1700792587 [27] Friedrich Engels,The Condition of the Working Class in England(Leipzig,1845; reprint,New York:Oxford University Press,1993);Erwin H.Ackerknecht,Rudolf Virchow.Doctor,Statesman,Anthropologist(Madison:University of Wisconsin,1953).
1700792589 [28] 关于19世纪初法国的公共卫生,见William Coleman,Death Is a Social Disease:Public Health and Political Economy in Early Industrial France(Madison:University of Wisconsin Press,1982);Ann F.La Berge,“Public Health in France and the French Public Health Movement,1815—1848,” PhD dissertation,University of Tennessee,1974;以及ErwinH.Ackerknecht,Medicine at the Paris Hospital,1794—1848(Baltimore:Johns Hopkins Press,1967)。
1700792591 [29] 关于维勒梅的作品,见Coleman,Death Is a Social Disease。
1700792593 [30] Erwin H.Ackerknecht,Rudolf Virchow:Doctor,Statesman,Anthropologist(Madison:University of Wisconsin Press,1953; Rudolf Carl Virchow,“Report on the Typhus Epidemic in Upper Silesia.” Reprint excerpt,American Journal of Public Health 96(2006):2102—2105; Theodore M.Brown and Elizabeth Fee,“Rudolf Carl Virchow,” American Journal of Public Health 96(2006):2104—2105. 罗森帮助确立了魏尔啸作为社会医学先驱者的声誉,见George Rosen,“What Is Social Medicine?” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 21(1947):674—733。
1700792595 [31] 关于英国公共卫生的后续历史,见Jeanne L.Brand,Doctors and the State:The British Medical Profession and Government Action in Public Health,1870—1912(Baltimore:Johns Hopkins Press,1965);Virginia Berridge:Health and Society in Britain since 1939(New York:Cambridge University Press,1999);Jane Lewis,What Price Community Medicine?:The Philosophy,Practice and Politics of Public Health Since 1919(Brighton:Wheatsheaf,1986);论文Dorothy Porter,Elizabeth Fee,and Jane Lewis in A History of Education in Public Health:Health That Mocks the Doctors’ Rules,ed.Elizabeth Fee and Roy M.Acheson(Oxford:Oxford University Press,1991),195—229;Frank Honigsbaum,The Struggle for the Ministry of Health,1914—1919(London:G.Bell,1971);Charles Webster,“Health,Welfare and Unemployment During the Depression,” Past and Present 109(1985):204—230;Frank Honigsbaum,Health,Happiness,and Security:The Creation of the National Health Service(London:Routledge,1989)。另见Greta Jones,Social Hygiene in Twentieth-Century Britain(London:Croom Helm,1986);Pauline M.H.Mazumdar,Eugenics,Human Genetics and Human Failings:The Eugenics Society,Its Source and Its Critics in England(New York:Routledge,1992);Jane Lewis,The Politics of Motherhood:Child and Maternal Welfare in England,1900—1939(London:Croom Helm,1980);以及Deborah Dwork,War Is Good for Babies and Other Young Children(London:Tavistock,1987)。
1700792597 [32] Ann F.La Berge,“The Early Nineteenth-Century French Public Health Movement:The Disciplinary Development and Institutionalization of Hygiene Publique,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 58(1984):363—379; Evelyn B.Ackerman,Health Care in the Parisian Countryside,1800—1914(New Brunswick,NJ:Rutgers University Press,1990); Martha L.Hildreth,Doctors,Bureaucrats,and Public Health in France,1888—1902(New York:Garland,1987).
1700792599 [33] Richard J.Evans,Death in Hamburg:Society and Politics in the Cholera Years,1830—1910(Oxford:Oxford University Press,1987); Paul Weindling,Health,Race,and German Politics between National Unification and Nazism,1810—1945(New York:Cambridge University Press,1989).
