1700792679 [73] François Delaporte,The History of Yellow Fever:An Essay on the Birth of Tropical Medicine(Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,1991); John Ettling,The Germ of Laziness:Rockefeller Philanthropy and Public Health in the New South(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1981); Barbara Bates,Bargaining for Life:A Social History of Tuberculosis,1816—1938(Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania Press,1992); Linda Bryder,Below the Magic Mountain:A Social History of Tuberculosis in Twentieth Century Britain(New York:Oxford University Press,1988); F.B.Smith,The Retreat of Tuberculosis,1850—1950(New York:Croom Helm,1988); Claude Quetel,History of Syphilis(Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1990); K.David Patterson,Pandemic Influenza,1700—1900:A Study in Historical Epidemiology(Totowa,NJ:Rowman & Littlefield,1986); Alfred W.Crosby,Epidemic and Peace,1918(Westport,CT:Greenwood Press,1976):Joan Jacobs Brumberg,Fasting Girls:The Emergence of Anorexia Nervosa as a Modern Disease(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1988); James T.Patterson,The Dread Disease:Cancer and Modern American Culture(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1987).另见论文,Charles E.Rosenberg and Janet Golden,eds.,Framing Disease(New Brunswick,NJ:Rutgers University Press,1992)。
1700792681 [74] Mirko D.Grmek,History of AIDS:Emergence and Origin of a Modern Pandemic(Princeton,NJ:Princeton University Press,1990); Elizabeth Fee and Daniel M.Fox,eds.,AIDS:The Burdens of History(Berkeley:University of California Press,1988); Ronald Bayer,Private Acts,Social Consequences:AIDS and the Politics of Public Health(New York:Free Press,1989); Elizabeth Fee and Daniel M.Fox,eds.,AIDS:The Making of a Chronic Disease(Berkeley:University of California Press,1992); Peter Arno and Karen L.Felden,Against the Odds:The Story of AIDS Drug Development,Politics,and Profits(New York:HarperCollins,1992); David L.Kirp and Ronald Bayer,eds.,AIDS in the Industrialized Democracies:Passions,Politics,and Policies(New Brunswick,NJ:Rutgers University Press,1992).
1700792683 [75] Thomas Laqueur,Making Sex:Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1990); Emily Martin,The Woman in the Body:A Cultural Analysis of Reproduction(Boston:Beacon Press,1987); Barbara Duden,The Woman beneath the Skin:A Doctor’s Patients in Eighteenth-Century Germany(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1991); Michel Feher,with Ramona Naddaff and Nadia Tazi,eds.,Fragments for a History of the Human Body(Cambridge:MIT Press,1989); Roger Cooter,“The Power of the Body:The Early Nineteenth Century,” Natural Order,ed.Barry Barnes and Steven Shapin(Beverly Hills,CA:Sage Publications,1979).
1700792685 [76] Roy Porter,Patients and Practitioners:Lay Perceptions of Medicine in Pre-industrial Society(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1985); Roy Porter and Dorothy Porter,In Sickness and in Health:The British Experience,1650—1850(London:Fourth Estate,1988); Andrew Wear,ed.,Medicine in Society:Historical Essays(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1992); Mary Fissell,Patients,Power,and the Poor in Eighteenth-Century Bristol(New York:Cambridge University Press,1991); John Woodward and David Richards,eds.,Health Care and Popular Medicine in Nineteenth Century England:Essays in the Social History of Medicine(New York:Holmes & Meier,1977).
