1702360351 (13) 关于替代性经济指标的有效性,参见D. Massey和R. Meegan的“Industrial Restructuring Versus the Cities”(载Progress in Planning, 1979, Vol. 10, pp. 159-237)一文对于D. Keeble的“Spatial Policy in Britain: Regional or Urban?”(载Area, 1977, Vol. 9, pp. 3-8)一文的批判。
1702360353 (14) 例如,Saunders在本书中的文章。
1702360355 (15) 例如,Sayer, A., “Explanation in Economic Geography: Abstraction versus Generalisation,” Progress in Human Geography, 1982, Vol. 6, pp. 68-88。
1702360357 (16) 参见Union of Radical Political Economics, Review of Radical Political Economics, 1978, Vol. 10, pp. 1-12; Lovering, J., “The Theory of the Internal Colony versus Political Economy of Wales”, Review of Radical Political Economics, 1978, Vol. 10, pp. 55-67;以及D. Massey在”Regionalism: Some Current Issues”(载Capital and Class, 1978, Vol. 6, pp. 33-39)一文中撰写的总结。
1702360359 (17) 参见E. Lebas在”Urban and Reginoal Sociology in Advanced Industrial Societies: A Decade of Marxist and Critical Perspectives”(载Current Sociology, 1982, Vol. 30(1), pp. 1-107)一文中给出的综合调查。
1702360361 (18) 参见Lojkine, J., “Contribution to a Marxist Theory of Capitalist Urbanisation” in Pickvance, C., ed., Urban Sociology: Critical Essays, London, 1976, pp. 134-135。但请注意,他后来的立场似乎有了很大的改变(参见Lojkine, J., “Urban Policyand Local Power: Some Aspects of Recent Research in Lille” in Harloe, M. and Lebas, E., eds., City, Class and Capital, London, 1981, pp. 89-104)。
1702360363 (19) Lipietz, A., “The Structuration of Space, the Problem of Land and Spatial Policy” in Carney, J., Hudson, R. and Lewis, J., eds, Regions in Crisis, London, 1980, pp. 61-75.
1702360365 (20) Massey, D., “Towards a Critique of Industrial Location Theory,” 1973, Antipode, Vol. 5(3), pp. 33-39; Massey, D., “In What Sense a Regional Problem,” Regional Studies, 1979, Vol. 13, pp. 233-243.
1702360367 (21) Massey, D. and Meegan, R., “Industrial Restructuring Versus the Cities,” Progress in Planning, 1978, Vol. 10, pp. 159-237; Massey, D. and Meegan, R., “The Geography of Industrial Reorganisation,” Progress in Planning, 1979, Vol. 10, pp. 159-237; Massey, D., “Regionalism: Some Current Issues,” Capital and class, 1978, Vol. 6, pp. 106-125.
1702360369 (22) Massey, D., “Capital and Locational Change: The UK Electrical Engineering and Electronics Industry,” Review of Radical Political Economics, 1978, Vol. 10, pp. 39-54; Massey, D., “In What Sense a Regional Problem,” Regional Studies, 1979, Vol. 13, pp. 233-243; Massey, D. and Meegan, R., The Anatomy of Job Loss: The How, Why and Where of Employment Decline, London, 1982.
1702360371 (23) Massey, D. and Meegan, R., “Industrial Restructuring Versus the Cities,” Progress in Planning, 1978, Vol. 10, pp. 159-237;也见D. Massey和R. Meegan在The Anatomy of Job Loss: The How, Why and Where of Employment Decline (London, 1982)一书中的结论。
1702360373 (24) 例如,Walker, R. and Storper, M., “Capital and Industrial Location,” Progress in Human Geography, 1981, Vol. 5, pp. 473-509。作者坚持认为,劳动是竞争优势的基本来源,但同时强调,劳动力再生产的条件对于区位战略至关重要。
1702360375 (25) 这些前提条件的设定得到了F. Fröbel、J. Heinrichs和O. Kreye的The New International Division of Labour (Cambridge, 1980)这部有影响的著作的认可。
1702360377 (26) Massey, D. and Meegan, R., “The Geography of Industrial Reorganisation,” Progress in Planning, 1979, Vol. 10, pp. 159-237; Massey, D. and Meegan, R., The Anatomy of Job Loss: The How, Why and Where of Employment Decline, London, 1982; Massey, D., “Capital and Locational Change: The UK Electrical Engineering and Electronics Industry,” Review of Radical Political Economics, 1978, Vol. 10, pp. 39-54.
1702360379 (27) Massey, D. and Meegan, R., The Anatomy of Job Loss: The How, Why and Where of Employment Decline, London, 1982.
1702360381 (28) 因此有可能解释英国就业中的比较剧烈的城乡转变,S. Fothergill和G. Gudgin的“Regional Employment Change: a Sub-regional Explanation”(载Progress in Planning, 1980, Vol. 12)一文是全面记载这一转变的最新资料。
1702360383 (29) 参见Massey, D., “In What Sense a Regional Problem,” Regional Studies, 1979, Vol. 13, pp. 234-235,该文最为清楚地描述了她的“探究历史过程的图式法”。
1702360385 (30) Massey, D., “Industrial Restructuring as Class Restructuring,” Centre for Environmental Studies, Working Paper 604.
1702360387 (31) Massey, D., “Regionalism: Some Current Issues,” Capital and Class, 1978, Vol. 6, pp. 106-125.
1702360389 (32) Massey, D., “Industrial Restructuring as Class Restructuring,” Centre for Environmental Studies, Working Paper 604, p. 1.
1702360391 (33) 参见J. Lovering的论文“The Theory of the Internal Colony versus Political Economy of Wales”(载Review of Radical Political Economics, 1978, Vol. 10, pp. 55-67)、P. Cooke的论文“Inter-regional Class Relations and the Redevelopment Process”(载Papers in Planning Research, UWISI, No. 36)以及G. Day等人的编著Diversity and Decom position in the Labour Market(Farmborough, 1982)中的某些研究工作。
1702360393 (34) 参见Gittins, D., Fair Sex: Family Size and Structure 1900-1939, London, 1982。
1702360395 (35) 参见Liddington, J. and Norris, J., One Hand Tied Behind Us; The Rise of the Women’s Suffrage Movement, London, 1978; Macintyre, S., Little Moscows. Communism and Working-class Militancy in Inter-war Britain, London, 1980; Gittins, D., Fair Sex: Family Size and Structure 1900-1939, London, 1982.这些著作对于国内安排和政治效应如何随时空变化而变化给出了一些初步的解释。
1702360397 (36) Sack, R. D., Conceptions of Space in Social Thought, London and Minneapolis, 1980.
1702360399 (37) Taylor, P. and Johnston, R. J., The Geography of Elections, Harmond-sworth, 1979.
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