1702358591 (44) Webber, M. M., “Culture, Territoriality and the Elastic Mile,” Papers and Proceedings of the Regional Science Association, 1964, Vol. 13, pp. 59—69, p. 63;参见Cox, K., “Capitalism and Conflict around the Communal Living Space” in Dear, M. and Scott, A. J., eds., Urbanisation and Urban Planning in Capitalist Society, London, 1981, pp. 431—456;以及Joyce, P., Work, Society and Politics:The Culture of the Factory in Later Victorian England, Brighton, 1980, p. 94; Joyce谈到了“服从的共同基础”以及“地区、地方和当下无可置疑的重要性”。他认为,工厂城镇和雇主家长制的生态“有力地阻止了冷漠、算计和阶级隔离……后来在19世纪,工业社会就是如此发展起来的,使地方主义和区域变得更加重要,而不是相反”。
1702358593 (45) Lebowitz的”Capital as Finite”(载Marx Conference, University of Victoria, Canada, 1980)一文非常充分地证明了这一点;参见我在拙文“Some Themes in the Analysis of the Anatomy of Contemporary Capitalist Societies”(载Acta Sociologic, 1982, Vol. 25, pp. 405—418)中对此的简短讨论。
1702358595 (46) 参见Aumeeruddy, A. T., Laurier, B. and Tortajada, R., “Labour Power and the State”. Capital and Class, 1978, Vol. 6, pp. 52—66;同时参见我在拙著The Anatomy of Capitalist Societies: The Economy, Civil Society and the State(London, 1981)第八章中对这一点的讨论。
1702358597 (47) 参见Lipietz, A., “The Structuration of Space, the Problem of Land and Spatial Policy” in Carney, J., Hudson, R. and Lewis, J., eds, Regions in Crisis, London, 1980, pp. 60—75。
1702358599 (48) Urry, J., “De-industrialization, Households and Forms of Social Conflict,” Lancaster Regionlism Group, Working Paper, 1981, No. 3; Urry, J., “Localities, Regions and Social Class,” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 1981, Vol. 5, pp. 446—448;以及Massey, D., “Regionalism: Some Current Issues,” Capital and Class, 1978, Vol. 6, pp. 106—125。
1702358601 (49) Lipietz, A., “International Regional Polarisation and Tertiarisation of Society,” Papers of the Regional Science Association, 1980, Vol. 44, pp. 3—17, pp. 67—71.
1702358603 (50) 关于介绍性的说明,参见Carter, H., The Study of Urban Geography, London, 1981。
1702358605 (51) 参见Broadbent, T. A., Planning and Profit in the Urban Economy, London, 1977, p. 108。
1702358607 (52) Broadbent, T. A., Planning and Profit in the Urban Economy, London, 1977, p. 110。Walker在“Two Sources of Uneven Development under Advanced Capitalism: Spatial Differentiation and Capital Mobility”(载Review of Radical Political Economics, 1978, Vol. 10, pp. 28—37)一文第30页指出,美国没有明显“自主的”城市或地区——因此,所有的城市都以这种方式进行运作。对这一点的更深入讨论,参见Pahl为本书撰写的第11章。
1702358609 (53) Broadbent, T. A., Planning and Profit in the Urban Economy, London, 1977, p. 115.
1702358611 (54) 关于一种部分类似的论证, 参见Cawson, A. and Saunders, P., “Corporatism, Competitive Politics and Class Struggle” in King, R., ed., Capital and Politics, London, 1983, pp. 1—27。
1702358613 (55) 参见Walker, R., “Two Sources of Uneven Development under Advanced Capitalism: Spatial Differentiation and Capital Mobility,” Review of Radical Political Economics, 1978, Vol. 10, pp. 28—37;我在”Localities, Regions and Social Class”(载International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 1981, Vol. 5, pp. 455—474)一文中的简短说明;关于更详细的讨论和辩护,参见Cooke, P., “Labour Market Discontinuity and Spatial Development,” Progress in Human Geography, 1983, Vol. 7, pp. 543—565。
1702358615 (56) 参见Sayer, A., “Explanation in Economic Geography: Abstraction Versus Generalisation,” Progress in Human Geography, 1982, Vol. 6, pp. 68—88;关于实在论和空间的一般论述,参见Williams, S., “Realism, Marxism and Human Geography,” Antipode, 1981, Vol. 13 (2), pp. 31—38。
1702358617 (57) Sayer, A., “Explanation in Economic Geography: Abstraction Versus Generalisation,” Progress in Human Geography, 1982, Vol. 6, p. 79.
