1701278261 Write Stuff or Write-Off?(辨字识人?)
1701278263 Te tt, R.P.,&Palmer, C.A.(1997).The validity of handwriting elements in relation to self-report personality trait measures.Personality and Individual Differences,22(1),11-18.
1701278265 Ki ng, R.N.,&Koehler, D.J.(2000).Illusory correlations in graphological inference.Journal of Experimental Psychology:Applied,6(4),336.
1701278267 Dr iver, R.W.,Buckley, M.R.,&Frink, D.D.(1996).Should we write off graphology?International Journal of Selection and Assessment,4(2),78-86.
1701278269 Ne ter, E.,&Ben-Shakhar, G.(1989).The predictive validity of graphological inferences:A meta-analytic approach.Personality and Individual Differences,10(7),737-45.
1701278271 Can PsychoIogy Save the WorId?(心理学能拯救世界吗?)
1701278273 Fl ood, M.M.(1958).Some experimental games.Management Science,5(1),5-26.
1701278275 Hardin, G.(1968).The tragedy of the commons.Science,162,1243-8.
1701278277 http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2011/mar/11/kyoto-protocol
1701278279 http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2012/mar/28/uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions
1701278281 YOU Are the PsychoIogist(你就是心理学家)
1701278283 Ro senthal, R.,&Fode, K.L.(1963).The effect of experimenter bias on the performance of the albino rat.Behavioral Science,8(3),183-9.
1701278285 Ro senthal, R.&.Jacobson, L.(1963).Teachers’expectancies:Determinants of pupils’IQ gains.Psychological Reports,19,115-18.
1701278287 Le vitt, S.D.,&List, J.A.(2011).Was there really a Hawthorne effect at the Hawthorne plant?An analysis of the original illumination experiments.American Economic Journal:Applied Economics,3(1),224-38.
1701278292 心商:测出你的心理软实力 [:1701273398]
1701278293 心商:测出你的心理软实力 感谢
1701278295 作者和出版者对于允准复制使用如下内容心怀感激:
1701278297 Your Personality Profile.Public domain test from www.personalitytest.net/ipip/ipipneo 120.htm;A Barking-Mad Test.Draw-a-dog scale originally published in‘The Draw-a-Dog Scale’,D.Ammons, S.A.Isbell, C.H.Ammons, Perceptual&Motor Skills(issue 36,copyright©1952,Ammons Scientific Ltd.Reprinted with permission from Ammons Scientific Ltd;Your Perfect Partner.Questionnaire originally published in Buss, D.M.(1989).Sex differences in human mate preferences:Evolutionary hypotheses tested in thirty-seven cultures.Behavioral and Brain Sciences,12,1-14.©Cambridge University Press 1989.Cambridge University Press grants permission freely for the reproduction in another work of a short prose extract(less than 400 words),a single figure or a single table in which it holds rights;St Valentine’s Day:Massacred?Vignette Copyright 2013©Kristin Laurin, who retains all copyright(the vignette does not appear in the text of the Psychological Science article).Prelude or Requiem?Paper folding problems created by Ben Ambridge and Louise Ambridge.This section does not use any problems taken from the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test or any of the articles cited in the reference section.The Radiologist.Gorilla x-ray image originally published in‘The Invisible Gorilla Strikes Again:Sustained Inattentional Blindness in Expert Observers’,Trafton Drew, Melissa L.