1702361211 (对今天的我们来说)难以想象这样一种情形:在某个地方,世界的正式秩序能够归结为两条交叉坐标构成的图表。但是,这确实是古代发生的事情:那些沿着南北轴线行走的罗马人知道,行走的路线是太阳围绕运行的轴线,并且如果他沿着东西轴线行走,他的路线就是太阳运行的路线。他的城市构造能够清楚表明整个世界及其意义——因此他自如地生活在世界中。(35)
1702361213 我们可以说,这样一些城市并不存在于商品化的时间和空间中。(36)时间——作为劳动时间——的买卖肯定是现代资本主义最独特的特征之一。对每天的精确时间管控或许能够从修道院的钟声中找到它的起源;但是,它的影响恰恰嵌入在劳动领域中,从而扩展到整个社会之中。时间的商品化适应了工业生产的机制,瓦解了阶级社会所特有的城乡分化。现代工业伴随着城市主义的扩张,但它的运作不必然固定在任何特殊类型的地区。此外,传统城市是阶级分化社会的规训权力中心,并且城墙也把它们本身同乡村——经常在物理和符号上——隔开。与时间的转变一道,空间的商品化带来了一种具有独特特征的“人造环境”——表现出新的制度接合形式。这样一些新形式的制度秩序改变了社会整合和体系整合的条件,因而改变了时空中临近与遥远之间关系的性质。
1702361215 (1) 参见Hägerstrand, T., “What about People in Regional Science?” Papers and Proceeding of the Regional Science Association, 1970, Vol. 24, pp. 7-21; Hägerstrand, T., “The Domain of Human Geography” in Chorley, R. J., ed., Directions in Geography, London, 1973, pp. 67-87; Hägerstrand, T., “Space, Time and Human Conditions” in Karlqvist, A., Lundqvist, L. and Snickars, F., eds., Dynamic Allocation of Urban Space, London, 1975, pp. 3-14; Gregory, D., “Social Change and Spatial Structures” in Carlstein, T., Parkes, D. and Thrift, N., eds., Timing Space and Spacing Time, London, 1978, Vol. 1, pp. 38-46; Gregory, D. “Solid Geometry: Notes on the Recovery of Spatial Structure” in Gould, P. and Olsson, G., eds., A Search for Common Ground, London, 1982, pp. 187-219,以及本书;Carlstein, T., Time Resources, Sociology of and Ecology, Lund, 1980; Pred, A., “The Choreography of Existence: Comments on Hägerstrand’s Time-ge-ography and its Usefulness,” Economic Geography, 1977, Vol. 53, pp. 207-221; Parkes, D. and Thrift, N., Times, Space and Places: A Chronogeographic Perspective, New York, 1980; Thrift, N., “On the Determi-nation of Social Action in Space and Time,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 1983, Vol. 1, pp. 23-57。
1702361217 (2) Hägerstrand, T., “Space, Time and Human Conditions” in Karlqvist, A., Lundqvist, L. and Snickars, F., eds., Dynamic Allocation of Urban Space, London, 1975, pp. 3-14; Parkes, D. and Thrift, N., Times, Space and Places: A Chronogeographic Perspective, New York, 1980, pp. 247-248.
1702361219 (3) Pred, A., “The Impact of Technological and Institutional Innovations On Life content: Some Time-geographic Observations,” Geographical Analysis, 1978, Vol. 10, pp. 345-372.
1702361221 (4) Hägerstrand, T., Innovation Diffusion as a Spatial Process, Chicago, 1967, p. 332; Hawley, A., Human Ecology: a Theory of Community Structure, New York, 1950, ch. 13-15; Ericksen, E. G., The Territorial Experience, Austin, 1980.
1702361223 (5) 参见Parkes, D. and Thrift, N., Times, Space and Places: A Chronogeo-graphic Perspective, New York, 1980, p. 245。
1702361225 (6) Janelle, D. G., “Spatial Reorganisation: A Model and a Concept,” Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 1969, Vol. 59, pp. 348-364.
1702361227 (7) Forer, P., “Time-space and Area in the City of the Plains” in Carlstein, T., Parkes, D. and Thrift, N., eds., Timing Space and Spacing Time, London, 1978, Vol. 1, pp. 99-118.
1702361229 (8) Palm, R. and Pred, A., “The status of American Women: a Time-geographic view” in Lanegran, D. and Palm, R., eds., An Invitation to Geography, NewYork, 1978.
1702361231 (9) Hägerstrand, T., “Survival and Arena: On the Life-history of Individuals in Relation to their Geographical Environment” in Carlstein, T., Parkes, D. and Thrift, N., eds., Timing Space and Spacing Time, London, 1978, Vol. 1, p. 123.
1702361233 (10) Carlstein, T., “Innovation, Time-allocation and Space-time Packing” in Carl-stein, T., Parkes, D. and Thrift, N., eds., Timing Space and Spacing Time, London, 1978, Vol. 1, p. 159; Carlstein, T, Time Resources, Sociology of and Ecology, Lund, 1980.
1702361235 (11) 参见Carlstein, T., “The Sociology of Structuration in Time and Space: a Time-geographic Assessment of Giddens’s Theory,” Swedish Geographical Yearbook, 1981。
1702361237 (12) Hägerstrand, T., “What about People in Regional Science?” Papers and Proceeding of the Regional Science Association, 1970, Vol. 24, p. 8.
1702361239 (13) Giddens, A., A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism, Vol. 1: Power, Property and the State, London and Berkeley, 1981.
1702361241 (14) Ibid., p. 161.
1702361243 (15) Melbin, M, “The Colonisation of Time” in Carlstein, T., Parkes, D. and Thrift, N., eds., Timing Space and Spacing Time, London, 1978, Vol. 2, p. 100.
1702361245 (16) Zerubavel, E., Patterns of Time in Hospital Life, Chicago, 1979, p. 22;参见Clark, P. A., “A Review of Theories of Time and Structure for Organisational Sociology,” University of Aston Management Centre, 1982, Working Paper 24和Zerubavel, E., Hidden Rhythms, 1981。有人可能指出,“年”“月”和“日”与自然事件有关,但“周”则不是如此,参见Colson, F. H., The Week, Cambridge, 1926。
1702361247 (17) Aries, P., Centuries of Childhood, Harmondsworth, 1973; Elias, N., The Civilizing Process, Oxford, 1978.
1702361249 (18) Hall, E., The Hidden Dimension, London, 1966, p. 98.
1702361251 (19) Goffman, E., The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, New York, 1959.
1702361253 (20) Ibid., ch. 3.
1702361255 (21) Giddens, A., A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism, Vol. 1: Power, Property and the State, London and Berkeley, 1981, p. 169.
1702361257 (22) Beynon, H., Working for Ford, London, 1973, p. 76.
1702361259 (23) Elias, The Civilizing Process, Oxford, 1978.
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