Madness and Civilization
:A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason(New York
:Pantheon Books,1965);Discipline and Punish
:The Birth of the Prison(New York
:Pantheon Books,1977);以及The Birth of the Clinic
:An Archaeology of Medical Perception(New York
:Pantheon Books,1973)。
[20] 对于反映在日记和信件等个人叙述中的疾病经验和意义,以及有关健康的流行观念的精彩叙述,见Roy Porter and Dorothy Porter,In Sickness and in Health
:The British Experience,1650—1850(New York
:Blackwell,1988);Mary E.Fissell,Vernacular Bodies
:The Politics of Reproduction in Early Modern England(Oxford
:Oxford University Press,2004)。另见Charles E.Rosenberg,“Medical Text and Social Context
:Explaining William Buchan’s Domestic Medicine,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 57(1983)
:22—42;Charles E.Rosenberg,Right Living
:An Anglo-American Tradition of Self-Help Medicine(Baltimore
:Johns Hopkins University Press,2003);以及Antoinette Emch-Dériaz,“Towards a Social Conception of Health in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century
:Tissot(1728—1787) and the New Preoccupation with Health and Well-Being,” PhD dissertation,University of Rochester,1984。
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