1700936895 The number of PhDs Wheeler mentored was taken from Terry M. Christensen, “John Wheeler’s Mentorship: An Enduring Legacy,” Physics Today 62, no. 4(August 2009): 55.
1700936897 第4章 引力波探测先驱
1700936899 Drever, Ronald P. Interview by Shirley Cohen. Pasadena, California, May 10, 2000. Oral History Project, California Institute of Technol-ogy Archives.
1700936901 Outside of Ron’s own words, I am grateful to Ian Drever for sharing his recollections of their childhood. I borrow liberally and gratefully from the following document: Drever, John(Ian). Private communication of a document Dr. Ian Drever wrote about his family and his older brother Ronald, October 2015.
1700936903 第5章 错误的宣言
1700936905 All quotes from Joe Weber are drawn from Weber, Joseph. Interview by Kip Thorne conducted during research on his book Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein’s Outrageous Legacy, July 20, 1982. Cali-fornia Institute of Technology Archives.
1700936907 All quotes from Ron Drever drawn from Drever, Ronald P. Inter-view by Shirley Cohen. Pasadena, California. Session 1: January 21, 1997. Session 2: February 10, 1997. Session 3: February 25, 1997. Ses-sion 4: March 13, 1997. Session 5: June 3, 1997. Oral History Project, California Institute of Technology Archives.
1700936909 Bartusiak, Marcia. Einstein’s Un.nished Symphony: Listening to the Sounds of Spacetime, Washington, D.C.: Joseph Henry Press, 2000.
1700936911 Collins, Harry. Gravity’s Shadow: The Search for Gravitational Waves. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2004.
1700936913 Dyson, Freeman. “Gravitational Machines.” In Interstellar Com-munication: A Collection of Reprints and Original Contributions, edited by A. G. W. Cameron, 115. New York: W. A. Benjamin, 1963.
1700936915 All quotes from Tony Tyson are drawn from Tyson, Anthony. Interview by the author, 2015.
1700936917 第6章 “40米”实验室
1700936919 Weiss, Rainer. Interviews by the author. From a series of interviews between 2013 and 2015.
1700936921 Weiss, Rainer. Interview by Shirley Cohen. Pasadena, California, May 10, 2000. Oral History Project, California Institute of Technol-ogy Archives.
1700936923 Mikhail E. Gertsenshtein and V. I. Pustovoit, “On the Detection of Low-Frequency Gravitational Waves,” Soviet Physics——JETP 16,(1963): 433–435.
1700936925 All quotes from Kip Thorne are drawn from Thorne, Kip. Inter-views by the author. From a series of interviews between 2013 and 2015.
1700936927 Isaacson, Richard. Interview by the author, 2015.
1700936929 第7章 蓝皮书与三巨头
1700936931 Weiss, Rainer. Interviews by the author. From a series of interviews between 2013 and 2015.
1700936933 Weiss, Rainer. Interview by Shirley Cohen. Pasadena, California, May 10, 2000. Oral History Project, California Institute of Technol-ogy Archives.
1700936935 All quotes from Ron Drever are drawn from Drever, Ronald P. Interview by Shirley Cohen. Pasadena, California. Session 1: Janu-ary 21, 1997. Session 2: February 10, 1997. Session 3: February 25, 1997. Session 4: March 13, 1997. Session 5: June 3, 1997. Oral History Project, California Institute of Technology Archives.
1700936937 第8章 发现脉冲星
1700936939 All quotes from Ron Drever are drawn from Drever, Ronald P. Inter-view by Shirley Cohen. Pasadena, California. Session 1: January 21, 1997. Session 2: February 10, 1997. Session 3: February 25, 1997. Ses-sion 4: March 13, 1997. Session 5: June 3, 1997. Oral History Project, California Institute of Technology Archives.
1700936941 Bell Burnell, Jocelyn. Interview by the author, 2015.
1700936943 The quotation on page 96, “Miss Bell, you have made … ,” is excerpted from Longair, Malcolm. The Cosmic Century: A History of Astrophysics and Cosmology. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univer-sity Press, 2006.
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