1700792601 [34] 一些有别于这一观点的重要文献,有John Duffy,Epidemics in Colonial America(Baton Rouge:Louisiana State University Press,1953);John Blake,Public Health in the Town of Boston,1630—1822(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1959);以及James H.Cassedy,Demography in Early America:Beginnings of the Statistical Mind,1600—1800(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1969)。另见Roslyn Stone Wolman,“Some Aspects of Community Health in Colonial Philadelphia,”PhD dissertation,University of Pennsylvania,1974,and David T.Courtwright,“Disease,Death,and Disorder on the American Frontier,” Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 46(1991):467—492。
1700792603 [35] 不过最近出版的一些重要著作,确实关注到了这个被忽视的话题:Calvin Martin,Keepers of the Game:Indian-Animal Relationships and the Fur Trade(Berkeley:University of California Press,1978);Stephen J.Kunitz,Disease,Change,and the Role of Medicine:The Navaho Experience(Berkeley:University of California Press,1983);Russell Thornton,American Indian Holocaust and Survival:A Population History Since 1492(Norman:University of Oklahoma Press,1987);以及Alfred W.Crosby,The Columbian Exchange。
1700792605 [36] 在这些例外中,有Todd L.Savitt,Medicine and Slavery:The Diseases and Health Care of Blacks in Antebellum Virginia(Urbana:University of Illinois Press,1978);Edward H.Beardsley,A History of Neglect:Health Care for Blacks and Mill Workers in the Twentieth-Century South(Knoxville:University of Tennessee Press,1987);Todd L.Savitt and James Harvey Young,eds.,Disease and Distinctiveness in the American South(Knoxville:University of Tennessee Press,1988);William Stanton,The Leopards Spots:Scientific Attitudes toward Race in America,1815—1859(Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1960);Nancy Krieger,“Shades of Difference:Theoretical Underpinnings of the Medical Controversy on Black/White Differences in the United States,1830—1870,” International Journal of Health Services 17(1987):259—273。
1700792607 [37] Gert H.Brieger,“Sanitary Reform in New York City:Stephen Smith and the Passage of the Metropolitan Health Bill,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 40(1966):407—429; Charles E.Rosenberg and Carroll Smith-Rosenberg,“Pietism and the Origins of the American Public Health Movement:A Note on John H.Griscom and Robert M.Hartley,” Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 23(1968):16—35; Barbara Gutmann Rosenkrantz,Public Health and the State:Changing Views in Massachusetts,1842—1936(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1972); John Duffy,A History of Public Health in New York City(New York:Russell Sage Foundation,1968—1974).
1700792609 [38] 罗森的叙述关注的是细菌学的科学中心。尽管他对流行病学和统计学有所提及,但他认为这些都是附属科学。如果由当代的实践者撰写公共卫生史,他们必定会将流行病学作为公共卫生学的中心学科,给予同样的重视。Milton Terris,“The Epidemiologic Tradition:The Wade Hampton Frost Lecture,” Public Health Reports 94(1979):203—209; F.H.Top,ed.,The History of American Epidemiology(St.Louis,MO:C.V.Mosby,1952); Abraham M.Lilienfeld,ed.,Times,Places,Persons:Aspects of the History of Epidemiology(Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1980); John M.Eyler,Victorian Social Medicine:The Ideas and Methods of William Farr(Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1979); William Coleman,Yellow Fever in the North:The Methods of Early Epidemiology(Madison:University of Wisconsin Press,1987); Carol Bucket al.,eds.,The Challenge of Epidemiology:Issues and Selected Readings(Washington,DC:PAHO/WHO,1988); Mervyn Susser,“Epidemiology in the United States after World War II:The Evolution of Technique,” Epidemiological Reviews 7(1985):147—177.关于美国的早期统计史,见James H.Cassedy,Demography in Early America:Beginnings of the Statistical Mind,1600—1800(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1969);以及James H.Cassedy,American Medicine and Statistical Thinking,1800—1860(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1984)。
1700792611 [39] 虽然罗森对巴斯德的科学生涯的总结很有价值,但可能与杰拉尔德·L.盖森(Gerald L.Geison)更具批判性的观点形成对比,Gerald L.Geison,The Private Science of Louis Pasteur(Princeton,NJ:Princeton University Press,1995);以及Bruno Latour,The Pasteurization of France,trans.Alan Sheridan and John Law(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1988)。稍早的文献,见René Dubos,Louis Pasteur:Free Lance of Science(London:Gollancz,1951);以及René J.Dubos and Thomas D.Brock,Pasteur and Modern Science(1960; reprint,Madison,WI:Science Tech Publishers,1988)。
1700792613 [40] 有许多以科学和实验研究的社会建构为主题的文章,对罗森和许多早期历史学家有时不加批判的观点进行反驳。例见,Bruno Latour and Steve Woolgar,Laboratory Life:The Construction of Scientific Facts(Princeton,NJ:Princeton University Press,1986);Bruno Latour,Science in Action:How to Follow Scientists and Engineers through Society(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1987);Daniel P.Todes,Pavlov’s Physiology Factory:Experiment,Interpretation,Laboratory Enterprise(Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,2001)。
1700792615 [41] Thomas D.Brock,Robert Koch:A Life in Medicine and Bacteriology(Madison,WI:Science Tech Publishers,1988); Patricia Gossel,“The Emergence of American Bacteriology,1875—1900,” PhD dissertation,Johns Hopkins University,1989; William Coleman,“Koch’s Comma Bacillus:The First Year,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 61(1987):315—342.
1700792617 [42] 这些都是公共卫生史上的英雄故事,以不同的方式讲述过许多次。其中一个标准的来源是William Bulloch,The History of Bacteriology(London:Oxford University Press,1938; reprint,1960);另见Harry F.Dowling,Fighting Infection:Conquests of the Twentieth Century(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1977)。关于外科手术,见Gert H.Brieger,“American Surgery and the Germ Theory of Disease,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 40(1966):135—145。通过François Delaporte,The History of Yellow Fever:An Essay on the Birth of Tropical Medicine(Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,1991),人们对黄热病有了新的解读。关于免疫学历史的最近研究,见Arthur Silverstein,A History of Immunology(San Diego,CA:Academic Press,1989);以及Pauline Mazumdar,Immunology,1930—1980:Essays on the History of Immunology(Toronto:Wail and Thompson,1989)。
1700792619 [43] David Blancher,“Workshops of the Bacteriological Revolution:A History of the Laboratories of the New York Department of Health,” PhD dissertation,City University of New York,1979; Evelynn Hammonds,Childhood’s Deadly Scourge:The Campaign to Control Diphtheria in New York City,1880—1930(Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1999); John Duffy,A History of Public Health in New York City,2 vols.(New York:Russell Sage Foundation,1968—1974).