-H.Võ,Jeremy M.Wolfe, Psychological Science(Vol.24,Issue 9),copyright©2013,Association for Psychological Science.Reprinted by permission of SAGE Publications;The Health Minister.Reasoning problems taken from‘The framing of decisions and the psychology of choice’,A.Tversky, D.Kahneman, Science(Vol.211,issue 4481,30 January 1981),copyright©1981,American Association for the Advancement of Science.Reprinted with permission from AAAS;Track the Attacker.Map data©OpenStreetMap contributors;This data is available under the Open Database Licence, see http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright for details;Morality Play.Questionnaire copyright©2014 Petter Johansson&Lars Hall, who retain all copyright(the questionnaire does not appear in the journal article).To download the original article, and see a video of the study, please visit www.lucs.lu.se/choice-blindness-group/;The Arts Critic.Paintings Copyright©2014 Tom Ambridge, who retains all copyright.Music Copyright©and Publishing 2011 Ben Ambridge, Adam Comstive, Hywell Dinsdale and Iain Mitchell, see www.advancesinmathematics.com;Quoth the Raven’s“What’s My Score?”.Test©2013 Erik Jorgenson, who retains all copyright;Stereo Types.Scale©2003 P.Jason Rentfrow and Samuel Gosling, who retain all copyright;Horoscope Horror Show.Standard horoscope text originally published in B.R.Forer‘The fallacy of personal validation:A classroom demonstration of gullibility’.Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology.44,118-23.Copyright©1949 APA.Reprinted with permission;Are You a Conspiracy Theorist?Questionnaire adapted from‘NASA Faked the Moon Landing-Therefore,(Climate)Science Is a Hoax:An Anatomy of the Motivated Rejection of Science’,Stephan Lewandowsky, Klaus Oberauer, Gilles E.Gignac, Psychological Science(Vol.24,issue 5),copyright©2013,Association for Psychological Science.Reprinted by permission of SAGE Publications;What’s in a Face?Figure containing four pairs of faces reprinted from Evolution and Human Behavior,20(5),Perrett, D.I.,Burt, D.M.,Penton-Voak, I.S.,Lee, K.J.,Rowland, D.A.,&Edwards, R,‘Symmetry and human facial attractiveness’,295-307,©Copyright(1999)with permission from Elsevier.Average face originally published in DeBruine, L.M.,Jones, B.C.,Unger, L.,Little, A.C.,&Feinberg, D.R,‘Dissociating averageness and attractiveness:attractive faces are not always average’.Journal of Experimental Psychology:Human Perception and Performance,33(6),1420.Copyright©2004 APA.Attractive face Copyright©2007 Lisa DeBruine, who retains all copyright;Getting all EmotIQnal.Scale reprinted from Personality and Individual Diff erences,25(2),Schutte, N.S.,Malouff, J.M.,Hall, L.E.,Haggerty, D.J.,Cooper, J.T.,Golden, C.J.,&Dornheim, L.,‘Development and validation of a measure of emotional intelligence’,167-77,Copyright©1998,with permission from Elsevier;What’s in a Face?#2:The Talking Dog.Scale reprinted from Cognition.106(1).Ambridge, B.,Pine, J.M.,Rowland, C.F.&Young, C.R.‘The effect of verb semantic class and verb frequency(entrenchment)on children’s and adults’ graded judgements of argument-structure overgeneralization errors’,87-129,Copyright©2008,with permission from Elsevier;Literacy Test.Test downloaded from http://crmvet.org, who advised that they believe the test to be in the public domain.Roll Play.Images from Wikimedia Commons(author:Elya).Used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License;A Trivial Pursuit.Questions from www.quizbang.co.uk:an open-source database of public-domain general knowledge questions.What’s in a Face?#3 Brown Eyed girl.Images Copyright©2013 Karel Kleisner, who retains all copyright.Mind Over Matter Illustration, adapted fr
1701278302 心商:测出你的心理软实力 [:1701273399]
1701278303 心商:测出你的心理软实力 [1]原书主要是针对英语读者——译者注
1701278305 [2]Psyche是一个希腊(和拉丁)单词,意思是“呼吸”。是说当上帝把生命呼进人里面的时候,人就获得了灵魂(精神、身份、个性)。所以,诗意地说,心理学(psychology)实际上研究的是“生命的呼吸”,也就是人类的本质。希腊语psyche的第一个字母ψ读音是“sigh”,经常用来作为心理学的标识。
1701278307 [3]还有一类心理学家叫精神治疗医师(其中一些人属于弗洛伊德学派的精神分析学家),他们试图帮助病人“讨论”他们的问题。在许多国家,这些头衔不属于限制性称呼,因此,一位“精神治疗医师”和“精神分析学家”通常并不是取得资质的精神病学家或临床心理学家。
1701278309 [4]我主要研究儿童学习母语的过程,这使我同时具有发展心理学家、认识心理学家和语言心理学家的部分身份。
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