1701120871 [9] Charles-Picard,“Civitas mactaritana,” 40.
1701120873 [10] 我的数据来自W.C. Scheidel and S.J. Friesen,“The Size of the Economy and the Distribution of Income in the Roman Empire,” Journal of Roman Studies 99 (2009):61-91,at p.77。
1701120875 [11] 地图参见Inglebert,Histoire de la civilisation romaine ,72-73,and map 1,p.7。
1701120877 [12] Scheidel and Friesen,“The Size of the Economy,” 91.
1701120879 [13] 经典的表述参见F. Lot,The End of the Ancient World and the Beginnings of the Middle Ages (New York:Knopf,1931);以及 M. Rostovtzeff,The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire (Oxford:Clarendon Press,1926)。更详尽的书目,可参见曾对本书作者产生影响的学术作品,见于P. Brown,“The World of Late Antiquity Revisited,” Symbolae Osloenses 72 (1997):5-90。无可置疑,关于这个议题的论辩现在依旧活跃,与我不同的观点请参见J.W.H.G. Liebeschuetz,The Decline and Fall of the Roman City (Oxford:Oxford University Press,2001),以及A. Giardina,“Esplosione di tardoantico,” Studi Storici 40 (1999):157-80。
1701120881 [14] F. de Callataÿ,“The Graeco-Roman Economy in the Super Long-Run:Lead,Copper and Shipwrecks,” Journal of Roman Archaeology 18 (2005):361-72;B. Ward-Perkins,The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization (Oxford:Oxford University Press,2005),87-104.
1701120883 [15] G. Halsall,Barbarian Migrations and the Roman West,376-568 (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2007),69.
1701120885 [16] G. Halsall,Barbarian Migrations and the Roman West,376-568 (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2007),72;J. Haas,Die Umweltkrise des 3. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. im Nordwesten des Imperium Romanum ,Geographica Historica 22 (Stuttgart:Steiner,2006)。
1701120887 [17] R.P. Duncan-Jones,“The Impact of the Antonine Plague,” Journal of Roman Archaeology 9 (1996):108-36;M. McCormick,Origins of the European Economy:Communications and Commerce,A.D. 300-900 (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001),30-41.
1701120889 [18] 我认为最好的现代叙事是J.-M. Carrié and A. Rousselle,L’empire romain en mutation:Des Sévères à Constantin ,192-337 (Paris:Du Seuil,1999),49-126,651-718。D. S. Potter,The Roman Empire at Bay,A.D. 180-395 (London:Rout-ledge,2004),85-298. 同样参见K. Strobel,Das Imperium Romanum im “3. Jahrhundert”:Modell einerhistorischen Krise? Historia Einzelschrift 75 (Stuttgart:F. Steiner,1993);C. Witschel,“Re-Evaluating the Roman West in the 3rd Century A.D.,” Journal of Roman Archaeology 17 (2004):251-81;Deleto paene imperio Romano:Transformazions-prozesse des römischen Reiches im 3. Jahrhundert und ihre Rezeption in der Neuzeit ,ed. K.-P.Johne,T.Gerdhardt,and U.Hartmann(Stuttgart:F. Steiner,2006)。
1701120891 [19] 关于西班牙和不列颠,参见 C. Witschel,Krise-Rezession-Stagnation?Der Westen des römischen Reiches im 3. Jahrhundert n. Chr. (Frankfurt:M. Clauss,1999),239-74。新的研究参见P. Reynolds,Hispania and the Roman Mediterranean,A.D. 100-700:Ceramics and Trade (London:Duckworth,2010),24-32,69-74。
1701120893 [20] R. B. Hitchner,“The Kasserine Archaeological Survey,1982-1985,” Africa 11-12 (1992-93):158-259;以及同一作者的“The Kasserine Archaeological Survey,1982-1986” and “The Kasserine Archaeological Survey,1987,” Antiquités africaines 24 (1988):7-41 and 26 (1990):231-59;D.P.S. Peacock,F. Bejaoui,and N. Ben Lazreg,“Roman Pottery Production in Central Tunisia,” Journal of Roman Archaeology 3 (1990):59-84。
