1701502983 (253) David Freedberg, “Memory in Art: History and the Neuroscience of Response”, in Suzanne Nalbantian, Paul M. Matthews, and James L. McClelland (eds), The Memory Process: Neuroscientific and Humanistic Perspectives (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2011), 337—358, here 344—345.
1701502985 (254) David Freedberg, “Memory in Art: History and the Neuroscience of Response”, in Suzanne Nalbantian, Paul M. Matthews, and James L. McClelland (eds), The Memory Process: Neuroscientific and Humanistic Perspectives (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2011), 345.
1701502987 (255) David Freedberg, “Memory in Art: History and the Neuroscience of Response”, in Suzanne Nalbantian, Paul M. Matthews, and James L. McClelland (eds), The Memory Process: Neuroscientific and Humanistic Perspectives (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2011), 351—352.弗里德伯格提到的镜像神经元文章是B. Calvo-Merino et al., “Action Observation and Acquired Motor Skills: An fMRI Study with Expert Dancers”, Cerebral Cortex , 15/8 (2005), 1243—1249。
1701502989 (256) 见“索茨艺术家”(Sots Artists)考玛尔&梅拉米德(Komar & Melamid)在不同国家所做的“最受欢迎的绘画”系列调查。他们呈现了不同地区最受欢迎和最不受欢迎的艺术作品,见Komar & Melamid, “The Most Wanted Paintings on the Web”, accessed 13 March 2014。亦见“The Search for a people’s Art”, The Nation , 258/10 (14 March 1994), 334—348; Andrew Ross, “Poll Stars: Komar &Melamid’s ‘The People’s Choice’”, Art Forum (January 1995), 72—77, 109。
1701502991 (257) “事实上,由于我打算在其他地方阐明的原因,这种‘超审美’反映在图像上可能比在现实上更强烈,这最终取决于艺术家对这种可能性的直觉理解。”见David Freedberg, “Empathy, Motion and Emotion”, in Klaus Herding and Antje Krause-Wahl(eds.), Wie sich Gefühle Ausdruck verschaffen: Emotionen in Nahsicht (Berlin 2007), 17—51,here 41。
1701502993 (258) 又见Tomohiro Ishizu and Semir Zeki, “Toward a Brain-Based Theory of Beauty”, PLoS ONE , 6/7 (2011), e21852: 1—10。
1701502995 (259) Freedberg, “Memory in Art”, 347—348.
1701502997 (260) Freedberg, “Memory in Art”, 337.
1701502999 (261) Freedberg, “Empathy, Motion and Emotion”, 27.
1701503001 (262) Freedberg, “Empathy, Motion and Emotion”, 23.
1701503003 (263) David Freedberg and Vittorio Gallese, “Motion, Emotion and Empathy in Esthetic Experience”, Trends in Cognitive Sciences , 11/5 (2007), 197—203.
1701503005 (264) Fortunato Battaglia, Sarah H. Lisanby, and David Freedberg, “Corticomotor Excitability during Observation and Imagination of a Work of Art”, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience , 5(2011), 79: 1—6.弗里德伯格关注神经科学的发展,并且清楚地意识到镜像神经元假说是有争议的:“尽管镜像神经元不能支撑目前以它为名的许多主张”,见Freedberg,“Memory in Art”, 341。
1701503007 (265) Semir Zeki, A Vision of the Brain (Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1993); Semir Zeki, Inner Vision: An Exploration of Art and the Brain (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999);Semir Zeki, Splendors and Miseries of the Brain: Love, Creativity, and the Quest for Human Happiness (Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009).也见Whitney Davis, “Neurovisuality”, Nonsite.org , 2(12 June 2011) accessed 14 March 2014;John Oinans, Neuroarthistory: From Aristotle and Pliny to Baxandall and Zeki (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008); Journal of Neuroesthetics ; Arts and Neurosciences Review 。
1701503009 (266) 参见Sianne Ngai, Ugly Feelings (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007); Jane F. Thrailkill, Affecting Fictions: Mind, Body, and Emotion in American Literary Realism (Cambridge,MA: Harvard University Press, 2007); Barbara Johnson, Persons and Things (Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press, 2008); Raoul Schrott and Arthur Jacobs, Gehirn und Gedicht: Wie wir unsere Wirklichkeiten konstruieren (Munich: Hanser, 2011)。又见Andreas Lambert, Oliver Kauselmann, and Boris Kleber, Cognitive Poetics: Visualisierung von emotionalen Reaktionen auf Literatur [web installation] accessed 14 March 2014。
1701503011 (267) William E. Connolly, Neuropolitics: Thinking, Culture, Speed (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2002), 3.
1701503013 (268) Brian Massumi, “Introduction: Like a Thought”, in Massumi (ed.), A Shock to Thought:Expression after Deleuze and Guattari (London: Routledge, 2002), xiii—xxxix, here xiii.
1701503015 (269) Brian Massumi, “Introduction: Like a Thought”, in Massumi (ed.), A Shock to Thought:Expression after Deleuze and Guattari (London: Routledge, 2002), xv.
1701503017 (270) Seigworth, “Inventory of Shimmers”, 24,原文强调。
1701503019 (271) William E. Connolly, A World of Becoming (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011), 150—151.
1701503021 (272) John Protevi, Political Affect: Connecting the Social and the Somatic , Posthumanities 7(Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009), 25.
1701503023 (273) Massumi, “Introduction”, xxxi,原文强调。关于马苏米对感情和情感的区分:“对于马苏米来说,情感是基本的、无意识的、非主观的或前主观的、非所指的、不受限制的和密集的;而感情是衍生的、有意识的、受限制的、有意义的,是一种可以归于一个已经构成的主体的‘内容’……或一种可以驯服并与该主体相称的‘内容’。主体被感情压倒,但他们拥有 自己的情感。”见Steven Shaviro, Post-Cinematic Affect (Winchester: Zero Books, 2009), 3,原文强调。
1701503025 (274) Connolly, World of Becoming , 23.
1701503027 (275) Connolly, World of Becoming , 24,原文强调。
1701503029 (276) Connolly, World of Becoming , 26.
1701503031 (277) 生机论者,或者更确切来说是新唯物主义的神经政治思想家简· 班纳特(Jane Bennett)思考了事物的能动性并得出了主要是政治学和生态学的结论,见Jane Bennett, Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2010);也见Andrew Barry,“ Materialist Politics: Metallurgy”, in Bruce Braun and Sarah J. Whatmore (eds.), Political Matter: Technoscience, Democracy, and Public Life (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2010), 89—117; Gay Hawkins,“ Plastic Materialities”, in Braun and Whatmore (eds.), Political Matter , 119—138。
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