1701878178 [9] Graham Allison, Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap?(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017).中译本为《注定一战:中美能避免修昔底德陷阱吗?》,陈定定、傅强译,上海人民出版社,2019年。
1701878180 [10] [美]格雷厄姆·艾利森:《注定一战:中美能避免修昔底德陷阱吗?》,第200页。
1701878182 [11] Graham Allison, “How JFK Would Have Confronted a Rapidly Rising China,” The National Interest (https://nationalinterest.org), June 27, 2018; Graham Allison, “The US is hunkering down for a new cold war with China,” Financial Times (https://www.ft.com), October 13, 2018.
1701878184 [12] Joseph Nye, “The Two Sides of American Exceptionalism,” Project Syndicate (www.projectsyndicate.org), September 4, 2018; Jeffrey D. Sachs, “From Exceptionalism to Internationalism”in A New Foreign Policy: Beyond American Exceptionalism Hardcover (Columbia University Press, 2018), Chapter 1.
1701878186 [13] “Vice President Mike Pence’s Remarks on the Administration’s Policy Towards China,”October 4, 2018 (https://www.hudson.org/events/1610-vice-president-mike-pence-s-remarks-onthe-administration-s-policy-towards-china102018).
1701878188 [14] Kurt M. Campbell and Ely Ratner, “The China Reckoning: How Beijing Defied American Expectations,” Foreign Affairs, March/April 2018 Issue.
1701878190 [15] Wang Jisi; J. Stapleton Roy; Aaron Friedberg; Thomas Christensen and Patricia Kim; Joseph S. Nye, Jr.; Eric Li; Kurt M. Campbell and Ely Ratner, “Did America Get China Wrong? The Engagement Debate,” Foreign Affairs, July/August 2018 Issue.
1701878192 [16] James Curran, “How America’s Foreign Policy Establishment Got China Wrong,” The National Interest (https://nationalinterest.org), December 17, 2018.
1701878194 [17] Michael Lind, “America vs. Russia and China: Welcome to Cold War II,” The National Interest, No. 155, May/June 2018.。
1701878196 [18] Michael Pompeo, “Restoring the Role of the Nation-State in the Liberal International Order,”December 4, 2018 (https://www.state.gov/secretary/remarks/2018/12/287770.htm).
1701878198 [19] “A liberal world order to fight for” (the Part V of “Reinventing Liberalism for the 21st Century”), The Economist, September 15, 2018, pp. 52-54.
1701878200 [20] Peter Baker and Maggie Haberman, “Isolated Leader Sees ‘a War Every Day’,” The New York Times, December 23, 2018, p. A1.
1701878202 [21] Sarah Ellison, “Meet Melania Trump’s enforcer. It’s not her husband,” The Washington Post(https://www.washingtonpost.com), December 10, 2018.
1701878204 [22] Michael Wolff, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House (Henry Holt and Company, 2018); Omarosa Manigault Newman, Unhinged: An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House(Gallery Books, 2018); Bob Woodward, Fear: Trump in the White House (Simon & Schuster, 2018).
1701878206 [23] (Anonymous Senior Administration Official), “The Quiet Resistance Inside the Trump Administration,” The New York Times, September 6, 2018, p. A23.
1701878208 [24] Peter Baker, Maggie Haberman and Eileen Sullivan, “Fingers Point, Denials Spread And Fury Rises.” The New York Times, September 7, 2018, p. A1.
1701878210 [25] Bob Woodward, Fear: Trump in the White House, Chapter 30.
1701878212 [26] Edward Luce, “The devil’s workshop: Bob Woodward on Trump’s chaotic White House,”Financial Times (https://www.ft.com), September 11, 2018.
1701878214 [27] Michael Mandelbaum, “The Trump Presidency, Year Two,” The American Interest (https://www.the-american-interest.com), December 26, 2018.
1701878216 [28] David Frum, Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Republic (Harper, 2018).
1701878218 [29] Ross Douthat and David Frum, “Has the U.S. Become a ‘Trumpocracy’,” The New York Times(https://www.nytimes.com), January 23, 2018.
1701878220 [30] Angel Jaramillo Torres and Marc Benjamin Sable, eds., Trump and Political Philosophy: Leadership, Statesmanship, and Tyranny (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018); Marc Benjamin Sable and Angel Jaramillo Torres, eds., Trump and Political Philosophy: Patriotism, Cosmopolitanism, and Civic Virtue (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018).
1701878222 [31] Susan B. Glasser, “Is Optimism Dead in the Trump Era?” The New Yorker (https://www.newyorker.com), January 4, 2019.
1701878224 [32] Peter Baker and Maggie Haberman, “Isolated Leader Sees ‘a War Every Day’,” The New York Times, December 23, 2018, p. A1.
1701878226 [33] Susan B. Glasser, “Is Optimism Dead in the Trump Era?”.
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