1702358615 (56) 参见Sayer, A., “Explanation in Economic Geography: Abstraction Versus Generalisation,” Progress in Human Geography, 1982, Vol. 6, pp. 68—88;关于实在论和空间的一般论述,参见Williams, S., “Realism, Marxism and Human Geography,” Antipode, 1981, Vol. 13 (2), pp. 31—38。
1702358617 (57) Sayer, A., “Explanation in Economic Geography: Abstraction Versus Generalisation,” Progress in Human Geography, 1982, Vol. 6, p. 79.
1702358619 (58) Massey, D., “Regionalism: Some Current Issues,” Capital and Class, 1978, Vol. 6, p. 116; Sayer, A., “Explanation in Economic Geography: Abstraction Versus Generalisation,” Progress in Human Geography, 1982, Vol. 6。也可参见他们为本书撰写的第2章和第4章。
1702358621 (59) Sayer, A., “Explanation in Economic Geography: Abstraction versus Generalisation,” Progress in Human Geography, 1982, Vol. 6, p. 80.
1702358623 (60) 参见Urry, J., The Anatomy of Capitalist Societies: The Economy, Civil Society and the State, London, 1981a;和Urry, “Some Themes in the Analysis of the Anatomy of Contemporary Capitalist Societies,” Act a Sociologica, 1982, Vol. 25, pp. 405—418。
1702358625 (61) 参见Frobel, F., Heinrichs, J. and Kreye, O., The New International Division of Labour, Cambridge, 1980。
1702358627 (62) 参见Massey, D., “Regionalism: Some Current Issues,” Capital and Class, 1978, Vol. 6, pp. 106—25; Massey, D., “The UK Electrical Engineering and Electronics Industries: The Implications of the Crisis for the Restructuring of Capital and Locational Change” in Dear, M. and Scott, A. J., eds., Urbanisation and Urban Planning in Capitalist Society, London, 1981, pp. 199—230; Massey, D. and Meegan, R., The Anatomy of Job Loss: The How, Why and Where of Employment Decline, London, 1982; Walker, R. and Storper, M., “Capital and Industrial Location,” Progress in Human Geography, 1981, Vol. 5, pp. 473—509;这些空间分工形式基本上从这些著作中获得, 至少在间接的意义上是如此。
1702358629 (63) 参见Aglietta, M., A Theory of Capitalist Regulation, London, 1979, ch. 3。
1702358631 (64) 参见Massey, D., “The UK Electrical Engineering and Electronics Industries: The Implications of the Crisis for the Restructuring of Capital and Locational Change” in Dear, M. and Scott, A. J., eds., Urbanisation and Urban Planning in Capitalist Society, London, 1981, pp. 199—230。
1702358633 (65) 关于德国纺织服装业的新国际分工,参见Frobel, F., Heinrichs, J. and Kreye, O., The New International Division of Labour, Cambridge, 1980。关于一种尖锐的批评,参见Jacobson, D., Wickham, A. and Wickham, J., “Review of The New International Division of Labour,” Capital and Class, 1979, Vol. 7, pp. 125—130。
1702358635 (66) 关于新产品(例如廉价地毯和塑料地面装饰)开发对英国油毡业的影响,参见Murgatroyd and Urry “The Restructuring of a Local Economy: The Case of Lancaster” in Anderson, Durcan and Hudson ed., Redundant Space in Cities and Regions? 1983。
1702358637 (67) Sayer, A., “Explanation in Economic Geography: Abstraction versus Generalisation,” Progress in Human Geography, 1982, Vol. 6, p. 80.
1702358639 (68) 参见Harvey, D., “The Geography of Capitalist Accumulation: A Reconstruction of the Marxian Theory,” Antipode, 1975, Vol. 7 (2), p. 13和Walker, R., “A Theory of Suburbanisation: Capitalism and the Construction of Urban Space in the United States” in Dear, M. and Scott, A. J., eds., Urbanisation and Urban Planning in Capitalist Society, London, 1981, pp. 405—406;更一般的论述,参见Harvey, D., Social Justice and the City, London, 1973,他主张,如果生产资本积累过度, 那么资本就会进入“财产的循环”。
1702358641 (69) 参见Walker, R., “A Theory of Suburbanisation: Capitalism and the Construction of Urban Space in the United States” in Dear, M. and Scott, A. J., eds., Urbanisation and Urban Planning in Capitalist Society, London, 1981,尤其是pp. 396ff;同时参见Cox, K., “Capitalism and Conflict around the Communal Living Space” in Cox, K. and Golledge, R., eds., Behavioral Problems in Geography Revisited, London, 1981, pp. 431—456。
1702358643 (70) 参见Ashton, P., “The Political Economy of Suburban Development” in Tabb, W. K. and Sawers, L., eds., Marxism and the Metropolis: New perspectives in Urban Political Economy, New York, 1978, pp. 64—89, pp. 75—79。
1702358645 (71) 参见Agnew, J. A, “Homeownership and the Capitalist Social Order” in Dear, M. and Scott, A. J., eds., Urbanisation and Urban Planning in Capitalist Society, 1981, pp. 472—475;更一般的讨论, 参见Blackburn, P., Green, K. and Liff, S., “Science and Technology in Restructuring,” Capital and Class, 1982, Vol. 18, pp. 15—37。
1702358647 (72) Agnew, J. A, “Homeownership and the Capitalist Social Order” in Dear, M. and Scott, A. J., eds., Urbanisation and Urban Planning in Capitalist Society, 1981, p. 475.
1702358649 (73) 参见Bell, C. and Newby, H., “Community, Communication, Class and Community Action: the Social Sources of the New Urban Politics” in Herbert, D. T. and Johnston, R. J., eds., Social Areas in Cities Vol. 2 Spatial perspectives on problems and policies, London, 1976; Cox, K., “Capitalism and Conflict around the Communal Living Space” in Cox, K. and Golledge, R., eds., Behavioral Problems in Geography Revisited, 1981, pp. 435ff; Roberts, R., The Classic Slum, Manchester, 1971。
1702358651 (74) Williams, R., The Country and the City, 1973, p. 104.
1702358653 (75) Seabrook的What went Wrong(London, 1978)一书第80页和第95页对最近工人阶级“社群”由于“商品关系”的发展而瓦解作出了有趣的讨论。关于19世纪的状况,参见Joyce, P., Work,Society and Politics: The Culture of the Factory in Later Victorian England, Brighton, 1980, 尤其是ch. 3 and 4。关于更全面的论述, 参见Aglietta, M., A Theory of Capitalist Regulation, 1979。
1702358655 (76) Seabrook, J., What went Wrong, London, 1978, pp. 174—175;也可参见Cox, K., “Capitalism and Conflict around the Communal Living Space” in Cox, K. and Golledge, R., eds., Behavioral Problems in Geography Revisited, 1981, p. 435。
1702358657 (77) Paci, M., “Class Structure in Italian Society” in Pinto, D., ed., Contemporary Italian Sociology, Cambridge, 1981, p. 211.
1702358659 (78) 关于就业的讨论,参见Fothergill, S. and Gudgin, G., Unequal Growth: Urban and Regional Employment Change in the UK, London, 1982;关于人口的讨论, 参见OPCS Monitor(1982)。
1702358661 (79) 参见Newby, H., Green and Pleasant Land? Social Change in Rural England, London, 1979, ch. 6。
1702358663 (80) 参见Abercrombie, N. and Urry, J., Capital, Labour and the Middle Classes, London, 1983, ch. 8。
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