1700846027 12.参见:Brian Wansink,James E. Painter,and Jill North,“Bottomless Bowls:Why Visual Cues of Portion Size May Influence Intake,” Obesity Research 13:1 (January 2005):93–100。
1700846029 13.见:Brian Wansink,Collin R. Payne,Pierre Chandon,and Paul Rozin,“The French Paradox Redux:Internal and External Cues of Meal Cessation” (2006)。
1700846031 14.在近 20 年中,关于人们对热量的预估偏差和肥胖者更夸大的偏差,众多学界大咖屡有报告。典型的研究案例包括:David Lansky and Kelly D. Brownell,“Estimates of Food Quantity and Calories:Errors in Self-Report Among Obese Patients,” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 35:4 (1982):727–32;M. Barbara,E. Livingstone,and Alison E. Black,“Markers of the Validity of Reported Energy Intake,” Journal of Nutrition 133:3 (2003):895S–920S;Janet A. Tooze,Amy F. Subar,Frances E. Thompson,Richard Troiano,Arthur Schatzkin,and Victor Kipnis,“Psychosocial Predictors of Energy Underreporting in a Large Doubly Labeled Water Study,” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 79:5 (2004):795– 804。
1700846033 15.参见:Shirley S. Wang,Kelly Brownell,and Thomas Wadden,“The Influence of the Stigma of Obesity on Overweight Individuals,” International Journal of Obesity 28:10 (October 2004):1333–1337。
1700846035 16.这是用一种压缩幂函数测算出来的。具体细节(包括运算方法)见:Pierre Chandon and Brian Wansink,“Obesity and the Calorie Underestimation Bias:A Psychophysical Model of Fast-Food Meal Size Estimation,” Journal of Marketing Research (2007)。
1700846037 17.关于饮食辅导有一些重要提示。见:Brian Wansink and Pierre Chandon “Meal Size,Not Body Size,Explains Food Calorie Estimation Errors,” Annals of Internal Medicine (September 2006)。所幸,我们还发现了减少热量预估偏差一个简单方法。预估一餐中每一项食物的热量(鸡肉、玉米、色拉等的热量)然后把它们相加,结果与准确数字的偏差往往只有 5%~10%。
1700846039 3. 餐厅景象研究
1700846041 1.这一 92% 的数据在我们的研究中反复出现。见:Brian Wansink and Matthew M. Cheney,“Super Bowls:Serving Bowl Size and Food Consumption,” Journal of the American Medical Association 293:14 (April 2005):1727–1728。
1700846043 2.这一节关于包装大小的讨论大多基于下列论文:Brian Wansink,“Can Package Size Accelerate Usage Volume?” Journal of Marketing 60:3 (July 1996):1–14。
1700846045 3.在另一个把控更严密的实验室研究中,巧克力豆的差异是 63 和 122 颗(见“Can Package Size Accelerate Usage Volume?”)因为这个原因,有人情愿用更贵的单价买更小的包装。类似地,试图戒烟的人会不买 10 包的整条香烟而单买一包,单价贵了两倍。
1700846047 4.消耗规则的概念提出见 Brian Wansink,“Environmental Factors That Increase the Food Intake and Consumption Volume of Unknowing Consumers,” Annual Review of Nutrition 24 (2004):455–79。
1700846049 5.不同国家有不同规则。比如保罗·罗岑的研究表明,费城的中餐馆供应的菜肴比巴黎的中餐馆供应的菜肴分量多 72%。
1700846051 6.参见:Brian Wansink,“Can Package Size Accelerate Usage Volum?”
1700846053 7.参见:Abby Ellin,“For Overweight Children,Are ‘Fat Camps’ a Solution?” New York Times on the web (June 2005)。
1700846055 8.参见:Brian Wansink and Koert van Ittersum,“Bottoms Up!The Influence of Elongation and Pouring on Consumption Volume,” Journal of Consumer Research 30:3 (December 2003):455–463。
1700846057 9.虽然我们曾计划整个团队都来搜集数据,但实际上却没有这么做。正如《费城问询报》(Philadelphia Inquirer)专栏作者迈克尔·科莱恩(Michael Klein)在他的 2006 年元旦专栏文章里简明描述的:“万辛克说,按照正统的学术规矩,我本来打算派学生们去现场做事务性工作。‘但我们不能把 19 岁的孩子送去酒吧。’他上周这么说。”我最后不得不亲自上阵,但仍用了“我们”这个字眼,肯定团队的工作,他们在 1995 年这项研究中助力策划了酒吧招待的测试。
1700846059 10.薛尔特·冯·伊特叙和我同样找来 198 位大学生,请他们练习十次,试着倒出准确的量。当我们改换了杯子后,他们也多倒了。我们就这两项最新研究合作发表了论文,见:Brian Wansink and Koert van Ittersum,“Shape of Glass and Amount of Alcohol Poured:Comparative Study of Effect of Practice and Concentration,” British Medical Journal 331 (2005):1512-14。
1700846061 11.另见:Priya Raghubir and Aradhna Krishna,“Vital Dimensions in Volume Perception:Can the Eye Fool the Stomach?” Journal of Marketing Research 36:3 (1999):313–26;Valerie Folkes and S. Matta,“The Effect of Package Shape on Consumers’ Judgments of Product Volume:Attention as a Mental Contaminant,” Journal of Consumer Research 31:2 (September 2004):390– 401。
1700846063 12.用吸管喝饮料的人同样要当心大的吸管。见:Henry T. Lawless,Sharon Bender,Carol Oman,and Cathy Pelletier,“Gender,Age,Vessel Size,Cup vs. Straw Sipping,and Sequence Effects on Sip Volume,” Dysphagia 18:3 (Summer 2003):196–202。
1700846065 13.见:Brian Wansink,Koert van Ittersum,and James E. Painter,“Ice Cream Illusions:Bowl Size,Spoon Size,and Serving Size,” American Journal of Preventive Medicine (September 2006)。
1700846067 14.这是我在伊利诺斯大学给 MBA 学生教《认识消费者选择》的三节课中一节时完成的。关于碗的大小,我足足讲了 90 分钟,因此这节课的教课评分比其他两节低了 8%。为了在《美国医学协会杂志》发表文章,我也是拼了。
1700846069 15.参见:Brian Wansink and Matthew M. Cheney,“Super Bowls:Serving Bowl Size and Food Consumption,” Journal of the American Medical Association 293:14 (April 2005):1727–1728。
1700846071 16.参见:Barbara J. Rolls,Edward A. Rowe,Edmund T. Rolls,Breda Kingston,Angela Megson,and Rachael Gunary,“Variety in a Meal Enhances Food Intake in Man,” Physiology and Behavior 26 (1981):215–21;David L. Katz and Catherine S. Katz,Flavor Point Diet,The Delicious,Breakthrough Plan to Turn Off Your Hunger and Lose the Weight for Good (Emmaus,PA:Rodale Books,2005)。
1700846073 17.参见:J. Jeffrey Inman,“The Role of Sensory-Specific Satiety in Attribute-Level Variety Seeking,” Journal of Consumer Research 28:1 (2001):105–20。
1700846075 18.参见:Edward T. Rolls and J. H. Rolls,“Olfactory Sensory-Specific Satiety in Humans,” Physiology and Behavior 61 (1997):461。
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