1700792687 [77] 例见,Barbara G.Rosenkrantz,Public Health and the State:Changing Views in Massachusetts,1842—1936(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1972);Allan M.Brandt,No Magic Bullet:A Social History of Venereal Disease in the United States since 1880(New York:Oxford University Press,1985);Ronald Bayer,Private Acts,Social Consequences:AIDS and the Politics of Public Health(New Brunswick,NJ:Rutgers University Press,1991)。
1700792689 [78] 关于这一方向的不同阶段,见Dona Schneider and David E.Lilienfeld,Public Health:The Development of a Discipline,from the Age of Hippocrates to the Progressive Era(New Brunswick,NJ:Rutgers University Press,2008),and Public Health:The Development of a Discipline,Twentieth Century Challenges(New Brunswick,NJ:Rutgers University Press,2011); Mark Harrison,Disease and the Modern World:1500 to the Present Day(Boston:Polity,2004); J.N.Hays,The Burdens of Disease:Epidemics and Human Response in Western History(New Brunswick,NJ:Rutgers University Press,2010)。
1700792691 [79] 奥利弗·祖茨(Oliver Zunz)对社会史研究之分散、专业专著之泛滥,以及研究者们对更高水平的归纳的懈怠,提出了批评。见Oliver Zunz,“The Synthesis of Social Change:Reflections on American Social History,” in Reliving the Past:The Worlds of Social History(Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press,1985),53—114。另见Thomas Bender,“Wholes and Parts:The Need for Synthesis in Social History,” Journal of American History 73(1986):120—136;Allan Megill,“Fragmentation and the Future of Historiography,” American Historical Review 96(1991):693—698。
1700792693 [80] 杰伊·格拉瑟(Jay Glasser)是美国公共卫生协会历史项目的组织者,他要求公共卫生的每个领域都要有所贡献,这为乐于记录历史的人敞开了大门;American Journal of Public Health也有类似的想法。
1700792695 [81] 见“What Medical History Should Be Taught to Medical Students?,” in Education in the History of Medicine,ed.John B.Blake(New York:Hafner,1968),19—27。
1700792697 [82] 更多关于社会医学运动及其与公共卫生的关系(尤其是在英国),见Dorothy Porter and Roy Porter,“What Was Social Medicine? An Historiographical Essay,” Journal of Historical Sociology 1(1989):90—106。
1700792699 [83] “What Is Social Medicine? A Genetic Analysis of the Concept,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 21(1947):674—733.Healing and History:Essays for George Rosen(New York:Science History,1979),252—262,几乎涵盖了罗森的所有著作,其中包括他为社会医学史写的所有重要文章。
1700792701 [84] 除非另有说明,本文中有关罗森的生活信息都是从对其亲友和同事的一系列采访中摘录而来。
1700792703 [85] 见“Medicine under Hitler,” Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 25(1949):125—129。
1700792705 [86] 对再版的介绍,见Harry Friedenwald’s The Jews and Medicine:Essays(New York:Ktav,1967)。
1700792707 [87] 罗森后来翻译并发表了这篇论文, The Reception of William Beaumont’s Discovery in Europe(New York:Schuman’s,1942)。博蒙特(Beaumont)在19世纪20、30年代对胃部生理学的研究可能是美国医生对基础生物医学科学所做的最早的重大贡献。
1700792709 [88] 截至1947年6月,这段时期罗森与西格里斯的全部通信都保存在医学史研究所保管的文件中,研究所隶属于约翰斯·霍普金斯大学医学中心的艾伦·梅森·切斯尼医学档案馆。除非另有说明,关于罗森在1947年间活动的所有讨论都基于这些通信的内容。
1700792711 [89] The History of Miners’ Diseases:A Medical and Social Interpretation(New York:Schuman’s,1943).
1700792713 [90] The Specialization of Medicine with Particular Reference to Ophthalmology(New York:Froben Press,1944).
1700792715 [91] Ackerknecht to Rosen,7 March 1947(George Rosen papers,Yale University Archives,MS group 862 [hereinafter GRP],Addition of 4 June 1979,Box 2).阿克尔克内希特虽然不是犹太人,但作为一名曾逃离纳粹德国的政治难民,他对罗森始终承认自己的犹太身份表示钦佩。见Ackerknecht,“George Rosen as I Knew Him,” Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 33(1978):254—255。
1700792717 [92] 见John Z.Bowers,“Remarks at George Rosen Memorial Service,14 October 1977,Yale University,” Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 33(1978):256。
1700792719 [93] 关于大纽约健康保险计划早期历史的一个很好的资料来源,Louis L.Feldman,“Organization of a Medical Group Practice Prepayment Program in New York City”(New York:Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York,1953),mimeographed。罗森对健康教育的观点,见“Health Education and Preventive Medicine—‘New Horizons in Medical Care,’ ” American Journal of Public Health 42(1952):687—693。
1700792721 [94] 见Alfred Yankauer,“The American Journal of Public Health 1957—1973,” in Healing and History:Essays for George Rosen(New York:Science History Publications,1979),229—241;以及Milton Terris,“George Rosen and the American Public Health Tradition,” American Journal of Public Health 69(1979):173—176。“公共卫生:过去与现在”继续作为《美国公共卫生杂志》的一个固定栏目,目前由Elizabeth Fee和Theodore M.Brown担任编辑。
1700792723 [95] 他在这一领域最重要的论文收录于文集Madness in Society:Chapters in the Historical Sociology of Mental Illness(Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1968)。关于罗森的精神病学史研究的详细分析,见Edward T.Morman,“George Rosen and the History of Mental Illness,” in Discovering the History of Psychiatry,ed.Roy Porter and Mark S.Micale(New York:Oxford University Press,1993)。
1700792725 [96] 例见,“Disease,Debility and Death,” in The Victorian City:Images and Reality,ed.H.J.Dyos and Michael Wolff(London:Routledge & Kegan Paul,1973),625—667。
1700792727 [97] 见“A Theory of Medical Historiography,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 8(1940):655—665。
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