1700792621 [44] 见James H.Cassedy,Charles V.Chapin and the Public Health Movement(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1972)。
1700792623 [45] Thomas McKeown,The Modern Rise of Population(New York:Academic Press,1976).另见Thomas McKeown,Medicine:Dream,Mirage,or Nemesis?(Princeton,NJ:Princeton University Press,1979);以及Thomas McKeown and R.G.Record,“Reasons for the Decline in Mortality in England and Wales during the Nineteenth Century,” Population Studies 16(1962):94—122。
1700792625 [46] Simon Szreter,“The Importance of Social Intervention in Britain’s Mortality Decline,c.1850—1914:A Reinterpretation of the Role of Public Health,” Social History of Medicine 1(1988):1—37.
1700792627 [47] 近期,妇幼保健得到了公共卫生史学家和女权主义学者的极大关注。见Molly Ladd-Taylor,ed.,Raising a Baby the Government Way:Mothers’ Letters to the Children’s Bureau,1915—1932(New Brunswick,NJ:Rutgers University Press,1986);Richard A.Meckel,Save the Babies:American Public Health Reform and the Prevention of Infant Mortality,1850—1920(Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1990);Rima D.Apple,Mothers and Medicine:A Social History of Infant Feeding,1890—1950(Madison:University of Wisconsin Press,1987);Jane Lewis,The Politics of Motherhood:Child and Maternal Welfare in England,1900—1939(Montreal:McGill-Queen’s University Press,1980);以及Alisa Klaus,“Babies All the Rage:The Movement to Prevent Infant Mortality in the United States and France,1890—1920,” PhD dissertation,University of Pennsylvania,1986。
1700792629 [48] 女权主义作家和医学史家对那些早期的假设表示质疑,即医生助产比助产士助产更安全,医院分娩比在家庭分娩更安全。例见Jean Donnison,Midwives and Medical Men:A History of Inter-Professional Rivalry and Women’s Rights(New York:Schocken,1977)。关于妇女和生育的社会背景,以下两部著作非常出色:Judith W.Leavitt,Brought to Bed:Childbearing in America,1750—1950(New York:Oxford University Press,1986);以及Laura Thatcher Ulrich,A Midwife’s Tale:The Life of Martha Ballard,Based on Her Diary,1785—1812(New York:Knopf,1990)。
1700792631 [49] Andrea Tone,Devices and Desires:A History of Contraceptives in America(New York:Hill and Wang,2002); Ellen Chesler,Woman of Valor:Margaret Sanger and the American Birth Control Movement in America(New York:Simon & Schuster,1992); Linda Gordon,Woman’s Body,Woman’s Right:A Social History of Birth Control in America(New York:Grossman,1976; revised edition,New York:Penguin,1990); James Reed,From Private Vice to Public Virtue:The Birth Control Movement and American Society since 1830(New York:Basic Books,1978); Leslie J.Reagan,When Abortion Was a Crime:Women,Medicine,and Law in the United States,1867—1973(Berkeley:University of California Press,1997); James C.Mohr,Abortion in America:The Origins and Evolution of National Policy,1800—1900(New York:Oxford University Press,1978); Carroll Smith-Rosenberg,Disorderly Conduct:Visions of Gender in Victorian America(New York:Knopf,1985); Rosalind P.Petchesky,Abortion and Woman’s Choice:The State,Sexuality,and Reproductive Freedom(Boston:Northeastern University Press,1985); Rima D.Apple,ed.,Women,Health,and Medicine in America:A Historical Handbook(New York:Garland,1990).
1700792633 [50] 在这种情况下,出生人数,特别是中产阶级妇女生育率的明显下降,以及人们发现许多年轻男子的兵役体检不合格,都刺激了公共卫生、儿童福利、先天论和优生学工作的展开。见Daniel J.Kevles,In the Name of Eugenics:Genetics and the Uses of Human Heredity(New York:Knopf,1985)。关于性和权力的交叉的深度讨论,见Alain Corbin,Women for Hire:Prostitution and Sexuality in France after 1850(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1990)。
1700792635 [51] 关于公共卫生护理,尤见Karen Buhler-Wilkerson,False Dawn:The Rise and Decline of Public Health Nursing,1900—1930(New York:Garland,1989)。同样出色的有Mary Breckinridge,Wide Neighborhoods:A Story of the Frontier Nursing Service(New York:Harper,1952; reprint,Lexington:University Press of Kentucky,1981)。
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