1701120895 [21] C. Lepelley,Les cités de l’Afrique romaine ,vol. 1,La permanence d’une civilisation municipale (Paris:Études Augustiniennes,1979),59-120. 意大利方面,参见B. Ward-Perkins,From Classical Antiquity to the Middle Ages:Urban Public Building in Northern and Central Italy,300-850 (Oxford:Oxford University Press,1984),1-48。
1701120897 [22] Halsall,Barbarian Migrations and the Roman West ,83-85;J. Crow,“Fortifications and Urbanism in Late Antiquity,” in Recent Research in Late Antique Urbanism ,ed. L. Lavan,Journal of Roman Archaeology:Supplement 42 (Portsmouth,RI:Journal of Roman Archaeology,1996),89-105;P. Garmy and L. Maurin,eds.,Enceintes romaines d’Aquitaine:Bordeaux,Dax,Périgueux,Bazas (Paris:Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme,1996);H. Dey,“Art,Ceremony and City Walls:The Aesthetics of Imperial Resurgence in the Late Roman West,” and B.S. Bachrach,“The Fortification of Gaul and the Economy of the Third and Fourth Centuries,” Journal of Late Antiquity 3 (2010):3-37,38-64;C. Fernández Ochoa and A. Morillo Cerdán,“Walls in the Urban Landscape of Late Roman Spain:Defense and Imperial Strategy,” in Hispania in Late Antiquity:Current Perspectives ,ed. K. Bowes and M. Kulikowski (Leiden:Brill,2005):299-340;R. Rebuffat,“Enceintes urbaines et insécurité en Maurétanie tingitaine,” Mélanges de l’école française de Rome:Antiquité 86 (1974):501-22.
1701120899 [23] J.-M. Carrié,“Dioclétien et la fiscalité,” Antiquité tardive 2 (1994):33-64. 精彩的新研究,参见G. Bransbourg,“Fiscalité impériale et finances municipales au IVe siècle,” Antiquité tardive 16 (2008):255-96。
1701120901 [24] D. Bonneau,La crue du Nil,divinité égyptienne,à travers milles ans d’histoire (322 av.-641 ap. J.-C.) (Paris:Klincksieck,1964).在6世纪,尼罗河仍被冠以“最神圣”的称呼,参见C. Kreuzsaler,“Ho hierôtatos Nilos auf einer christlichen Nilstandsmarkierung,” Journal of Juristic Papyrology 34 (2004):81-86。
1701120903 [25] P. Erdkamp,The Grain Market in the Roman Empire:A Social,Political and Economic Study (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2005),322-25;P. Horden and N. Purcell,The Corrupting Sea:A Study of Mediterranean History (Oxford:Blackwell,2000),152;P. Garnsey,Famine and Food Supply in the Graeco-Roman World:Responses to Risk and Crisis (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1988),8-16.
1701120905 [26] Eusebius,Ecclesiastical History 9.7.10.
1701120907 [27]Council of Elvira ,canon 49,ed. E.J. Jonkers,in Acta et symbola conciliorum quae saeculo quarto habita sunt (Leiden:Brill,1954),16.
1701120909 [28] P.A. Février,Approches du Maghreb romain:Pouvoirs,différences et conflits ,vol. 2 (La Calade:édisud,1990),17;A. Mastrocinque,“Magia agraria nell’impero cristiano,” Mediterraneo antico 7 (2004):795-836.
1701120911 [29] M. Meslin,La fête des kalendes de janvier dans l’empire romain:Étude d’un rituel de Nouvel An (Brussels:Latomus,1970).
1701120913 [30] Caesarius of Arles,Sermon 192.3.
1701120915 [31]Jerusalem Talmud:Yoma 5.2,trans. M. Schwab,Le Talmud de Jérusalem (Paris:Maisonneuve,1932-33),3:218.
1701120917 [32] Jones,The Later Roman Empire ,1:451-60.
1701120919 [33] Jones,The Later Roman Empire ,1:462-69。
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