1701563232 11.National Council for the Social Studies: National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies: A Framework for Teaching, Learning and Assessment.National Council for the Social Studies, 2010.
1701563234 12.NRC:National Research Council (1996).National Science Education Standards. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press; H. A. Schweingruber, R. A. Duschl, and A. W. Shouse, ed. (2007).Taking Science to School: Learning and Teaching Science in Grades K-8.Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.
1701563236 13.“nature of science”:B. Alberts (2009). “Redefining Science Education.”Science323(5913): 437. In direct support of this complaint, a study looked at the exams and quizzes used in a variety of introductory biology courses at the college level and concluded “that introductory biology courses emphasize facts more than higher-order thinking.” J. L. Momsen, T. M. Long, S. A. Wyse, and D. Ebert-May (2010). “Just the Facts? Introductory Undergraduate Biology Courses Focus on Low-Level Cognitive Skills.”CBE Life Sciences Education9(4): 435–440.
1701563238 14.a philosophy to teach science: N. G. Lederman (2007). “Nature of Science: Past, Present, and Future.” Ed. S. K. Abell and N. G. Lederman.Handbook of Research on Science Education. New York: Routledge, 831–879.
1701563240 15.David Perkins:Perkins,Smart Schools, 33.
1701563242 16.based on authority:Philosophers call this epistemic dependence.
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1701563246 18.trust ourselves:This is another point emphasized by Stephen Norris (1995), 211.
1701563248 19.“person-solo”:A term used by Perkins,Smart Schools, 132, to argue in favor of attending to social learning, to distributed cognition in the classroom.
1701563250 20.to figure things out interactively:This view is argued for by R. Pea (1993). “Practices of Distributed Intelligence and Designs for Education.” In ed. G. Salomon,Distributed Cognitions: Psychological and Educational Considerations. New York: Cambridge University Press, 47–87.
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1701563264 27.“troll farm”: A. Chen, “The Agency.”New York Times Magazine, June 2, 2015.
1701563266 第十二章 做更聪明的决策
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1701563276 5.skin care:T. Caulfield (2015). “The Pseudoscience of Beauty Products.”The Atlantic. www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2015/05/the-pseudoscience-of-beauty-products/392201/; Z. Liu (2014). “How Cosmetic Companies Get Away with Pseudoscience.”Pacific Standard. www.psmag.com/nature-and-technology/cosmetic-companies-get-away-pseudoscience-placebo-week-92455.
1701563278 6.$2,000 in thirty days:A. Lusardi, D. J. Schneider, and P. Tufano (2011).Financially Fragile Households: Evidence and Implications.National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 17072.
1701563280 7.enough savings to live on for three years:D. Rosnick and D. Baker (2014).The Wealth of Households: An Analysis of the 2013 Survey of Consumer Finances.Center for Economic and Policy Research. ww.scribd.com/doc/245746907/The-Wealth-of-Households.
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