1700846297 9.美国饮食学会认为该问题相当重要,就此发表了一份建议书。见:Brian Wansink,“Position of the American Dietetic Association:Food and Nutrition Misinformation,” Journal of the American Dietetic Association,106 (2006):601–607。
1700846299 10.参见:Brian Wansink,Steven T. Sonka,Clare M. Hasler,“Front-Label Health Claims:When Less Is More,” Food Policy 29:6 (December 2004)659–667。在这个实验的实验室研究版本(我们发表的版本)中,我们发现包装上印有“大豆”足以让参与者预料食物难吃,而且他们的味蕾顺从了这种预期。参见:Brian Wansink and Se-Bum Park,“Sensory Suggestiveness and Labeling:Do Soy Labels Bias Taste?” Journal of Sensory Studies 17:5 (November 2002):483– 91。
1700846301 11.功能性食品可能有减低某些疾病风险的功效。关于它们的完整描述和消费者的反应可参见:Brian Wansink,Marketing Nutrition:Soy,Functional Foods,Biotechnology,and Obesity (Champaign:University of Illinois Press,2005)。
1700846303 12.众多优秀研究者在此课题上都有所建树。具体案例见:Christine Moorman,“A Quasi-Experiment to Assess the Consumer and Informational Determinants of Nutritional Information Processing Activities:The Case of the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 15 (Spring 1996):28–44;J. Craig Andrews,Richard G. Netemeyer,and Scott Burton,“Consumer Generalization of Nutrient Content Claims in Advertising,” Journal of Marketing 62:4 (1998):62–75;Siva K. Balasubramanian and Catherine Cole,“Consumers’ Search and Use of Nutrition Information:The Challenge and Promise of the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act,” Journal of Marketing 66:3 (2002):112;Christine Moorman,Kristin Diehl,David Brinberg,and Blair Kidwell,“Subjective Knowledge,Search Location and Consumer Choice,” Journal of Consumer Research 31 (December 2004):673–80。
1700846305 13.参见:Brian Wansink,“How Do Front and Back Package Labels Influence Beliefs About Health Claims?” Journal of Consumer Affairs 37:2 (Winter 2003):305–16;Brian Wansink,“Overcoming the Taste Stigma of Soy,” Journal of Food Science 68:8 (September 2003):2604–2606。
1700846307 14.参见 NPD Group 2003。
1700846309 15.这种积极双赢的观点已经开始获得政界支持,这种协作精神正是 2005-2006 年全美州长协会会议的重要议题之一,该会议由阿肯色州州长麦克·哈科比(Mike Huckabee)主持。参见:Brian Wansink and Mike Huckabee,“De-Marketing Obesity,” California Management Review 47:4 (Summer 2005):6–18。
1700846311 16.参见:Lisa R. Young,The Portion Teller (New York:Broadway Books,2005)。另见:Lisa R. Young and Marion Nestle,“The Contribution of Expanding Portion Sizes to the US Obesity Epidemic,” American Journal of Public Health 92(2002):246–249。
1700846313 17.我经常被问到的一个问题:“为什么美国餐馆供应的超大份食物比其他国家都要多?”我认为,这很大程度上是因为连锁餐厅的竞争。所有连锁店餐厅都做广告,它们对大多数人而言差异不是很大(苹果蜂、查理、红辣椒“[三者均为美国快餐连锁店——译者注]”之间的差别很微妙,以此类推。)。只要能提供“实惠”,它们都能在市场上分一杯羹。随着连锁餐厅业务扩展至国外,这种现象几乎肯定会跟着发生。
1700846315 18.参见:Carolyn Wyman,Better Than Homemade (Philadelphia:Quirk Books,2004)。
1700846317 19.谈到犒劳型或是“享乐型”产品,我们对它们的价格没有对日常用品价格那么敏感。这也是我们会在沃尔玛买纸巾却不会买香水的一个原因。下列文章强调了这种价格敏感度的差别:Pierre Chandon,Brian Wansink,and Gilles Laurent,“A Benefit Congruency Framework of Sales Promotion Effectiveness,” Journal of Marketing 64:4 (October 2000):65–81。
1700846319 10. 无意识地改善饮食
