1701499689 (82) Rachel Cohon, “Hume’s Moral Philosophy”, in Edward N. Zalta (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2010 Edition) accessed 22 February 2014.
1701499691 (83) Max Scheler, The Nature of Sympathy , trans. Peter Heath (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 2008), 14—17; Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer, “Emotional Intelligence”, Imagination, Cognition and Personality , 9/3 (1989—1990), 185—211; Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ (New York: Bantam Books, 1995).关于心智理论和镜像神经元参见本书第三章。
1701499693 (84) Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emile, or, On Education (Includes Emile and Sophie, or, The Solitaries) ,trans. and ed. Christopher Kelly and Allan Bloom (Lebanon, NH: Dartmouth College Press, 2010) [Fr. orig., Émile, ou de l’éducation , 1762], 167.(中译见[法]卢梭:《爱弥儿 论教育》[上卷],李平沤译,北京:商务印书馆,2009年,第17页。)
1701499695 (85) Jean-Jacques Rousseau, “J. J. Rousseau, Citizen of Geneva, to M. d’Alembert: Letter to d’Alembert on the Theater”, in Letter to d’Alembert and Writings for the Theater , trans. and ed. Allan Bloom, Charles Butterworth, and Christopher Kelly (Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 2004), 251—352, here 265.也见Sidonia Blättler, “Rousseau: Die Transformation der Leidenschaften in soziale Gefühle”, in Landweer and Renz (eds.),Klassische Emotionstheorien , 435—456, esp. 440—441。
1701499697 (86) Immanuel Kant, Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View , trans. and ed. Robert B. Louden (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), 149,原文强调。(中译见[德]康德:《实用人类学(外两种)》[注释本],李秋零译注,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2013年,第132页。)
1701499699 (87) Kant, Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View , 152, 149,原文强调。(中译见[德]康德:《实用人类学(外两种)》[注释本],李秋零译注,第132页。)
1701499701 (88) Kant, Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View , 149,原文强调。(中译见[德]康德:《实用人类学(外两种)》[注释本],李秋零译注,第132页。)
1701499703 (89) “内在自由要求两点:在一个给定的情况下把握住自己(animus sui compos )和做自己的主人(imperium in semetipsum ),这就是说,驯服自己的激情和统治自己的情欲。”参见Immanuel Kant, The Metaphysics of Morals , trans. and ed. Mary Gregor (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1996) [Ger. orig., Metaphysik der Sitten , 1797], 166。
1701499705 (90) Kant, Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View , 151.(中译见[德]康德:《实用人类学(外两种)》[注释本],李秋零译注,第134页。)
1701499707 (91) 自2009年以来,牛津大学的一个研究小组(现在的普林斯顿高等研究院)就一直在研究这些问题。该小组最初以古代史学家安戈洛斯· 查尼奥蒂斯(Angelos Chaniotis)为中心,见The Social and Cultural Construction of Emotions: The Greek Paradigm 。这个小组研究成果的第一卷,见Angelos Chaniotis (ed.), Sources and Methods for the Study of Emotions in the Greek World (Stuttgart: Steiner, 2012)。
1701499709 (92) 关于亚里士多德,见Amélie Oksenberg Rorty, “Structuring Rhetoric”, in Amélie Oksenberg Rorty (ed.), Essays on Aristotle’s Rhetoric (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1996), 1—33, here 18—19; Konstan, Emotions of the Ancient Greeks , 22。
1701499711 (93) Pascal Eitler, “The ‘Origin’ of Emotions—Sensitive Humans, Sensitive Animals”, in Frevert et al., Emotional Lexicons , 91—117, here 95.
1701499713 (94) Pascal Eitler, “The ‘Origin’ of Emotions—Sensitive Humans, Sensitive Animals”, in Frevert et al., Emotional Lexicons , 98.
1701499715 (95) Pascal Eitler, “The ‘Origin’ of Emotions—Sensitive Humans, Sensitive Animals”, in Frevert et al., Emotional Lexicons , 99—105, 109.
1701499717 (96) Catrin Misselhorn, “Empathy and Dyspathy with Androids: Philosophical, Fictional and(Neuro-) Psychological Perspectives”, Konturen , 2 (2009), 101—123, here 101—102.也见Thomas Thiel, “Fühlt die Maschine? Die Androidenrobotik an der Grenze zur Utopie”, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (7 July 2010), N4; Wolfgang Gessner, Gesine Lenore Schiewer, and Alex Ringenbach, “Why Androids Will Have Emotions: Constructing Human-Like Actors and Communicators Based on Exact Sciences of the Mind”, in Denis Lalanne and Jürg Kohlas (eds.), Human Machine Interaction:Research Results of the MMI Program (Heidelberg: Springer, 2009), 133—163。
1701499719 (97) Mel Slater et al., “A Virtual Reprise of the Stanley Milgram Obedience Experiments”,PLoS ONE , 1/1 (2006), e39, here 1.
1701499721 (98) 转引自Misselhorn, “Empathy and Dyspathy with Androids”, 103。
1701499723 (99) Masahiro Mori, “The Uncanny Valley”, trans. Karl F. MacDorman and Norri Kageki, IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine , 19/2 (2012), 98—100 [ Jap. orig., “Bukimi no tani”, 1970].
1701499725 (100) Catrin Misselhorn, “Empathy with Inanimate Objects and the Uncanny Valley”, Mind and Machines , 19/3 (2009), 349—359, here 357.
1701499727 (101) Anne S. Straus, “Northern Cheyenne Ethnopsychology”, Ethos , 5/3 (1977), 326—357,here 341—342.
1701499729 (102) 这种做法在新王国时期(约公元前1569—前1076)最为普遍,见Ann Rosalie David, “Mummification”, in Donald B. Redford (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt , ii (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), 439—444, here 440—441。
1701499731 (103) Joseph LeDoux, “Brains Through the Back Door”, in John Brockman (ed.), Curious Minds: How a Child Becomes a Scientist (New York: Pantheon Books, 2004), 142.
1701499733 (104) Fred R. Myers, Pintupi Country, Pintupi Self: Sentiment, Place, and Politics among Western Desert Aborigines (Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1986), 107.
1701499735 (105) Ning Yu, “Body and Emotion: Body Parts in Chinese Expression of Emotion”,Pragmatics and Cognition , 10/1 (2002), 341—367, here 343.
1701499737 (106) Ning Yu, “Body and Emotion: Body Parts in Chinese Expression of Emotion”,Pragmatics and Cognition , 10/1 (2002), 341—367, here 345.
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