1702360089 (19) Harvey, D., The limits to capital, Oxford, 1982.
1702360091 (20) Carchedi, G., On the Economic Identification of Social Classes, London, 1977.也见MacKenzie的“Class Boundaries and the Labour Process”(载Giddens and Mackenzie, eds., Social Class and the Division of Labour, Cambridge, 1982, pp. 63-87)对于Carchedi的赞同性批评以及Connell的“A Critique of the Althusserian Approach to Class”(载Theory and Society, 1979, Vol. 8, pp. 321-345)对他的无情痛斥。必须承认,我自己先前的阶级观念过于静态了。参见Walker, R. and Greenberg, D., “Postindustrialism and Political Reform in the City: A Critique,” Antipode, 1982, Vol. 14, pp. 17-32。
1702360093 (21) 关于基础主义批判,参见Giddens及其追随者的著作,例如Giddens, A., Central Problems in Social Theory: Action, Structure and Contradiction in Social Analysis, London and Berkeley, 1979;和Giddens, A., A Contem porary Critique of Historical Materialism, Vol. 1: Power, Property and the State, London and Berkeley, 1981。
1702360095 (22) Wright, E. O., “The Status of the Political in the Concept of Class Structure,” Politics and Society, 1982, Vol. 11, pp. 321-341.
1702360097 (23) 参见Cohen, G. A., Karl Marx’s Theory of History: a Defence, Oxford and Princeton, 1978。
1702360099 (24) Marx, K., Capital, London, 1967(1867年首次出版),ch. 14。
1702360101 (25) Marglin, S., “What do Bosses Do?” Review of Radical Political Economics, 1974, Vol. 6, pp. 60-92.
1702360103 (26) Wright, E. O., “Varieties of Marxist Conceptions of Class Structure,” Politics and Society, 1980, Vol. 9, p. 354.
1702360105 (27) Giddens, A., The Class Structure of the Advanced Societies (2nd edn), London, 1981.
1702360107 (28) Marx, K., Capital, London, 1967(1867年首次出版),ch. 14-15。Braverman, H., Labor and Monopoly Capital, New York, 1974。
1702360109 (29) Wright, E. O. and Perrone, L., “Marxist Class Categories and Income Inequality,” American Sociological Review, 1977, Vol. 42, pp. 32-56.
1702360111 (30) 例如,Poulantzas, N., Classes in Contemporary Capitalism, London, 1975。参见MacKenzie的“Class Boundaries and the Labour Process”(载Giddens and Mackenzie, eds., Social Class and the Division of Labour, Cambridge, 1982, pp. 63-87)、Wright的“Class Boundaries in Advanced Capitalist Societies”(载New Left Review, 1976, Vol. 98, pp. 3-41)和“Varieties of Marxist Conceptions of Class Structure”(载Politics and Society, 1980, Vol. 9, pp. 299-322)中的讨论。
1702360113 (31) Weber, M., Economy and Society, Berkeley, 1978.
1702360115 (32) 这是我一度赞同的立场:Walker, R. and Greenberg, D., “Post-industrialism and Political Reform in the City: A Critique,” Antipode, 1982, Vol. 14, pp. 17-32。MacKenzie的“Class Boundaries and the Labour Process”(载Giddens and Mackenzie, eds., Social Class and the Division of Labour, Cambridge, 1982, pp. 63-87)和Giddens的The Class Structure of the Advanced Societies (2nd edn)(London, 1981)都在力图用劳动力市场碎片化来解释阶级不平等的过程中掉入了同样的陷阱。
1702360117 (33) Wright, E. O., “Class Boundaries in Advanced Capitalist Societies,” New Left Review, 1976, Vol. 98, pp. 3-41.
1702360119 (34) Wright, E. O., “Varieties of Marxist Conceptions of Class Structure,” Politics and Society, 1980, Vol. 9, pp. 299-322.
1702360121 (35) Thompson, E. P., The Poverty of Theory and Other Essays, London, 1978.
1702360123 (36) Carchedi, G., On the Economic Identification of Social Classes, London, 1977.
1702360125 (37) Walker, P., eds., Between Capital and Labour, Boston, Massachusetts, 1979.
1702360127 (38) 以下讨论以Storper and Walker的“The Theory of Labour and the Theory of Location”(载International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 1983, Vol. 7, pp. 1-44)和“The Spatial Division of Labor: Labor and the Location of Industry”(载Sawers, L. and Tabb, W. K., eds., Sunbelt/Frostbelt: Urban Development and Regional Restructuring, 1984, New York)为基础。
1702360129 (39) Marx, K., Capital, London, 1967(1867年首次出版), ch. 24。
1702360131 (40) Nichols, T. and Beynon, H., Living with Capitalism: Class Relations and the Modern Factory, London, 1977.
1702360133 (41) Rosenberg, N., Perspectives on Technology, Cambridge, 1976.
1702360135 (42) Edwards, R., Contested Terrain: the Transformation of the Work-place in the Twentieth Century, London and New York, 1979.
1702360137 (43) Aromowitz, S., “Marx, Braverman and the Logic of Capital,” Insurgent Sociologist, 1978, Vol. 8(2-3), pp. 126-146.
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