1700846079 20.这里有两个原因:一,我们自认为看到的食物品种或口味越丰富,就越发想象自己会喜欢。第二个原因比较复杂。谈到应该拿多少食物时,我们一般不知道自己想要多少。答案不分对错。我们会做的,是想想拿多少比较正常、合适或普通,然后就跟着这个量走。比如,当我们看到食物品种很多,或者量很大时,我们认为多拿些是正常的、合适的。当小糖豆混合在一起时,感觉上它们的口味种类会多一些,这就影响了大家拿的数量。他们拿了自认为正常或合适的数量。
1700846081 21.七色巧克力豆的碗里有绿、橙、蓝、黄、褐、棕、红等颜色;十色巧克力还加了金、粉、青等颜色。详情见:Barbara. E. Kahn and Brian Wansink,“The Influence of Assortment Structure on Perceived Variety and Consumption Quantities,” Journal of Consumer Research 30:4 (March 2004):519–33。
1700846083 22.品种的变量可以计算确定,下面的论文提供了一种有用的计算工具:Stephen J. Hoch,Eric L. Bradlow,and Brian Wansink,“The Variety of Assortment,” Marketing Science 18:4 (1999):527– 46。
1700846085 4. 我们周围的隐藏说客
1700846087 1.拿到糖果的秘书,办公位置比较偏僻,周围人来人往不多,他们的糖果不太可能被路过的人顺走。见:Brian Wansink,James E. Painter,and Yeon-Kyung Lee,“Proximity’s Influence on Estimated and Actual Candy Consumption,” International Journal of Obesity 30:5 (May 2006):871–75。
1700846089 2.虽然这是一项普适的公平科学研究,但最初由斯坦利·沙赫特进行的研究所显示的影响大多与肥胖者相关。后续的类似研究大都证明,麻烦的包装对几乎所有人都有影响。
1700846091 3.过去人们认为,通过不断增多的胃部细微抽搐,我们可以感知到饥饿。(抽搐得厉害时,我们会听到肚子咕咕叫。)我们现在知道了,我们未必需要靠这些抽搐才能感到饥饿。
1700846093 4.参见:Jacques Le Magnen,Neurobiology of Feeding and Nutrition (New York:Academic Press,1992). Alexandra W. Logue,The Psychology of Eating and Drinking,3rd edition (New York:Brunner-Routledge,2004)。另见:Peter J. Rogers and Andrew J. Hill,“Breakdown of Dietary Restraint Following Mere Exposure to Food Stimuli:Interrelationships Between Restraint,Hunger,Salivation,and Food Intake,” Addictive Behaviors 14 (1989):387–397。
1700846095 5.参见:Brian Wansink and Rohit Deshpandé,“‘Out of Sight,Out of Mind’:The Impact of Household Stockpiling on Usage Rates,” Marketing Letters 5:1 (1994):91–100。
1700846097 6.参见:Phil McGraw,The Ultimate Weight Solution:The 7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom (New York:Free Press,2003)。
1700846099 7.另见:Stanley Schachter and Judith Rodin,Obese Humans and Rats (New York:John Wiley & Sons,1974)。另见:Stanley Schachter,“Some Extraordinary Facts About Obese Humans and Rats,” American Psychologist 26 (1971):129–44;Patti Pliner,“Effect of External Cues on the Thinking Behavior of Obese and Normal Subjects,” Journal of Abnormal Psychology 82 (1968):233–238。
1700846101 8.这是沙赫特在该领域中最令人叫绝的研究之一,参见:Stanley L. Schachter,“Manipulated Time and Eating Behavior,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 10 (1968):98–106,and Harvey P. Weingarten,“Meal Initiation Controlled by Learned Cues:Basic Behavioral Properties,” Appetite 5 (1984):147–158。
1700846103 9.把巧克力放在办公桌里的研究可见于:James E. Painter,Brian Wansink,and Julie B. Hieggelke,“How Visibility and Convenience Influence Candy Consumption,” Appetite 38:3 (June 2002),237– 38。另见:Brian Wansink,James E. Painter,and Yeon-Kyung Lee,“Proximity’s Influence on Estimated and Actual Candy Consumption,” International Journal of Obesity 30:5 (May 2006):871–75。
