社会关系与空间结构 致谢
克莱尔·华莱士(Claire Wallace)对这篇论文主要论点的形成作出了许多贡献。这篇文章的一份联合署名初稿曾经于1982年8月在墨西哥召开的世界社会学大会上宣读。此后,这篇文章被拆开了,克莱尔·华莱士在其他地方单独发表了一篇新的关于自建房屋作为一种特殊家庭工作策略的学术论文。我也要感谢简·帕尔(Jan Pahl)、克里斯·皮克文斯(Chris Pickvance)和纳内克·瑞德克利夫(Nanneke Redclift),他们阅读了这篇文章的初稿。这些非正式工作已经得到了最好的非正式回报。但是我必须正式声明,文中的不足之处皆由我本人负责。
(1) Cox, K., ed., Urbanization and Conflict in Market Societies, London, 1978; Dear, M. and Scott, A. J., eds., Urbanisation and Urban Planning in Capitalist Society, London, 1981; Harvey (1981); Massey, D., “Regionalism: Some Current Issues,” Capital and class, 1978, Vol. 6, pp. 33-39; Massey, D., “In What Sense a Regional Problem?” Regional Studies, 1979, Vol. 13, pp. 233-243; Massey, D., “Industrial Restructuring as Class Restructuring: Some Implications of Industrial Change for Social Structure,” Department of Geography, London School of Economics, 1982; Massey, D. and Meegan, R., The Anatomy of Job Loss: The How, Why and Where of Employment Decline, London, 1982; Mingione, E., Social Conflict and the City, Oxford, 1981; Urry, J., “Localities, Regions and Social Class,” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 1981, Vol. 5, pp. 455-474.
(2) Szelenyi, I., “Structural Change and Alternatives to Capitalist Development in the Contemporary Urban and Regional System,” International Journal of Ur-ban and Regional Research, 1981, Vol. 5, pp. 1-14.
(3) Castells, M., The Urban Question, London, 1977; Harloe, M., ed., Captive Cities, Chichester, 1977; Harloe, M., ed., New Perspectives in Urban Change and Conflict, London, 1981; Harvey, D., Social Justice and the City, London, 1973; Lojkine, J., Le Marxisme, L’Etat et la Question Urbaine, Paris, 1977; Pickvance, C., ed., Urban Sociology: Critical Essays, London, 1976; Saunders, P., Urban Politics, Harmondsworth, 1976; Saunders, P., Social Theory and the Urban Question, London,1981.
(4) Castells, M., The Urban Question, London, 1977.
(5) Lebas, E., “The New School of Urban and Regional Research: Into the Second Decade” in Harloe, M. and Lebas, E., eds., City, Class and Capital, London, 1981, pp. ix-xxxii; Lebas, E., “Urban and Regional Sociology in Advanced Industrial Societies: A Decade of Marxist and Critical Perspectives,” Current Sociology, 1982, Vol. 30 (1), pp. 1-107.
(6) Fröbel, F., Heinrichs, J. and Kreye, O., The New International Division of Labour, Cambridge, 1980;亦参见Elson, D. and Pearson, R., “Nimble Fingers make Cheap Work: an Analysis of Women’s Employment in Third World Export Manufacturing,” Feminist Review, 1981, Vol. 7, pp. 87-107.
(7) Szelenyi, I., “Structural Change and Alternatives to Capitalist Development in the Contemporary Urban and Regional System,” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 1981, Vol. 5, pp. 1-14.
(8) Massey, D., “Regionalism: Some Current Issues,” Capital and class, 1978, Vol. 6, pp. 33-39; Massey, D., “In What Sense a Regional Problem?” Regional Studies, 1979, Vol. 13, pp. 233-243; Massey, D., “Industrial Restructuring as Class Restructuring: Some Implications of Industrial Change for Social Structure,” Department of Geography, London School of Economics, 1982; Massey, D. and Meegan, R., “Capital and Locational Change: The UK Electrical Engineering and Electronics Industry,” Review of Radical Political Economics, 1979, Vol. 10, pp. 39-51.
(9) Massey, D., “Industrial Restructuring as Class Restructuring: Some Implications of Industrial Change for Social Structure,” Department of Geography, London School of Economics, 1982.
