1702360698 (11) 参见Williams, J., “The Road to Tonypandy,” Llafur, 1973, Vol. 1, pp. 3-14; Williams, G., “Locating a Welsh Working Class: The Frontier Years” in Smith, D., ed., A People and Proletariat: Essays in the History of Wales 1780-1980, London, 1980, pp. 16-46。
1702360700 (12) 关于理论的讨论,参见Lazonick, W., “The Subjection of Labour to Capital: The Rise of the Capitialist System,” Review of Radical Political Economics, 1978, Vol. 10, pp. 1-31。
1702360702 (13)  Littler,C.,“Deskilling and Changing Structures of Control” in Wood,S.,ed.,The Degradation of Work?; London,pp. 122-145.
1702360704 (14) Daunton成功地反驳了工作日的时间重组,关于这种反驳的细节,参见Daunton, M., “Down the Pit: Work in the Great Northern and South Wales Coalfields, 1870-1914,” Economic History Review, 1981, Vol. 34, pp. 578-597。
1702360706 (15) 关于英格兰东北部矿工的免租房,参见Daunton, M., “‘Miners’ houses: South Wales and the Great Northern Coalfield, 1880-1914,” International Review of Social History, 1980, Vol. 25, pp. 143-175; Daunton, M., “Down the Pit: Work in the Great Northern and South Wales Coalfields, 1870-1914,” Economic History Review, 1981, Vol. 34, pp. 578-597。
1702360708 (16) Daunton, M. “Down the pit: Work in the Great Northern and South Wales Coalfields, 1870-1914,” Economic History Review, 1981, Vol. 34, p. 579.
1702360710 (17) Morgan, K. O., Rebirth of a Nation: Wales 1880-1980, Oxford, 1982.
1702360712 (18) 对于承包制及其意义比较全面的论述,参见Cooke, P., “Class Relations and Uneven Development in Wales,” in Day, G. et al., Diversity and Decomposition in the Labour Market, Farnborough, 1982, pp. 150-151。
1702360714 (19) 参见Walters, R., “Capital Formation in the South Wales Coal Industry,” Welsh Historical Review, 1980, Vol. 10, pp. 69-92。
1702360716 (20) G. Williams的The Merthyr Rising (London, 1978)一书全面地描述了钢铁小镇梅瑟蒂德菲尔发生的演变成政治造反的骚乱。“苏格兰牛”以南蒙默思郡为基地,是一个尚未成形的地下工会运动,带有恐怖主义的色彩,不过在西威尔士社区超越法律的社区惩罚仪式中可以找到它的源头,参见Williams, G., The Welsh in their History, London, 1982, pp. 46-82。
1702360718 (21) K. Middlemass的Politics in Industrial Society: The Experience of the British System since 1911 (London, 1979)一书在对英国法团主义的研究中对此作了讨论,特别参见第14章。K. J. Morgan的The Politics of Regional Development (Cambridge, 1984)一书从非法团主义的视角探讨了战后威尔士发展重建政策的意义。
1702360720 (22) Cooke, P., “Class Relation and Uneven Development in Wales” in Day, G. et al., eds., Diversity and Decomposition in the Labour market, Farnborough, 1982, pp. 151-156.
1702360722 (23) Simth, D., “Tonypandy 1910: Definitions of Community,” Past and Present, 1980, Vol. 87, p. 161.
1702360724 (24) Macintyre, S., Little Moscows. Communism and Working-class Militancy in Inter-war Britain, London, 1980, p. 114.
1702360726 (25) 关于按照这些思路进行的更为一般的相关论证,参见Walby, S., “Women’s Unemployment: Some Spatial and Historixal Variations” in Murgatroyd, L., Savage, M., Shapiro, D., Urry, J., Walby, S. and Warde, A., Localities, Class and Gender, London, 1983。
1702360728 (26) 作为著名新教中心的地区,这个南威尔士的小地方在重工业中坚持雇佣女性,但这一做法并不仅限于此地。英格兰北部地区甚至马塞诸塞州的纺织业地区也是可以比较的例子。参见Dawley, A., Class and Community: The Industrial Revolution in Lynn, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1976; Joyce, P., Work, Society and Politics: The Culture of the Factory in Later Victorian England, Brighton, 1980; Hareven, T., Family Time and Industrial Time. The Relationship between the Family and Work in a New England Industrial Community, Cambridge, 1982。
1702360730 (27) 某些马克思主义女性主义者已经论证了这种功能主义观点,参见Himmelweit, S. and Mohun, S., “Domestic Labour and Capital,” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 1977, Vol. 1, pp. 15-31; Beechey, V., “Some Notes on Female Wage Labour in Capitalist Production,” Capital and Class, 1977, Vol. 3, pp. 45-66.; Molyneux, M., “Beyond the Housework Debate,” New Left Review, 1979, Vol. 116, pp. 3-28。
1702360732 (28) Macintyre, S., Little Moscows. Communism and Working-class Militancy in Inter-war Britain, London, 1980.
1702360734 (29) Jenkins, D., “Rural Society Outside” in Smith, D., ed., A People and Proletariat: Essays in the History of Wales 1780-1980, London, 1980, pp. 114-126.
1702360736 (30) Daunton, M., “‘Miners’ houses: South Wales and the Great Northern Coalfield, 1880-1914,” International Review of Social History, 1980, Vol. 25, pp. 143-175; Daunton, M., “Down the Pit: Work in the Great Northern and South Wales Coalfields, 1870-1914,” Economic History Review, 1981, Vol. 34, pp. 578-597.
1702360738 (31) Jones, I., “Language and Community in Nineteenth-century Wales” in Smith, D., ed., A People and Proletariat: Essays in the History of Wales1780-1980, London, 1980, pp. 47-71.
1702360740 (32) Morgan, K. O., Rebirth of a Nation: Wales1880-1980, Oxford, 1982, p. 46.
1702360742 (33) Blanch, M., “Imperialism, Nationalism and Organised Youth” in Clarke, J. Critcher, C. and Johnson, R., eds., Working Class Culture: Studies in History and Theory, London, 1979, pp. 103-120.
1702360744 (34) 关于反抗意识与组织的详细论述,参见Francis, H. and Smith, D., The Fed: A History of the South Wales Miners in the Twentieth Century, 1980; Smith, D., Conflict and Compromise: Class Formation in English Society 1830-1914, London, 1980。
1702360746 (35) “塔夫河谷案”是工会史上臭名昭著的例子,其名源自一条连接煤田与加迪夫主要煤炭出口中心的铁路线。参见Saville, J., “Trade Unions and Free La-bour: The Background to the Taff Vale Decision” in Briggs, A. and Saville, J. eds., Essays in Labour History, London, 1960, pp. 317-350。
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