1702358547 (22) 参见Harré, R. and Madden, E. H., Causal Powers, Oxford, 1975; Bhaskar, R., A Realist Theory of Science, Leeds, 1975; Bhaskar, R., The Possibility of Naturalism: A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences, Brighton, 1979; 以及Harré, R., The Principles of Scientific Thinking, London, 1970,特别是p. 248。也可参见Braudel, F., On History (London, 1980)一书对“事件—存在论”的反对意见。
1702358549 (23) Keat和Urry的SocialTheory as Science (London,1982)一书的后记进一步阐述了这一点;参见Urry, J., “Realism and the Analysis of Space,” International Journal of Urban andRegional Research, Vol. 7, 1983, pp. 122-127。
1702358551 (24) Marx, K., Grundrisse, Harmondsworth, 1973 (completed 1857-1858; first published 1932), p. 101.也可参见Sayer的“Epistemology and Conceptions of People and Nature in Geography”(载Geo forum, 1979, Vol. 10, pp. 19-44)一文关于其中一些方法论观点的讨论。
1702358553 (25) Pred, A., “The Choreography of Existence: Commentson Hägerstrand’s Time-geography and Its Usefulness,”Economic Geography, 1977, Vol. 53, p. 208.
1702358555 (26) Pred, A., “Social Reproduction and the Time-geography of Everyday Life,”Geogra fiska AnnalerB, 1981, Vol. 63, p. 10.
1702358557 (27) 关于进一步的分析,参见Urry, “Some Themes in the Analysis of the Anatomy of Contemporary Capitalist Societies,” Acta Sociologica, 1982, Vol. 25, pp. 405-418。
1702358559 (28) 参见Giddens, A., A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism, Vol. 1: Power, Property and the State, London and Berkeley, 1981, ch. 7。
1702358561 (29) 关于对这种论证的进一步阐述,参见Urry, J., “Localities, Regions and Social Class,” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 1981, Vol. 5, pp. 455-474。
1702358563 (30) Althusser, L. and Balibar, E., Reading Capital, London, 1970, pp. 188-189.
1702358565 (31) Althusser, L. and Balibar, E., Reading Capital, London, 1970, p. 99.
1702358567 (32) Smart, J. J. C., Philosophy and Scientific Realism, London, 1963, ch. 7.
1702358569 (33) 参见Durkheim, E., The Division of Labour in Society, London and New York, 1964 (first published 1893), p. 260。
1702358571 (34) Bhaskar, R., A Realist Theory of Science, Leeds, 1975, p. 119.
1702358573 (35) 参见Sayer, A., “Epistemology and Conceptions of People and Nature in Geography,” Geoforum, Vol. 10, 1979, pp. 115-117;和Hanson, N., “Retroduction and the Logic of Scientific Discovery” in Krimerman, L. ed. The Nature and Scope of Social Science, New York, 1969。
1702358575 (36) 参见Bhaskar, R., A RealistTheory of Science, Leeds, 1975, p. 182; Keat, R. and Urry, J., Social Theory as Science, London, 1982,后记。
1702358577 (37) 参见Berger, J., The Look of Things, New York, 1971, pp. 115-117。他(和J. Mohr)在关于欧洲移民工人的著作A Seventh Man(Harmondsworth, 1975)中也思考了其中的一些问题。也可参见Soja和Hadjimichalis的“Between Geographical Materialism and Spatial Fetishism: Some Observationon the Marxist Spatial Analysis”(载Antipode, 1979, Vol. 11(2)pp. 3-11)一文中的讨论。
1702358579 (38) Earman, J., “Who’s Afraid of Absolute Space?” Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 1970, Vol. 48, pp. 288-292.
1702358581 (39) 参见Harré, R., The Principles of Scientific Thinking, London, 1970, p. 241;也可参见Hinkfuss, I., The Existence of Space and Time, Oxford, 1975, pp. 68-69。
1702358583 (40) Lucas, J.R., A Treatise on Time and Space, London, 1973, pp. 40-42;同时参见Jacques, E., The Form of Time, London, 1982, pp. 28ff。
1702358585 (41) 参见Müller和Neusüss的论文“The Illusion of StateSocialism and the Contradictions Between Wage-labour and Capital”(载Telos, 1970, Vol. 25, pp. 13-90)以及Urry的论文“De-industrialization, Households and Forms of Social Conflict”(Lancaster Regionlism Group, Working Paper, 1981b, No.3)第六章的讨论。
1702358587 (42) Carney、Hudson和Lewis的编著Regions in Crisis(London, 1980)中编选的一些论文——尤其是pp. 29ff——充分地阐明了这一点的各个方面。
1702358589 (43) Urry的”De-industrialization, Households and Forms of Social Conflict”(Lancaster Regionlism Group, Working Paper, 1981b, No. 3)一文第72页及其后对这一点的讨论。
1702358591 (44) Webber, M. M., “Culture, Territoriality and the Elastic Mile,” Papers and Proceedings of the Regional Science Association, 1964, Vol. 13, pp. 59—69, p. 63;参见Cox, K., “Capitalism and Conflict around the Communal Living Space” in Dear, M. and Scott, A. J., eds., Urbanisation and Urban Planning in Capitalist Society, London, 1981, pp. 431—456;以及Joyce, P., Work, Society and Politics:The Culture of the Factory in Later Victorian England, Brighton, 1980, p. 94; Joyce谈到了“服从的共同基础”以及“地区、地方和当下无可置疑的重要性”。他认为,工厂城镇和雇主家长制的生态“有力地阻止了冷漠、算计和阶级隔离……后来在19世纪,工业社会就是如此发展起来的,使地方主义和区域变得更加重要,而不是相反”。
1702358593 (45) Lebowitz的”Capital as Finite”(载Marx Conference, University of Victoria, Canada, 1980)一文非常充分地证明了这一点;参见我在拙文“Some Themes in the Analysis of the Anatomy of Contemporary Capitalist Societies”(载Acta Sociologic, 1982, Vol. 25, pp. 405—418)中对此的简短讨论。
1702358595 (46) 参见Aumeeruddy, A. T., Laurier, B. and Tortajada, R., “Labour Power and the State”. Capital and Class, 1978, Vol. 6, pp. 52—66;同时参见我在拙著The Anatomy of Capitalist Societies: The Economy, Civil Society and the State(London, 1981)第八章中对这一点的讨论。
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