1702358619 (58) Massey, D., “Regionalism: Some Current Issues,” Capital and Class, 1978, Vol. 6, p. 116; Sayer, A., “Explanation in Economic Geography: Abstraction Versus Generalisation,” Progress in Human Geography, 1982, Vol. 6。也可参见他们为本书撰写的第2章和第4章。
1702358621 (59) Sayer, A., “Explanation in Economic Geography: Abstraction versus Generalisation,” Progress in Human Geography, 1982, Vol. 6, p. 80.
1702358623 (60) 参见Urry, J., The Anatomy of Capitalist Societies: The Economy, Civil Society and the State, London, 1981a;和Urry, “Some Themes in the Analysis of the Anatomy of Contemporary Capitalist Societies,” Act a Sociologica, 1982, Vol. 25, pp. 405—418。
1702358625 (61) 参见Frobel, F., Heinrichs, J. and Kreye, O., The New International Division of Labour, Cambridge, 1980。
1702358627 (62) 参见Massey, D., “Regionalism: Some Current Issues,” Capital and Class, 1978, Vol. 6, pp. 106—25; Massey, D., “The UK Electrical Engineering and Electronics Industries: The Implications of the Crisis for the Restructuring of Capital and Locational Change” in Dear, M. and Scott, A. J., eds., Urbanisation and Urban Planning in Capitalist Society, London, 1981, pp. 199—230; Massey, D. and Meegan, R., The Anatomy of Job Loss: The How, Why and Where of Employment Decline, London, 1982; Walker, R. and Storper, M., “Capital and Industrial Location,” Progress in Human Geography, 1981, Vol. 5, pp. 473—509;这些空间分工形式基本上从这些著作中获得, 至少在间接的意义上是如此。
1702358629 (63) 参见Aglietta, M., A Theory of Capitalist Regulation, London, 1979, ch. 3。
1702358631 (64) 参见Massey, D., “The UK Electrical Engineering and Electronics Industries: The Implications of the Crisis for the Restructuring of Capital and Locational Change” in Dear, M. and Scott, A. J., eds., Urbanisation and Urban Planning in Capitalist Society, London, 1981, pp. 199—230。
1702358633 (65) 关于德国纺织服装业的新国际分工,参见Frobel, F., Heinrichs, J. and Kreye, O., The New International Division of Labour, Cambridge, 1980。关于一种尖锐的批评,参见Jacobson, D., Wickham, A. and Wickham, J., “Review of The New International Division of Labour,” Capital and Class, 1979, Vol. 7, pp. 125—130。
1702358635 (66) 关于新产品(例如廉价地毯和塑料地面装饰)开发对英国油毡业的影响,参见Murgatroyd and Urry “The Restructuring of a Local Economy: The Case of Lancaster” in Anderson, Durcan and Hudson ed., Redundant Space in Cities and Regions? 1983。
1702358637 (67) Sayer, A., “Explanation in Economic Geography: Abstraction versus Generalisation,” Progress in Human Geography, 1982, Vol. 6, p. 80.
1702358639 (68) 参见Harvey, D., “The Geography of Capitalist Accumulation: A Reconstruction of the Marxian Theory,” Antipode, 1975, Vol. 7 (2), p. 13和Walker, R., “A Theory of Suburbanisation: Capitalism and the Construction of Urban Space in the United States” in Dear, M. and Scott, A. J., eds., Urbanisation and Urban Planning in Capitalist Society, London, 1981, pp. 405—406;更一般的论述,参见Harvey, D., Social Justice and the City, London, 1973,他主张,如果生产资本积累过度, 那么资本就会进入“财产的循环”。
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