1702359504 (26) Poulantzas, N., State, Power, Socialism, London, 1978, p. 98.
1702359506 (27) 还有其他一些人物,例如城市社会学家Raymond Ledrut (L’espace en question, Paris, 1977)和诸如Merleau-Ponty、Bachelard甚至萨特这样的社会哲学家。然而,Lefebvre是他们中最重要的一个贡献者。
1702359508 (28) 参见Kelly, M., Modern French Marxism, Baltimore, 1982; Poster, M., Existential Marxism in Postwar France, Princeton, 1975。
1702359510 (29) Lefebvre, H. and Guterman, N., La Conscience Mystifiée, Paris, 1936.这部著作的主要论点是,一切意识形态,个人的和集体的,都受到资本主义制度的操控,从而隐藏了剩余价值榨取的基本机制。这意味着工人阶级自身也没有意识到资本主义剥削的手段。因此,这部著作出版时在共产党内部引起了广泛的政治争议。
1702359512 (30) 关于英译本,参见Lefebvre, H., Dialectical Materialism, London, 1968。
1702359514 (31) Lefebvre, H., L’existentialisme, Paris, 1946; Levebvre, H., Au-delà du Structuralisme, Paris, 1971; Poster, M., Existential Marxism in Postwar France, Princeton, 1975.
1702359516 (32) 英语世界对法国马克思主义的最新分析(Kelly, M., Modern French Marxism, Baltimore, 1982和Hirsch, A., The French New Left: An Intellectual History from Sartre to Gorz, Boston, 1981)甚至没有提及Lefebvre关于城市主义和空间的著述,而Poster的Existential Marxism in Postwar France (Princeton, 1975)仅仅简要且迷惑不解地将Lefebvre城市主义的“新实践”与法国1968年5月的事件放在一起讨论——这一事件开始于Lefebvre执教的Nanterre大学。
1702359518 (33) 参见Lefebvre, H., Le Temps des Méprises, Paris, 1975, ch. 9, Lefebvre在此解释了他如何对空间发生了兴趣。
1702359520 (34) Lefebvre, H., L’existentialisme, Paris, 1946; Levebvre, H., Fondements d’une Sociologie de la Quotidienneté, Paris, 1961; Levebvre, H., La Vie Quotidienne dans le Monde Moderne, Paris, 1968.
1702359522 (35) Lefebvre, H., Le Droit à la Ville, Paris, 1968; Lefebvre, H., De Rural à l’Urbaine, Paris, 1970; Lefebvre, H., Le Manifeste Différentialise, Paris, 1971; Lefebvre, H., La Révolution Urbaine, Paris, 1971; Lefebvre, H., La Pensée Marxiste et la Ville, Paris, 1972.
1702359524 (36) Lefebvre, H., The survival of Capitalism, London, 1976, p. 21.
1702359526 (37) Lefebvre, H., The Survival of Capitalism, London, 1976, pp. 18-19.
1702359528 (38) Lefebvre, H., La Production de l’Espace, Paris, 1974,特别是pp. 46-53。
1702359530 (39) 关于这种三重结构化,有一个更新更详细的解释,参见Lefebvre, H., Une Pensée Devenue Monde: Fautil Abandonner Marx? Paris, 1980。
1702359532 (40) Lefebvre, H., De L’Etat, 4vols, 1976-1978.
1702359534 (41) Lefebvre, H., The Survival of Capitalism, London, 1976, pp. 14 and 17.
1702359536 (42) Castells, M., The Urban Question, London, 1977. (原法文版,Castells, M., La Question Urbaine, Paris, 1971)
1702359538 (43) 参见Soja, E., “The Socio-spatial Dialectic,” Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 1980, Vol. 70,pp. 207-225;和Martins, M., “The Theory of Social Space in the Work of Henry Lefebvre’ in Forrest,R., Henderson, J. and Williams, P., eds., Urban Political Economy and Social Theory: Critical Essays in Urban Studies, Aldershot, 1983。在近来的城市社会学文献中,Sauders的Social Theory and the Urban Question(London, 1981)对于Lefebvre著作(及Castells的相关批评)的处理是最好的。然而,该书过于关注Lefebvre对于城市空间问题域的、更为以城市为中心的概念化过程,并且没有参考一部标志Lefebvre从他的城市“靠近”转向的著作,即1974年出版的《空间的生产》。
1702359540 (44) Harvey, D., Social Justice and the City, London, 1973.
1702359542 (45) 一般认为,空间性理论的这种综合构建是马克思著作中所固有的,仅仅需要勤奋地发掘。
1702359544 (46) Eyles, J., “Why Geography can not be Marxist: Towards an Understanding of Lived Experience,” Environment and Planning A, 1981, Vol. 13, pp. 1317-1388;关于法文例子,参见Claval, P., “Le Marxisme et l’espace,” L’Espace Géographique, 1977, Vol. 3, pp. 145-164。
1702359546 (47) Gregory, D., “Solid Geometry: Notes on the Recovery of Spatial Structure” in Gould, P. and Olson, G., eds., A Search for Common Ground, London, 1982.
1702359548 (48) 参见Eliot Hurst, M., “Geography, Social Science and Society: Towards a Definition,” Australian Geographical Studies, 1980, Vol. 18, pp. 3-21; Smith, N., “Geography, Science and Post-positivist Modes of Explanation” Progress in Human Geography, 1979, Vol. 3, pp. 356-383。
1702359550 (49) Harvey, D., Social Justice and the City, London, 1973;Harvey, D., “The Urban Process under Capitalism,” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 1978, Vol. 2, pp. 101-131;Harvey, D, The limits to capital, Oxford, 1982. Massey, D., “Regionalism:Some Current Issues,” Capital and Class, 1978, Vol. 6, pp. 33-39;Messey, D., “The UK Electrical Engineering and Electronics Industries:The Implications of the Crisis for the Restructuring of Capital and Locational Change” in Dear, M. and Scott, A. J., eds., Urbanisation and Urban Planning in Capitalist Society, London, 1981, pp. 199-230. Massey, D. and Meegan, R., “The Geography of Industrial Reorganisation,” Progress in Planning, 1979, Vol. 10, pp. 159-237;Massey, D. and Meegan, R., The Anatomy of Job Loss:The How, Why and Where of Employment Decline, London, 1982. Walker, R. and Storper, M., “Capital and Industrial Location,” Progress in Human Geography, 1981, Vol. 5, pp. 473-509. Carney, J., Hudson, R. and Lewis, J., eds., Regions in Crisis, London, 1980.
1702359552 (50) Harvey, D., “The Urban Process under Capitalism,” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 1978, Vol. 2, p. 124.
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