(10) Urry, J., “Localities, Regions and Social Class,” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 1981, Vol. 5, pp. 455-474; Rees, G. and Lambert, J., “Nationalism as Legitimation? Notes Towards a Political Economy of Regional Development in South Wales” in Harloe, M., ed., New Perspectives in Urban Chang and Conflict, London, 1981; Cooke, P., “Class Interests, Regional Restructuring and State Formation in Wales,” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 1982, Vol. 6, pp. 187-204.
(11) Blackburn, R. and Mann, M., The Working Class and the Labour Market, Cambridge, 1979.
(12) Molyneux, M., “Beyond the Housework Debate,” New Left Review, 1979, Vol. 116, pp. 3-28; Sokoloff, M. J., Between Money and Love: The Dialectics of Women’s Home and Market Work, New York, 1980.
(13) Gershuny, J. I. and Thomas, G. S., “Changing Patterns of Time-use Data Preparation and Some Preliminary Results, UK 1961-1974/5,” University of Sussex, Science Policy Research Unit, Occasional Paper, 1980, NO. 13; Ger-shuny, J. I., “Social Innovation: Change in the Mode of Provision of Serv-ices,” University of Sussex, Science Policy Research Unit, 1982; Gershuny, J. I., Social Innovation and the Division of Labour, Oxford, 1983; Meissner, M., “No Exit for Wives: Sexual Division of Labour and the Cumu-lation of Household Demands,” Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 1975, Vol. 12, pp. 424-439.
(14) Beechey, V., “Some Notes on Female Wage Labour in Capitalist Production,” Capital and Class, 1977, Vol. 3, pp. 45-66; Beechey, V., “Women and Production: a Critical Analysis of Some Sociological Theories of Women’s Work” in Kuhn, A. and Wolpe, A., eds., Feminism and Materialism, London, 1978; Kenrick, J., “Politics and the Construction of Women as Second-class Workers” in Wilkinson, F., ed., The Dynamics of Labour Market Segmentation, London, 1981, pp. 167-192.
(15) Granovetter, M. S., “The Strength of Weak Ties,” American Journal of Sociology, 1973, Vol. 78, pp. 1360-1380.
(16) Gershuny, J. I., “The Informal Economy: Its Role in Post-industrial Society,” Futures, 1979, Vol. II, pp. 3-15; Henry, S, ed., Can I Have It in Cash?, London, 1981.
(17) Bagnasco, A., Tre Italia, Bologna, 1977; Bagnasco, A., “‘La Questione dell’ economia informale,” Stato e Mercato, 1981, Vol. 1, pp. 173-196.
(18) Alden, J., “The Extent and Nature of Double Job-holding in Great Britain,” Industrial Relations Journal, 1977, Vol. 8, pp. 14-3; Henry, S, ed., Can I Have It in Cash?, London, 1981; Gershuny, J. I. and Thomas, G. S., “Changing Patterns of Time-use Data Preparation and Some Preliminary Results, UK 1961-1974/5,” University of Sussex, Science Policy Research Unit, Occasional Paper, 1980, NO. 13; Gershuny, J. I. and Thomas, G. S., “Changing Times: Activity Patterns in the UK 1937-1974/5,” 1983; Sekscenski, E. S., “Women’s Share of Moonlighting Nearly Doubles 1969-1979,” Monthly Labour Review, 1980, Vol. 103 (5), pp. 57-58; Stafford, F. P., “Women’s Use of Time Converging with Men’s,” Monthly Labour Review, 1980, Vol. 104 (2), pp. 57-59; Thomas, G. and Shannon, C. Z., “Technology and Household Labour: Are the Times Changing?” mimeo, 1982.
(19) Gershuny, J. I., A fter Industrial Society? The Emerging Self-service Economy, London, 1978; Gershuny, J. I., “Social Innovation: Change in the Mode of Provision of Services,” University of Sussex, Science Policy Research Unit, 1982.
(20) Caplovitz, D., “Making Ends Meet: How Families Cope with Inflation and Recession,” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1981, Vol. 456, pp. 88-98.
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