1702360377 (26) Massey, D. and Meegan, R., “The Geography of Industrial Reorganisation,” Progress in Planning, 1979, Vol. 10, pp. 159-237; Massey, D. and Meegan, R., The Anatomy of Job Loss: The How, Why and Where of Employment Decline, London, 1982; Massey, D., “Capital and Locational Change: The UK Electrical Engineering and Electronics Industry,” Review of Radical Political Economics, 1978, Vol. 10, pp. 39-54.
1702360379 (27) Massey, D. and Meegan, R., The Anatomy of Job Loss: The How, Why and Where of Employment Decline, London, 1982.
1702360381 (28) 因此有可能解释英国就业中的比较剧烈的城乡转变,S. Fothergill和G. Gudgin的“Regional Employment Change: a Sub-regional Explanation”(载Progress in Planning, 1980, Vol. 12)一文是全面记载这一转变的最新资料。
1702360383 (29) 参见Massey, D., “In What Sense a Regional Problem,” Regional Studies, 1979, Vol. 13, pp. 234-235,该文最为清楚地描述了她的“探究历史过程的图式法”。
1702360385 (30) Massey, D., “Industrial Restructuring as Class Restructuring,” Centre for Environmental Studies, Working Paper 604.
1702360387 (31) Massey, D., “Regionalism: Some Current Issues,” Capital and Class, 1978, Vol. 6, pp. 106-125.
1702360389 (32) Massey, D., “Industrial Restructuring as Class Restructuring,” Centre for Environmental Studies, Working Paper 604, p. 1.
1702360391 (33) 参见J. Lovering的论文“The Theory of the Internal Colony versus Political Economy of Wales”(载Review of Radical Political Economics, 1978, Vol. 10, pp. 55-67)、P. Cooke的论文“Inter-regional Class Relations and the Redevelopment Process”(载Papers in Planning Research, UWISI, No. 36)以及G. Day等人的编著Diversity and Decom position in the Labour Market(Farmborough, 1982)中的某些研究工作。
1702360393 (34) 参见Gittins, D., Fair Sex: Family Size and Structure 1900-1939, London, 1982。
1702360395 (35) 参见Liddington, J. and Norris, J., One Hand Tied Behind Us; The Rise of the Women’s Suffrage Movement, London, 1978; Macintyre, S., Little Moscows. Communism and Working-class Militancy in Inter-war Britain, London, 1980; Gittins, D., Fair Sex: Family Size and Structure 1900-1939, London, 1982.这些著作对于国内安排和政治效应如何随时空变化而变化给出了一些初步的解释。
1702360397 (36) Sack, R. D., Conceptions of Space in Social Thought, London and Minneapolis, 1980.
1702360399 (37) Taylor, P. and Johnston, R. J., The Geography of Elections, Harmond-sworth, 1979.
1702360401 (38) Nagel, E., “On the Statement ‘The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts’” in Lazarsfeld, P. and Rosenberg, M., eds., The Language of Social Research, New York, 1955, pp. 519-527.
1702360403 (39) Gregory, D., “Social Change and Spatial Structures” in Carlstein, T., Parkes, D. and Thrift, N., eds., Timing Space and Spacing Time (3 vols), London, 1978, Vol. 1, p. 46.
1702360405 (40) Giddens, A., A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism, Vol. 1: Power, Property and the State, London and Berkeley, 1981, pp. 39-40.
1702360407 (41) 例如,Johnson, R., “Culture and the Historians” in Clarke, J., Critcher, C. and Johnson, R., eds., Working Class Culture: Studies in History and Theory, London, 1979; Homans, G. C., “The Explanation of English Regional Differences,” Past and Present, Vol. 42, pp. 19-34。
1702360409 (42) Lojkine, J., “Contribution to a Marxist Theory of Capitalist Urbanisation” in Pickvance, C., ed., Urban Sociology: Critical Essays, London, 1976, pp. 97-99.
1702360411 (43) Gordon, D., “Class Struggle and the Stages of American Urban Development” in Perry, D. and Watkins, A., eds., The Rise of the Sunbelt Cities, Beverley Hills, 1978, pp. 55-82;也可参见Gordon, D., “Capitalist Development and the History of American Cities” in Tabb, W. K. and Sawers, L., eds., Marxism and the Metropolis: New Perspectives in Urban Political Economy, New York, 1978, pp. 25-63,其中有类似的论证。
1702360413 (44) Lees, L. H., “Strikes and the Urban Hierarchy in English Industrial Towns, 1842-1901” in Cronin, J. and Schneer, J., eds., Social Conflict and the Political Order in Modern Britain, London, 1982, pp. 52-71.
1702360415 (45) Litter, C., The Development of Labour Process in Capitalist Societies: A Comparative Study of the Transformation of Working Organization in Britain, Japan and USA.
1702360417 (46) Ward, D., “Environs and Neighbours in the ‘Two Nations’: Residential Differentiation in Mid-nineteenth-century Leeds,” Journal of Historical Geography, Vol. 6, pp. 133-162; Shaw, M., “Wolverhampton 1871 and 1971,” Population Trends, Vol. 18, pp. 17-23.
1702360419 (47) 参见Anderson, M., “Sociological History and the Working-class Family: Smelser Revisited,” Social History, 1976, Vol. 1 (3) pp. 317-334。
1702360421 (48) 参见A. Giddens的Central Problems in Social Theory: Action, Structure and Contradiction in Social Analysis (London and Berkeley, 1979)一书的论证。
1702360423 (49) 奇怪的是,Gordon并没有使用这个概念。但是,他在其他著作中已经有效地使用了这个概念,例如Gordon, D., Theories of poverty and Underemployment: Orthodox, Radical and Dual Labour Market Perspectives, New York, 1972; Gordon, D., Edwards, R. and Reich, M., Segmented Work, Divided Workers: the Historical Transformation of Labor in the United States, Cambridge, 1982。
1702360425 (50) 参见Norris, R., “Towards a Sociology of Labour Markets,” mimeo, 1980; 也见Lever, W. F., “Industry and Labour Markets in Great Britain” in Hamilton, F. E. I. and Linge, G. J. R., eds., Spatial Analysis, Industry and the Industrial Environment: vol 1: Industrial Systems, New York, 1979, pp. 89-114。关于近来地方劳动力市场比较研究方法局限性的总结,参见Warde, A., “Comparability in Local Studies: The Case of Deindustrialisation of Lancaster,” Lancaster Regionalism Group, Working Paper, 1982, NO. 4, pp. 25-35。
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