1702360320 社会关系与空间结构 [:1702358073]
1702360321 社会关系与空间结构 结语
1702360323 总之,在我看来,无论是作为扩展的比喻还是作为社会理论,就不平衡发展的分析而言,任何对于社会关系地质情况的适当解释都应该满足四个标准。首先,它应该能够解释资本的区位选择实践中各个历史阶段的起源,提供构造任何特定地区工业沉积层的转化规则。其次,它应该能够明确说明取决于各种地方化社会关系体系的政治后果。这就需要能够对阶级、性别和民众力量的不同组合的典型效应进行分类。再次,它应该能够识别任何现存的自主空间效应,无论是地区性的还是地方性的。这只不过是要认真对待互动网络制造新兴空间效应的能力,这种效应在行话中会被称作地方文化或社群。这种效应可能源于分配机制、消费实践、政治干预和生产过程。最后,我们必须充分阐述和详细说明机制或矛盾生效的条件,以便重新获得历史证明。实在论的方法存在一个固有的危险,那就是各个机制及其效应以及这些机制在具体结合中的相互调整三者之间的联系被切断,使得我们不能从现象上区分不同的实在论理论。要作出恰当的解释,就需要我们严格地论证到底是哪些机制、怎样的结合形成了社会关系的地质层。
1702360325 要是我们认为,注意到这些产生空间效应的另外的机制就足以构造出一种关于空间、时间和社会关系之间关联的理论,并且这一理论会符合萨克为社会科学理论制定的严格标准,那就过于乐观了。我们并未证实以上简要考察的机制之间的相容性,也没有具体说明它们之间的理论联系。但是,这些机制确实暗示了扩展基本比喻的可能方法,由于基本比喻和任何单一机制似乎都不能如实地解释发展的不平衡性,这种暗示肯定不会毫无价值。我们有充分的理由相信,劳动过程、劳动力市场、集体消费安排和家庭组织与追逐利润的资本一起导致社会关系与政治实践的空间变化。地方社会关系的地质形成是一个复杂的过程。
1702360327 (1) Sack, R. D., Conceptions of Space in Social Thought, London and Minneapolis, 1980, p. 59.
1702360329 (2) 例如, Giddens, A., A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism, Vol. 1: Power, Property and the State, London and Berkeley, 1981。
1702360331 (3) M. Storper的“Towards a Structural Theory of Industrial Location”(载Rees, J., Hewings, G. J. D. and Stafford, H. A., eds., Industrial Location and Regional Systems, New York, 1981, pp. 17-40)一文将用以进行区位分析的一种现代系统方法与一种结构方法作了区分,后者常常但却不一定受到马克思主义的启发。
1702360333 (4) Lojkine, J., “Contribution to a Marxist Theory of Capitalist Urbanisation” in Pickvance, C., ed., Urban Sociology: Critical Essays, London, 1976, pp. 134-135.
1702360335 (5) Williamson, J. G., “Regional Inequality and the Process of National Development: A Description of Patterns” in Needleman, L., ed., Regional Analysis, Harmondsworth, 1968, pp. 102-106.
1702360337 (6) Hobsbawm, E., “The Forward March of Labour Halted?” in Jacques, M. and Mulhern, F., eds., The Forward March of Labour Halted?, London, 1981, p. 11.
1702360339 (7) Durkheim, E., The Division of Labour in Society, London and New York, 1964 (first published 1893), p. 28.
1702360341 (8) R. Rose和D. Unwin的Regional Differentiation and Political Unity in Western Nations(Beverley Hills, 1975)一书将运动的缺失归因于前一时期中出现的“政治民族化”转向,但他们并没有研究这一时期。
1702360343 (9) Hechter, M., “The persistence of Regionalism in the British Isles 1885-1966,” American Journal of Sociology, 1973, Vol. 79, pp. 319-343; Hechter, M., Internal Colonialism: The Celtic Fringe in British National Development 1536-1966, London, 1975.
1702360345 (10) 例如, Fothergill, S. and Gudgin, G., “Regional Employment Change: a Subregional Explanation,” Progress in Planning, 1980, Vol. 12。
1702360347 (11) Lee, C. H., Regional Economic Growth in the UK Since the 1880s, Maidenhead, 1971.
1702360349 (12) Chisholm, M. and Oeppen, J., The Changing Pattern of Employment: Regional Specialisation and Industrial Localisation in Britain, 1973.
1702360351 (13) 关于替代性经济指标的有效性,参见D. Massey和R. Meegan的“Industrial Restructuring Versus the Cities”(载Progress in Planning, 1979, Vol. 10, pp. 159-237)一文对于D. Keeble的“Spatial Policy in Britain: Regional or Urban?”(载Area, 1977, Vol. 9, pp. 3-8)一文的批判。
1702360353 (14) 例如,Saunders在本书中的文章。
1702360355 (15) 例如,Sayer, A., “Explanation in Economic Geography: Abstraction versus Generalisation,” Progress in Human Geography, 1982, Vol. 6, pp. 68-88。
1702360357 (16) 参见Union of Radical Political Economics, Review of Radical Political Economics, 1978, Vol. 10, pp. 1-12; Lovering, J., “The Theory of the Internal Colony versus Political Economy of Wales”, Review of Radical Political Economics, 1978, Vol. 10, pp. 55-67;以及D. Massey在”Regionalism: Some Current Issues”(载Capital and Class, 1978, Vol. 6, pp. 33-39)一文中撰写的总结。
1702360359 (17) 参见E. Lebas在”Urban and Reginoal Sociology in Advanced Industrial Societies: A Decade of Marxist and Critical Perspectives”(载Current Sociology, 1982, Vol. 30(1), pp. 1-107)一文中给出的综合调查。
1702360361 (18) 参见Lojkine, J., “Contribution to a Marxist Theory of Capitalist Urbanisation” in Pickvance, C., ed., Urban Sociology: Critical Essays, London, 1976, pp. 134-135。但请注意,他后来的立场似乎有了很大的改变(参见Lojkine, J., “Urban Policyand Local Power: Some Aspects of Recent Research in Lille” in Harloe, M. and Lebas, E., eds., City, Class and Capital, London, 1981, pp. 89-104)。
1702360363 (19) Lipietz, A., “The Structuration of Space, the Problem of Land and Spatial Policy” in Carney, J., Hudson, R. and Lewis, J., eds, Regions in Crisis, London, 1980, pp. 61-75.
1702360365 (20) Massey, D., “Towards a Critique of Industrial Location Theory,” 1973, Antipode, Vol. 5(3), pp. 33-39; Massey, D., “In What Sense a Regional Problem,” Regional Studies, 1979, Vol. 13, pp. 233-243.
1702360367 (21) Massey, D. and Meegan, R., “Industrial Restructuring Versus the Cities,” Progress in Planning, 1978, Vol. 10, pp. 159-237; Massey, D. and Meegan, R., “The Geography of Industrial Reorganisation,” Progress in Planning, 1979, Vol. 10, pp. 159-237; Massey, D., “Regionalism: Some Current Issues,” Capital and class, 1978, Vol. 6, pp. 106-125.
1702360369 (22) Massey, D., “Capital and Locational Change: The UK Electrical Engineering and Electronics Industry,” Review of Radical Political Economics, 1978, Vol. 10, pp. 39-54; Massey, D., “In What Sense a Regional Problem,” Regional Studies, 1979, Vol. 13, pp. 233-243; Massey, D. and Meegan, R., The Anatomy of Job Loss: The How, Why and Where of Employment Decline, London, 1982.
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