1700846105 10.这一特定研究只关注两个极端的非亚裔食客,即 BMI 低于 25 的体重正常者与 BMI 大于 30 的过度肥胖者,而不是那些 BMI 介于 25 到 30 之间的超重但不过胖的人。筷子的研究属于一个规模更大的研究,见:Brian Wansink and Collin R. Payne,“The Cues and Correlates of Overeating at the Chinese Buffet,” Cornell University Food and Brand Lab working paper。我们关于使用筷子“畅吃”的暗地调查基于以下文章的观点:Stanley Schachter,L. N. Friedman,and J. Handler,“Who Eats with Chopsticks?” in eds. S. Schachter and J. Rodin,Obese Humans and Rats (Hoboken,NJ:Wiley & Sons,1974)。
1700846107 11.关于人类与老鼠的研究,更多精彩内容请见:David A. Levitsky,“Putting Behavior Back into Feeding Behavior:A Tribute to George Collier,” Appetite 38 (2002):143–148。另见:Stanley Schachter and Judith Rodin, Obese Humans and Rats。
1700846109 12.《食品质量与选择》的联席主编赫伯特·迈泽尔曼是实地研究的坚定支持者。该研究论文见:Herbert L. Meiselman,Duncan Hedderley,Sarah L. Staddon,Barry J. Pierson,and Catherine R. Symongs,“Effect of Effort on Meal Selection and Meal Acceptability in a Student Cafeteria,” Appetite 23 (1994):43–55。
1700846111 13.参见:See A. W. Meyers,A. J. Stunkard,and M. Coll,“Food Accessibility and Food Choice,” Archives of General Psychiatry,37:10 (October 1980),1133–1135。
1700846113 14.参见:Brian Wansink,Armand Cardello,and Jill North,“Fluid Consumption and the Potential Role of Canteen Shape in Minimizing Dehydration,” Military Medicine 170:10 (October 2005):871–73。
1700846115 15.在 20 世纪 90 年代末,我们就人们买了从来不用的食物进行了调查。其中不少是为了一个没办成的活动(比如聚会)而批量采购的食物。见:Brian Wansink,S. Adam Brasel,and Stephen Amjad,“The Mystery of the Cabinet Castaway:Why We Buy Products We Never Use,” Journal of Family and Consumer Science 92:1 (2001):104–108。
1700846117 16.参见:Pierre Chandon and Brian Wansink,“When Are Stockpiled Products Consumed Faster?A Convenience-Salience Framework of Post-Purchase Consumption Incidence and Quantity,” Journal of Marketing Research 39:3 (August 2002):321–335。特别感谢拉斯·维纳(Russ Winer)(现任纽约大学教务主任),他作为编辑帮助我们推敲这篇论文,使它得以面世。
1700846119 5. 无意识饮食脚本
1700846121 1.我们在一些定性研究和定量研究中对此进行了调研。比较值得关注的一个研究成果就是,请 150 位芝加哥人和 150 位巴黎人就关于他们饮食行为的一系列陈述用 1 到 9 分(1 是不同意,9 是同意)进行打分。见:Brian Wansink,Collin Payne,Pierre Chandon,and Paul Rozen,“The French Paradox Redux:The Influence of Internal and External Cues in Meal Cessation”。
1700846123 2.参见:John M. DeCastro,“Eating Behavior:Lessons from the Real World of Humans,” Ingestive Behavior and Obesity 16 (2000):800–13;John M. DeCastro,“Family and Friends Produce Greater Social Facilitation of Food-Intake Than Other Companions,” Physiology and Behavior 56 (1994):445–55。
1700846125 3.参见:C. Peter Herman,Deborah A. Roth,and Janet Polivy,“Effects of the Presence of Others on Food Intake:A Normative Interpretation,” Psychological Bulletin 129:6 (November 2003):873–86。
1700846127 4.参见:Rick Bell and Patti L. Pliner,“Time to Eat:The Relationship Between the Number of People Eating and Meal Duration in Three Lunch Settings,” Appetite 41 (2003):215–18。
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