1701563208 21.esprit de corps: www.paulgraham.com/startupmistakes.html.
1701563210 第十一章 变得更聪明
1701563212 1.Brazilian inflation:www.inf lation.eu/inf lation-rates/brazil/historic-inflation/cpi-inflation-brazil.aspx.
1701563214 2.administered a series of tests: G. B. Saxe (1988). “The Mathematics of Child Street Vendors.”Child Development59(5): 1415–1425.
1701563216 3.Dewey quote:J. Dewey (1938).Education and Experience. New York: Macmillan, 63.
1701563218 4.students care about: A rich discussion can be found in D. Perkins (1995).Smart Schools: Better Thinking and Learning for Every Child. New York: The Free Press.
1701563220 5.illusion of comprehension:W. Epstein, A. M. Glenberg, and M. M. Bradley (1984). “Coactivation and Comprehension: Contribution of Text Variables to the Illusion of Knowing.”Memory & Cognition12(4): 355–360; A. M. Glenberg, A. C. Wilkinson, and W. Epstein (1982). “The Illusion of Knowing: Failure in the Self-Assessment of Comprehension.”Memory & Cognition10(6): 597–602.
1701563222 6.inverted text:P. A. Kolers (1976). “Reading a Year Later.”Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory2(5): 554–565.
1701563224 7.Jimi Hendrix:For many more examples, see www.kissthisguy.com.
1701563226 8.John Dewey:Dewey,Education and Experience, 56.
1701563228 9.the mistaken belief:A point made by philosophers Rom Harré and John Hardwig and by education theorists Stephen Norris, David Perkins, and Neil Postman. See, for instance, S. Norris (1995). “Learning to Live with Scientific Expertise: Toward a Theory of Intellectual Communalism for Guiding Science Teaching.”Science Education, 79(2): 201-217.
1701563230 10.Ignorance course:S. Firestein (2012).Ignorance. New York: Oxford University Press.
1701563232 11.National Council for the Social Studies: National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies: A Framework for Teaching, Learning and Assessment.National Council for the Social Studies, 2010.
1701563234 12.NRC:National Research Council (1996).National Science Education Standards. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press; H. A. Schweingruber, R. A. Duschl, and A. W. Shouse, ed. (2007).Taking Science to School: Learning and Teaching Science in Grades K-8.Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.
1701563236 13.“nature of science”:B. Alberts (2009). “Redefining Science Education.”Science323(5913): 437. In direct support of this complaint, a study looked at the exams and quizzes used in a variety of introductory biology courses at the college level and concluded “that introductory biology courses emphasize facts more than higher-order thinking.” J. L. Momsen, T. M. Long, S. A. Wyse, and D. Ebert-May (2010). “Just the Facts? Introductory Undergraduate Biology Courses Focus on Low-Level Cognitive Skills.”CBE Life Sciences Education9(4): 435–440.
1701563238 14.a philosophy to teach science: N. G. Lederman (2007). “Nature of Science: Past, Present, and Future.” Ed. S. K. Abell and N. G. Lederman.Handbook of Research on Science Education. New York: Routledge, 831–879.
1701563240 15.David Perkins:Perkins,Smart Schools, 33.
1701563242 16.based on authority:Philosophers call this epistemic dependence.
1701563244 17.1950–2014:U.S. National Library of Medicine. www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/authors1.html.
1701563246 18.trust ourselves:This is another point emphasized by Stephen Norris (1995), 211.
1701563248 19.“person-solo”:A term used by Perkins,Smart Schools, 132, to argue in favor of attending to social learning, to distributed cognition in the classroom.
1701563250 20.to figure things out interactively:This view is argued for by R. Pea (1993). “Practices of Distributed Intelligence and Designs for Education.” In ed. G. Salomon,Distributed Cognitions: Psychological and Educational Considerations. New York: Cambridge University Press, 47–87.
1701563252 21.Ann Brown quote:A. L. Brown (1997). “Transforming Schools into Communities of Thinking and Learning About Serious Matters.”American Psychologist52(4): 399–413.
1701563254 22.diversity in the classroom:A. L. Brown and J. C. Campione (1994). “Guided Discovery in a Community of Learners.” In ed. Kate McGilly,Classroom Lessons: Integrating Cognitive Theory and Classroom Practice. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 229–270.
1701563256 23.“peer education”:See, for instance, E. Phelps and W. Damon (1989). “Problem Solving with Equals: Peer Collaboration as a Context for Learning Mathematics and Spatial Concepts.”Journal of Educational Psychology81(4): 639–646.
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