1700846321 1.拜上天所赐,我们一直面临着食物的困境。我们很容易淡忘,不到 100 年前,东西欧不少地方都在闹饥荒。因“一战”后欧洲食品援助和经济复苏而广受赞誉的“英雄工程师”实际上就曾经是一位工程师—赫伯特·胡佛(“胡佛是美国第 31 任总统——译者注”)。他 9 岁时也曾经是一个饥饿的孤儿。20 年间,我经常拜访他在艾奥瓦州西布兰奇的出生地(以及总统图书馆)。这里甚至成了我向妻子求婚的地方。2006 年 3 月,PBS 电视台资深制作人汤姆·斯佩恩(Tom Spain)在制作一部纪录片时告诉我:“你大概是唯一在他谈到胡佛时会哽咽的人了……那些说荷兰语、德语或者俄语的人除外。”
1700846323 2.我的好朋友和一些顶尖学者在这方面有不少优秀著作,包括:Kelly D. Brownell and Katherine Battle-Horgen,Food Fight:The Inside Story of the Food Industry,America’s Obesity Crisis and What We Can Do About It (New York:The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,2004);Marion Nestle,Food Politics:How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health (Berkeley and Los Angeles:University of California Press,2002)。关于食品工业中更普遍化的科学压力,有一本令人信服的著作:Robin Mather,A Garden of Unearthly Delights:Bioengineering and the Future of Food (New York:Dutton,published by the Penguin Group,1995)。
1700846325 3.参见:James O. Hill,John C. Peters,Bonnie T. Jortberg,Pamela Peeke,The Step Diet :Count Steps,Not Calories to Lose Weight and Keep It Off Forever (New York:Workman Publishing,2004)。另见:Simone A. French,Mary Story,Jayne A. Fulkerson,and Anne F. Gerlach,“Food Environment in Secondary Schools:À la Carte,Vending Machines,and Food Policies and Practices,” American Journal of Public Health 93:7 (July 2003):1161–67。
1700846327 4.在这方面聚焦食品的著作中,至少有四本我认为是高水准的书,如:Charles Stuart Platkin,The Automatic Diet:The Proven 10-Step Process for Breaking Your Fat Pattern (New York:Hudson Street Press,2005);James M. Ferguson and Cassandra Ferguson,Habits Not Diets:The Secret to Lifetime Weight Control (Boulder,CO:Bull Publishing Company,2003)。还有一些书兼顾了食物和活动,如:Edward Abramson,Body Intelligence:Lose Weight,Keep It Off,and Feel Great About Your Body Without Dieting (New York:McGraw-Hill,2005);Jill Fleming,Thin People Don’t Clean Their Plates:Simple Lifestyle Choices for Permanent Weight Loss (LaCrosse,WI:Inspiration Presentations Press,2005)。
1700846329 5.参见:Dennis Bier,“Bringing National Policy to the Local Level:Building a Community Consensus on Health Disparities and How to Address Them,” Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 48:4 (June 2004):340;Laverne A. Berkel,Walker S.C. Poston,Rebecca S. Reeves,and John P. Foreyt,“Behavioral Interventions for Obesity,” Journal of the American Dietetic Association 105:5 (May 2005):S35–S43。
1700846331 6.鉴于我从事的研究与营养师相关,即使不是注册营养师,我也有幸成为了美国饮食学会所属会员。
1700846333 7.在下列著作可找到一系列精心撰写的个性化方案:Cathy Nonas,Outwit Your Weight:Fat-Proof Your Life with More than 200 Tips,Tools,& Techniques to Help You Defeat Your Diet Danger Zones (Emmaus,PA:Rodale,2002)。
1700846335 8.如果你需要一些启发创意的点子,附录 B 描述了面临饮食危险区的五种类型的人群,提出了在生活干扰最低化的前提下一些可行的改进措施。
1700846337 9.你可以请伴侣或好友叮嘱你当天是否圆满完成那三项改变,以此坚持下去。但这也还不够好。首先,让伴侣或朋友承担记忆的责任不太公平。其次,三天过后,即便最温柔的提醒听着也像唠叨。
1700846339 10.在我们的调查中最常见的五种饮食风险区是:1)正餐胡吃海塞;2)零食吃个不停;3)聚会大吃大喝;4)下馆子饱餐;5)在办公桌或仪表盘上用餐。重要的是,要开动脑筋,想出一些对你而言最容易、最可行的点子。
1700846341 11.下面的书,是一位励志的男士通过循序渐进的方法成功减肥 100 磅的励志故事:Mike Huckabee,Quit Digging Your Grave with a Knife and Fork:A 12-Stop Program to End Bad Habits and Begin a Healthy Lifestyle (New York:Center Street,2005)。
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